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Perry Ellis- Decision to KU

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  • Johnnie. Really? "Usually always"? Also, you can "almost always" eliminate the word 'that' and do absolutely nothing to the intent of your sentence while making it more concise.

    I hope your writing is more better in the future.


    • Originally posted by JohnnieBallgame
      Is Perry as good of student as Dreamius Smith? Is Perry really ranked #1 in his class?

      I'm not insinuating that Perry is not a really good person with a really good family. I'm not saying they didn't handle his recruitment in a classy way. I'm not saying that he won't eventually become an articulate basketball player.

      I am saying that his press conference did not reflect positively on the educators at Wichita Heights or on Perry's intellect. Is that type of speech communication common at Heights and put forward as the best of the best?

      Maybe, I am just truly out of touch and incapable of understanding. The editor can usually always find fault with what I write and how I speak, yet in this case....I am unafraid to throw a very small stone!!

      RJL, we will always have a hard time beating KU because they take care not to play us. See UNI, Bradley...etc. :goshocks:
      I'd be interested to see how you'd do at the age of 17 speaking in front of a bunch of reporters with cameras in your face...


      • Originally posted by shockdude
        Johnnie. Really? "Usually always"? Also, you can "almost always" eliminate the word 'that' and do absolutely nothing to the intent of your sentence while making it more concise.

        I hope your writing is more better in the future.

        Who really cares? The last time I checked people who post on internet sites make numerous errors – perhaps if Mr. Ballgame were to submit his prose to a recognized publication I would think differently. Would you like me to review your prior posts with a red pen?

        I didn’t listen to Perry’s announcement, I don’t know Perry, and I don’t know his family – but if he seemed awkward verbally at the press conference that would not surprise me. He is what he is and the education system is what it is as well. All the same there are a lot of teenagers who can express themselves in press conferences – in some ways they are wise beyond their years.

        But I am confident that Perry gave due consideration to WSU (CGM’s effort cannot be questioned – which is a lot more than I could say about some prior coaches as it relates to local talent). And that is enough for me.


        • I hope your writing is more better in the future.[/quote]


          • Originally posted by Maggie
            Originally posted by shockdude
            Johnnie. Really? "Usually always"? Also, you can "almost always" eliminate the word 'that' and do absolutely nothing to the intent of your sentence while making it more concise.

            I hope your writing is more better in the future.

            Who really cares? The last time I checked people who post on internet sites make numerous errors – perhaps if Mr. Ballgame were to submit his prose to a recognized publication I would think differently. Would you like me to review your prior posts with a red pen?

            I didn’t listen to Perry’s announcement, I don’t know Perry, and I don’t know his family – but if he seemed awkward verbally at the press conference that would not surprise me. He is what he is and the education system is what it is as well. All the same there are a lot of teenagers who can express themselves in press conferences – in some ways they are wise beyond their years.

            But I am confident that Perry gave due consideration to WSU (CGM’s effort cannot be questioned – which is a lot more than I could say about some prior coaches as it relates to local talent). And that is enough for me.
            Perhaps you want to take a break from posting for a while, because the concept of what other people are saying has been taking a flight path directly over your head as of late.

            Shockdude was merely pointing out some ironies in Johnnie Ballgame's ridicule of Perry's articulation.
            The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.


            • Originally posted by rjl
              Originally posted by Maggie
              Originally posted by shockdude
              Johnnie. Really? "Usually always"? Also, you can "almost always" eliminate the word 'that' and do absolutely nothing to the intent of your sentence while making it more concise.

              I hope your writing is more better in the future.

              Who really cares? The last time I checked people who post on internet sites make numerous errors – perhaps if Mr. Ballgame were to submit his prose to a recognized publication I would think differently. Would you like me to review your prior posts with a red pen?

              I didn’t listen to Perry’s announcement, I don’t know Perry, and I don’t know his family – but if he seemed awkward verbally at the press conference that would not surprise me. He is what he is and the education system is what it is as well. All the same there are a lot of teenagers who can express themselves in press conferences – in some ways they are wise beyond their years.

              But I am confident that Perry gave due consideration to WSU (CGM’s effort cannot be questioned – which is a lot more than I could say about some prior coaches as it relates to local talent). And that is enough for me.
              Perhaps you want to take a break from posting for a while, because the concept of what other people are saying has been taking a flight path directly over your head as of late.

              Shockdude was merely pointing out some ironies in Johnnie Ballgame's ridicule of Perry's articulation.

              Irony. Right. I love all things ironic. But I am lost. Can you please point out the irony? Here is the quote:

              Johnnie. Really? "Usually always"? Also, you can "almost always" eliminate the word 'that' and do absolutely nothing to the intent of your sentence while making it more concise.

              I hope your writing is more better in the future.
              You should also read what I wrote.


              • I have many weaknesses and readily acknowledge them.

