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  • #76
    I understand why some people get upset. I get upset. Many of us invest a lot of emotion in our team. When they struggle, we get frustrated.

    I'm sure this will make many of you mad, but it's kind of like how Sarah Palin reacted to the "Family Guy" making fun of Downs kids.

    Shouldn't we be above it? If you booed the team, maybe just admit that the frustration got the best of you and that regret it. Maybe apologize to someone....everyone knows that you are a fan, you just acted stupidly.


    2nd or 3rd in the Valley.

    Undefeated so far at home.

    These aren't goals we've achieved a whole bunch lately.

    How about enjoying it and joining the rest of us in St Louis for a fun tourney?

    :wsu_posters: :goshocks: :posterwu: :posterwsu:


    • #77
      Originally posted by WuDrWu
      I understand why some people get upset. I get upset. Many of us invest a lot of emotion in our team. When they struggle, we get frustrated.

      I'm sure this will make many of you mad, but it's kind of like how Sarah Palin reacted to the "Family Guy" making fun of Downs kids.

      Shouldn't we be above it? If you booed the team, maybe just admit that the frustration got the best of you and that regret it. Maybe apologize to someone....everyone knows that you are a fan, you just acted stupidly.


      2nd or 3rd in the Valley.

      Undefeated so far at home.

      These aren't goals we've achieved a whole bunch lately.

      How about enjoying it and joining the rest of us in St Louis for a fun tourney?

      :wsu_posters: :goshocks: :posterwu: :posterwsu:
      It's good to have you back...
      "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
      -John Wooden


      • #78
        Those werent boo's, it was tribute to Boo Craft
        I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


        • #79
          Lutz has a daily platform for his opinions; if Coach wants to use a press conference for his opinions - so be it.

          Randy on sports daily standing with Coach Marshall - sorry, but I love it.

          Lutz disrespected Coach Marshall through his entire article today - yes, I say calling him "Marshall" throughout most of the article was LUTZ's way of sticking another jab. He should have referred to him as Coach Marshall or Greg Marshall throughout the artice.

          Maybe Coach going off last night was his way of supporting his players, his team. Why would he side with a sports writer or a few fans against his own team?

          Yes, he can now use this as a motivational tool, and it will also bring the team together - they definitely know now that their coach has their back. GO COACH MARSHALLL! GO SHOCKS!


          • #80
            Do you really think Randy would stand with Lutz against any coach, any time? Did you live in Wichita circa 1999?

            Maybe coach's temper tantrum was a wise tactical move afterall. It seems to have made half our fans completely put the blinders on regarding our performance for the last month and go into full out 'mother hen' mode.


            • #81
              Originally posted by GoShockers89
              Do you really think Randy would stand with Lutz against any coach, any time? Did you live in Wichita circa 1999?

              Maybe coach's temper tantrum was a wise tactical move afterall. It seems to have made half our fans completely put the blinders on regarding our performance for the last month and go into full out 'mother hen' mode.
              Lived here since 1956 my friend. Yes, we all know Randy and Putz had their difference too.

              Nobody is putting blinders on, but don't care to breed hate and discontent either.


              • #82
                Gosh, if I knew i could contribute to Marshall going off on Lutz, I would have stood and boo'd the entire game. I did get hoarse booing the ref who called a three shot shooting foul on a ball that never made up to the shooter's ankle.

                You know, if it's OK for Coach to stand on the court and stare a hole in a player, or, to get just outside a kid's nose, in front of 10,000 and berate him for 30 seconds, or grab his hair with both hands and almost walk down the tunnel, then I think it's OK for a fan, who paid $$$ to get his chair in the arena, to express him/herself in a manner that does not involve profanity, or throwing a bottle. That's their right. Why doesn't Coach go off on the hundreds of folks who walked out of the arena in the last five minutes when the game was seriously in doubt? But I think what he should seriously go off on, is how terribly loud it got when he needed it, when the kid missed the first of three FT's that saved our bacon. That was seriously loud...and it was mostly boos.

                I love Marshall, I love this team. I am at a loss why TM was so willing not to be an offensive factor...he was great defensively. CH was a different player in overtime than he was during regulation. WHY?

                I think they will play great in Utah, up to the level of their competition.

                Go Shox! :yahoo:
                "Two dribbles and a ham sandwich" ~ Gregg Marshall
                Wichita State, a team long on grit, made everything it shot. ~ Normal, Ill. newspaper 2/19/13


                • #83
                  Booing ,,, well ....... better than committing Harri Kari because you are witnessing a display of C rap . from a team that IS much better than that.
                  Sometimes it takes a little wakeup call for people to realize there not getting it done. ( if Being Boo'd makes you mad , then don't perform in a manner that gets you Boo'd ) Instead of takin offense to the fact that ya got boo'd maybe you should apologize for the display that brought it about and tell people you will try not to display that again. ,,?? other than booing how else would you express your displeasure with what you paid to see ???
                  From the road I listen (Tune In radio) at home I watch ( season Ticks )


                  • #84
                    I'm not a big fan of the booing, but I'm also not a big fan of Coach Marshall making a big deal out of it. This isn't Winthrop. He signed a rather large contract to coach at a school where basketball reigns king. He needs to get thicker skin. Losing to a winless (or previously winless) team twice in almost a week would probably be worse at other schools that care about basketball.


