Hunter ready to throw.
Hunter fouled, just outside the scoring area, but it appeared to be a solid effort, beyond 38 meters, to me at least.
If he'd squared that one up I think it would have been near 40. You like to get a score in there, but it appeared to be an encouraging effort.
2nd throw is fair, but not that solid. 116'5" or 35.49 good for 574 points.
Needs a good 3 meters more on his final effort.
Hunter fouled, just outside the scoring area, but it appeared to be a solid effort, beyond 38 meters, to me at least.
If he'd squared that one up I think it would have been near 40. You like to get a score in there, but it appeared to be an encouraging effort.
2nd throw is fair, but not that solid. 116'5" or 35.49 good for 574 points.
Needs a good 3 meters more on his final effort.