                It has been over 30 years since I was 17, and I was never in the position to speak in front of cameras, about myself. I do not like public speaking and because I don't like it, I often use notes/outlines to keep me from sounding like a complete fool. Have you ever heard Obama speak without his teleprompter? A person can be very effective with the proper preparation, and much less effective without it.

                If you read my prior posts, you will see that I made no personal attacks, nor did I insult Perry's intelligence. You will see that I stated that I felt the press conference did not reflect his intelligence as well as "I" expected. I also suggested Perry very well may have been overwhelmed by the moment. Perhaps a better way to have made my point would have been to say that Perry could have been better prepared for this particular moment. I'm surprised his parents didn't suggest notes or help him better prepare his statements. Am I being to critical? Probably, and I apologize for offending any and all of you!


                • Maggie-You don't need to paint Perry and the educational system with a broad brush. Evidentally Perry is a fine student and works hard at it. That doesn't mean that he's had any training in public speaking and even if he had, some people are not good public speakers. I personally know several adults that are strong math students (one an aeronautical engineer) that are who can't spell. Knowing one's strengths and weaknesses is educationally, very important. But taking my earlier example a little further, some people just aren't good spellers because it takes skills that don't come easy to them. Good readers are usually strong spellers. I know that you are most likely good at everything and are a probably a product of home schooling but I know plenty of public school products that are very smart.


                  • Originally posted by shockmonster
                    Maggie-You don't need to paint Perry and the educational system with a broad brush. Evidentally Perry is a fine student and works hard at it. That doesn't mean that he's had any training in public speaking and even if he had, some people are not good public speakers. I personally know several adults that are strong math students (one an aeronautical engineer) that are who can't spell. Knowing one's strengths and weaknesses is educationally, very important. But taking my earlier example a little further, some people just aren't good spellers because it takes skills that don't come easy to them. Good readers are usually strong spellers. I know that you are most likely good at everything and are a probably a product of home schooling but I know plenty of public school products that are very smart.

                    A couple quick points:

                    (1) Just because someone can speak off the cuff or even from prepared remarks – doesn’t mean they can write. And vice-versa. But the latter is harder to do well than the former (heck it is no refection on their intellect);

                    (2) Perry’s public speaking skills don’t matter to me – I think he is a good kid – and I don’t think he should be judged on a brief moment yesterday;

                    (3) I am not generalizing – you are what you are in that moment – and that is a snapshot of your growth. It says little about you as a person; and

                    (4) I have to ask – why would you assume I was a product of home schooling? Since I am good at everything, according to you (which is, of course, silly), what does that say about public schools? Sorry to disabuse you of that thought – but I am a product of Wichita Public Schools (but that doesn’t mean things changed after I left Wichita – and frankly in some areas, in my time, Heights in particular, no offense, had a poor reputation). And I am a crappy speller – I cheated from 1st grade on.


                    • Originally posted by JohnnieBallgame
                      I have many weaknesses and readily acknowledge them.

                      It has been over 30 years since I was 17, and I was never in the position to speak in front of cameras, about myself. I do not like public speaking and because I don't like it, I often use notes/outlines to keep me from sounding like a complete fool. Have you ever heard Obama speak without his teleprompter? A person can be very effective with the proper preparation, and much less effective without it.

                      If you read my prior posts, you will see that I made no personal attacks, nor did I insult Perry's intelligence. You will see that I stated that I felt the press conference did not reflect his intelligence as well as "I" expected. I also suggested Perry very well may have been overwhelmed by the moment. Perhaps a better way to have made my point would have been to say that Perry could have been better prepared for this particular moment. I'm surprised his parents didn't suggest notes or help him better prepare his statements. Am I being to critical? Probably, and I apologize for offending any and all of you!
                      Now in phase 3 of the "KungWu 4-part Argument Pattern". It's now in all caps because I plan on trademarking that sucker.
                      Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                      • Enough already. Could we please get off this subject and show some class. This thread should be done.


                        • Originally posted by JohnnieBallgame
                          I apologize for offending any and all of you!
                          Apology accepted.

                          Originally posted by Shox21
                          Enough already. Could we please get off this subject and show some class. This thread should be done.
                          Normally I'd agree, but I'm having fun reading all this.


                          • Originally posted by martymoose
                            Originally posted by JohnnieBallgame
                            I apologize for offending any and all of you!
                            Apology accepted.

                            Originally posted by Shox21
                            Enough already. Could we please get off this subject and show some class. This thread should be done.
                            Normally I'd agree, but I'm having fun reading all this.
                            I will bite. Fun? You are having fun, right?


                            • Yes, moose made a funny. Don't go ballistic.
                              Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                              • "Screw You Guys I'm Going Home"

                                Cartman's all "Screw You Guys I'm Going Home" lines on South Park.
                                "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"