                    • #85
                      Just want to add
                      If this was against a team such as UK , or KU and they were having these difficulties ok , I doubt there would be any boos. But against Evansville ?? EVANSVILLE !!!! seriously !!!! Disgusting isn't strong enough
                      From the road I listen (Tune In radio) at home I watch ( season Ticks )


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Fredster
                        Gosh, if I knew i could contribute to Marshall going off on Lutz, I would have stood and boo'd the entire game. I did get hoarse booing the ref who called a three shot shooting foul on a ball that never made up to the shooter's ankle.

                        You know, if it's OK for Coach to stand on the court and stare a hole in a player, or, to get just outside a kid's nose, in front of 10,000 and berate him for 30 seconds, or grab his hair with both hands and almost walk down the tunnel, then I think it's OK for a fan, who paid $$$ to get his chair in the arena, to express him/herself in a manner that does not involve profanity, or throwing a bottle. That's their right. Why doesn't Coach go off on the hundreds of folks who walked out of the arena in the last five minutes when the game was seriously in doubt? But I think what he should seriously go off on, is how terribly loud it got when he needed it, when the kid missed the first of three FT's that saved our bacon. That was seriously loud...and it was mostly boos.
                        I tend to agree with this. Pretty solid.

                        Originally posted by Fredster
                        I am at a loss why TM was so willing not to be an offensive factor...he was great defensively.
                        Because his shooting and ball handling is subpar. Because he can't make free throws, especially in late game situations. I love the kid but he just doesn't have it this year IMO. He's either on or he's off. He was way off last night. That's when he needs to step up and be a passer. I cringed a lot when he had the ball last night.

                        Originally posted by Fredster
                        I think they will play great in Utah, up to the level of their competition.
                        I hope you're right but I just don't see it right now.
                        Deuces Valley.
                        ... No really, deuces.
                        "Enjoy the ride."

                        - a smart man


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by BenWSU
                          Often wonder if these people would boo their own kids if/when they`re at a sporting event that their child is participating in.

                          It`s all about a code of conduct that players and fans should embrace.
                          "Just think Marge, our two kids are in direct competiton with each other. After today, one kid will be hailed as a hero, while the other will be booed and ridiculed...until my throat is sore" Homer Simpson
                          Marge: The plant called and said that if you don't come in tomorrow, don't bother coming in Monday.
                          Homer: WOOHOO! Four day weekend.


                          • #88
                            Curious about reconciling two different threads:

                            the "hey recruits might read the message board" thread and this one.

                            The consensus on the reading of the message board thread appeared to be, "hey, your mom and dad are not always going to be here and people may criticize you, get use to it," and "grow up, people will be critical, get used to it."

                            The consensus in this thread seems to be "NEVER, EVER boo the home team or you are a bad person."

                            Perhaps I am not portraying the threads accurately, but it seemed an interesting contradiction.

                            Just wondering why Marshall, and therefore as an extension, the players, really care about the booing.

                            If you make a boneheaded play, and I boo, does that I mean I don't support you anymore, or am I just displeased with that one act?

                            If you accept the cheers when performing well, is it reasonable to accept a little booing after numerous mistakes?


                            • #89
                              [quote="mattdalt"]Curious about reconciling two different threads:

                              the "hey recruits might read the message board" thread and this one.

                              The consensus on the reading of the message board thread appeared to be, "hey, your mom and dad are not always going to be here and people may criticize you, get use to it," and "grow up, people will be critical, get used to it."

                              The consensus in this thread seems to be "NEVER, EVER boo the home team or you are a bad person."

                              Perhaps I am not portraying the threads accurately, but it seemed an interesting contradiction.

                              Just wondering why Marshall, and therefore as an extension, the players, really care about the booing.

                              If you make a boneheaded play, and I boo, does that I mean I don't support you anymore, or am I just displeased with that one act?

                              If you accept the cheers when performing well, is it reasonable to accept a little booing after numerous mistakes?[/quote]
                              :good: :clap: :cry: gotta take the good with the bad boys and girls
                              life aint all roses and sunshine ,, there has to be some rain once in a while
                              From the road I listen (Tune In radio) at home I watch ( season Ticks )


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by mattdalt
                                If you make a boneheaded play, and I boo, does that I mean I don't support you anymore, or am I just displeased with that one act?

                                If you accept the cheers when performing well, is it reasonable to accept a little booing after numerous mistakes?
                                Valid points. I personally would never boo at the team directly. I did think about leaving half way through the second half last night though.
                                Deuces Valley.
                                ... No really, deuces.
                                "Enjoy the ride."

                                - a smart man

