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Message for SN and WSU Players/Coaches/Staff

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  • #31
    You know flyingMoose it is possible that it was something I or someone else posted and they mistakenly attributed it to you. i just can't imagine anything you have posted would have been enough to set anybody off.

    The forums for VB/WBB (with one notable VB exception), Women's Sports and Men's Sports (outside of men's basketball and baseball) are about as tame and positive as you can get especially by fan message board standards.

    Now the Men's Basketball and the Baseball forums require pretty thick skin especially for coaches, players and family members.​
    Last edited by 1972Shocker; May 8, 2024, 03:27 PM.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
      Coach Kristi Bredbenner is wrong ... and she's right.

      Let's start with where Coach Bredbenner is right, because that's far more important than where she's wrong ...

      - Players, parents, coaches, boosters and athletic department staff do visit Shockernet. And they have been for a long time. And they do so more frequently than they will admit.

      - Which means the words we say have an impact greater than we realize.

      - Therefore, if we are posting things that are causing our players to perform at a worse level than had we not posted those things, then we are the virtual equivalent to that jerk in the stands tearing his own team down, instead of the fans trying to encourage and lift them up.

      Where Coach Bredbenner's wrong ...

      - She stated that Shockernet is full of folks that don't know anything about sports.

      Shockernet has plenty of alumni, former players, and former coaches that have played and/or coached everything from high level club, high school, WSU club, NAIA, NCAA D1 and even at the pro levels in their respective sports.

      So why does that matter? For Shockernetters in that category it matters because: We should know better. As former players we know how the opinions of other people can shake your confidence and throw you off your game. And/or we have had to coach that kid whose confidence is shaken, and it can be a real challenge to help get them out of that funk.

      - She stated that Shockernet is a bunch of trolls.

      Most Shockernetters have made some frank observations that would have been better left unsaid from time-to-time. I know I have on occasion, and I'm lesser for it. But by and large the overwhelming majority of Shockernet members are NOT trolls and definitely want what's best for WSU athletics.

      - flyingMoose is the biggest torch bearer for WSU women's sports on Shockernet and across all of social media. That might be why his opinion has an aura of weight with some players. I'm quite certain that now he knows his voice is being heard by players, he'll be more selective with his opinions on them. One thing is for sure, he is as beyond reproach as one that is allowed to express their opinion can be. His track record is long and exhaustive and faaaar outdates Coach Bredbenner's tenure.

      So now what?

      - If a WSU team had to have a team meeting over negative things said on Shockernet, that's a direct reflection on me more so than anyone else. I'll own that and figure out a way to do better. I'm not sure what that means yet though. I'll admit I've been the Darron Boatright of Shockernet. I need to try and be a Kevin Saal -- that guy works hard, listens and makes a difference.

      - We should think twice before hitting the enter key when referencing a player that's not playing well. Can you say it with more tact? Does it really need to be said? Would you tell his/her parent the exact same thing you are about to post if you were sitting in the stand right next to them?
      You have a lot here I agree with.

      However, where does Coach B's responsibility to her players come in? If she has been so adamant about how bad something like ShockerNet is, whether true or not or somewhere in between, why did she not pre-emptively warn/tell her student athletes to not venture there. If they do, it's on them. These are young ladies, not little children. She has had plenty of time in her tenure to do this at the beginning of every school year.

      Instead, she comes out and names the poster's handle who's been a staunch promoter of WSU's women's athletics, on radio and put all blame on them and ShockerNet. Worse, Kennedy chimes in. If I was the AD, I would not be a happy camper. I have spent thousands of dollars annually on WSU athletics. I'll just try and cool my jets for now.


      • #33
        Originally posted by ShockTalk View Post
        I'll just try and cool my jets for now.
        Probably the best advice for now.


        • #34
          My "jets" were ready...

          "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


          • #35
            So the coach and the “voice of Shocker nation” got mad because some statistics or FACTS were posted on a message board and then she attacks a poster who likely would’ve been the 1 of 3 people who was likely at the radio show or listening to it live? That’s the person they made a mantra out of??

            flyingmoose might be the biggest women’s sports contributor on this forum. He creates all the threads, drives a lot of the discussion, and repeatedly posts facts and stats of the teams.

            1 Anyone who says they’re not reading Shockernet but then goes on a 3 minute roast of the forum definitely reads it. So that’s a lie.

            2 Why are they or any of the players here anyways? And then letting it hurt their feelings? Give me a freaking break. This is D1 athletics. All of the talk about equality but yet some groups can’t handle any criticism. If you can’t handle the criticism, a message board is probably not the place to be venturing, or any sort of social media for that matter.

