Murry isn't bad and will get better when his shot selection improves. Kyles isn't bad. Hatch will be better when he becomes more comfortable with the new shot. Coy can shoot so it does help, but things aren't as dire as some believe.
And the reason the team FT% is so bad is because Ramon shoots most of them. I'm sure if we take out his poor numbers that the team isn't really that bad. Hannah, Kyles, Murry and Ellis are all quite good. Hatch should be better and Durley has been shooting pretty well lately anyway.
And the reason the team FT% is so bad is because Ramon shoots most of them. I'm sure if we take out his poor numbers that the team isn't really that bad. Hannah, Kyles, Murry and Ellis are all quite good. Hatch should be better and Durley has been shooting pretty well lately anyway.