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WSU Versus Dayton Predictions and Pregame Discussions

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  • Originally posted by I_Vector_Wu View Post
    Dear good sir @King Rollo,

    Are you a King? From whence dost thou hail, from thee House of Royal Birkdale perchance, or more tragically, from the lineage of Mad King Ludgwig of Lower Bavaria?

    Are you a Pharaoh - "So let it be written, so let it be done"

    Or perhaps, are you a tasty, yet woefully overpriced candy marketed in tubular form?

    (I'm asking for a friend)

    I shall quote Shakespeare himself, he said (and I'm paraphrasing): "Danielson... either you basketball do ... yes, or b-ball do no... you b-ball do, guess so..... squished like a grape"

    Our lads shall pillage and have our way with ye underneath your basket, just thou try to stop us. We shall then disembowel thee with the thrice ball.

    We have battled an Oubre, a Woodall, a Kraft, and even the fearsome Yogi, victororious on all fields of battle. I shall await the vanquished Scoochie.

    Good Day Sir!

    In regards to boredom, just click thoust heels three times and say Kenpom, Kenpom, Kenpom, yee shall garner all the responses ye seek.
    Hear ye, hear ye!

    Hell yes I'm a king! If not, why would I speaketh in such a strange way?!

    In a previous personality, I was a great an immortal I must adapt with the changing times. Pyramid....castle...locusts...inquisition...all in a Royal day's work!

    I must be off...
    Last edited by King Rollo; March 18, 2017, 09:33 AM.

