Everything Shockerman said is correct. Go support the team. Win or lose today, the program has been built and will continue to be built in a way that Shocker fans should be proud to have on their side.
I really don’t have much of a problem with anything she said except the shots at flyingMoose. The silver lining here is that great posters often go unappreciated and because of her comments, Moose has been given all the accolades and support he has deserved for some time. While we are at it give 1972Shocker some mancrush (or other) love for his work on all Shocker sports.
I really don’t have much of a problem with anything she said except the shots at flyingMoose. The silver lining here is that great posters often go unappreciated and because of her comments, Moose has been given all the accolades and support he has deserved for some time. While we are at it give 1972Shocker some mancrush (or other) love for his work on all Shocker sports.