            3 I’ve never seen FM rip into a player or coach or anybody on this forum. I’ve taken way more jabs at decision making and other personnel. And he’s the one they go after??? Wow. Just wow.

            I know we should think about things before we say stuff around here but we are fans. And by that definition, we’re passionate about WSU sports. In the heat of the moment or even during a long frustrating underachieving season, we’re supposed to bite our tongues and only express feelings and views that align with the coaching staff or the blind loyalist MK or we’re trolls? The only people that come on to here and post are diehard WSU fans. Calling them out right before your first AAC tournament at home seems like something you’d do real low on the IQ scale.

            Not that my trolling opinion means much or the $ that I’ve given to the programs over the years, but I’m officiated soured with Coach and the infallible MK. Beyond embarrassing and low major.
            Deuces Valley.
            ... No really, deuces.
            "Enjoy the ride."

            - a smart man


            • #36
              I just don’t get it. The criticism of the program on the softball thread has been unusually mild. Someone has “rabbit ears”, ultra-sensitive to criticsm, and is paying attention to things they shouldn’t.


              • #37
                I wonder if KB is using the same public relations firm as Kristi Noem.


                • #38
                  I think KB could fix this pretty quickly. She has built up a lot of good will with the job she has done with Shocker softball, and rightly so.

                  A very simple, straight forward apology without equivocation would probably do the trick.

                  Something like: "I was out of line, let my emotions get the best of me, and I apologize to all who I offended."

                  Only if Bud Light had done that.


                  • #39
                    Toughen up coach. This shouldn’t have been made public. Prepare your players for criticism when they enter the job market upon graduation. What are they going to do when they get their first performance appraisal from a blunt supervisor. ​​​​​​


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by flyingMoose View Post
                      If I care to make any comments (and I may not), they will wait until the Shockers are eliminated from further play this year. It is hard to know how to respond, since I do not know the particular post that upset Lauren. Maybe I think that post is worth an apology and maybe not.

                      I will say that I hope she is the winning pitcher in the Championship game. Doing that as a senior would be terrific!

                      Also, I am humbled by the supportive remarks of so many of you. Thank you.
                      This university, Shockernet and coach B are lucky to have fans like you. I'll be honest and admit that I hadn't attended any softball and volleyball games until just a few years ago. Coach B is a big part of that success that has generated my interest in sports outside of men's basketball and baseball. I tell you what though, I didn't know diddly squat about Lady Shocks sports and posters like flyingMoose and several others helped generate a lot more interest in me with their knowledge, insight and updates.

                      I think many of us at one time or another were bigger fans of college athletics over professional sports for obvious reasons but the current landscape and where it's heading is making it less appealing. We no longer get to watch student athletes grow over 4 years with our school. We now get to watch this incohesive nightmare where every student athlete is a free agent after each season. On top of SASO donations, fans and alumni are expected to pony up more money for a fighting chance at good athletes. With it all getting uglier each season, what a horrible time to crap on your fans and alumni.

                      She could have found a way to privately stick up for her athletes without making this whole thing public, especially when her comments were misguided and inaccurate. Thank you flyingMoose I know a lot more about our Lady Shocks because of you. I'm in a state of disbelief a coach would do this.


                      • #41
                        I will say one more thing, and then leave this where it is with pretty much all my thoughts out there...

                        For being a bunch of idiots who don't know sports and are just trolls when it comes to WSU athletics, we have sure had a big impact over the years...

                        Attached Files


                        • #42
                          Anyone wanna go to Party City and grab some troll costumes and make a ShockerNet sign and attend tonight? lol


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                            I think KB could fix this pretty quickly. She has built up a lot of good will with the job she has done with Shocker softball, and rightly so.

                            A very simple, straight forward apology without equivocation would probably do the trick.

                            Something like: "I was out of line, let my emotions get the best of me, and I apologize to all who I offended."

                            Only if Bud Light had done that.
                            If they go the Bud Light route with the gaslighting and non-apology apology, Shocker softball might go the way of Bud Light. Hopefully it doesn't and she corrects this.


                            • #44
                              I agree with a previous poster about flying moose. This person has opened my eyes and increased my interest in Shocker women athletics. I’ve never read anything disrespectful. I appreciate their efforts on keeping fans interested and informed


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Onegreatracer View Post
                                Anyone wanna go to Party City and grab some troll costumes and make a ShockerNet sign and attend tonight? lol
                                As funny as that sounds. Let's not distract our players. A lot of really good women that have represented the school very well are playing their last games on WSU's campus this weekend. Its bad enough that coach threw this distraction out there. Let's not ruin their last memories of WSU

