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WSU vs UNI game thread

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  • Shaq is a great guy to have on the team. I wish he was consistent, but he's not. However, Shaq has one thing many centers don't have, and that is the ability to show up and compete head to head with big name guys in the dance. He may drag his feet all season, but you match him up with Kaleb Tarczewski and he will show up and hold his own. He is an X factor that needs to be on this team if we are going to make a run.


    • With a heart transplant, the kid could play in the NBA, I believe.


      • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
        With a heart transplant, the kid could play in the NBA, I believe.
        A Dejuan Blair or Draymond Green type player. He has soft hands, range, strength and explosiveness. Maybe it will click some day.


        • Originally posted by WSUwatcher View Post
          Also, what does it say about the league you're in when a solid, almost comfortable win on the road against the team that's been consistently #2 over the past several seasons doesn't help your RPI?
          Oh, you are talking MVC. For a second there, I thought you were talking UConn and the AAC.


          • Talked to a couple of UNI guys on the way out of McLeod center, and they were wondering if they could beat Drake. I told them I thought they could. They promptly told me that I greatly overestimate their team, one of the saying, "This is the second best game we've played this year and we lost by 20." Thought it was pretty telling about how they feel about their team right now.
            "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


            • Originally posted by Dave Stalwart View Post
              Shaq is a great guy to have on the team. I wish he was consistent, but he's not. However, Shaq has one thing many centers don't have, and that is the ability to show up and compete head to head with big name guys in the dance. He may drag his feet all season, but you match him up with Kaleb Tarczewski and he will show up and hold his own. He is an X factor that needs to be on this team if we are going to make a run.
              Not possible for me to agree more with this post.
              Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. Winston Churchill


              • Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
                Oh, you are talking MVC. For a second there, I thought you were talking UConn and the AAC.
                Nope, talking about the team with 4 Round of 32 appearances in the history of their program, not the one with 4 national championships in the last 20 years ....


                • Originally posted by WSUwatcher View Post
                  Good question, Doc. That's like a voter in Washington commenting on the Faith Spotted Eagle "controversy."

                  You'd think that if anyone knows you don't let up with a five possession lead in the last two minutes, it would be a UNI fan. Haven't they seen a four possession lead can get away in half that time?
                  Last March was exhibit A

                  Here's exhibit B from the weekend...

                  Nevada vs New Mexico || Best Comeback in NCAA History!!! Down 25 Points with 4 Minutes Left MUST SEE

                  Nevada comes back from being down 25 points against New Mexico to win the game in OT. The impossible became possible! Jordan Caroline led the Pack with 45 po...
                  "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                  • Originally posted by WstateU View Post
                    Last March was exhibit A

                    Here's exhibit B from the weekend...

                    Nevada vs New Mexico || Best Comeback in NCAA History!!! Down 25 Points with 4 Minutes Left MUST SEE

                    And. A few years ago, when we were seven points down, with 41 seconds on the clock, and beat the Redbirds.


                    • Originally posted by Stickboy46 View Post
                      Nope, talking about the team with 4 Round of 32 appearances in the history of their program, not the one with 4 national championships in the last 20 years ....
                      The fact that UConn has been even higher than UNI in recent years makes their fall all the more remarkable. Apparently whatever @WSUwatcher: was trying to say about the MVC rings even truer for the AAC.


                      • Originally posted by Dave Stalwart View Post
                        Shaq is a great guy to have on the team. I wish he was consistent, but he's not. However, Shaq has one thing many centers don't have, and that is the ability to show up and compete head to head with big name guys in the dance. He may drag his feet all season, but you match him up with Kaleb Tarczewski and he will show up and hold his own. He is an X factor that needs to be on this team if we are going to make a run.
                        I'd bet if he continues to "drag his feet" that GM won't tolerate it and he will be relegated
                        further left on the bench. Players who won't/don't give their all are bad for team
                        chemistry. I think GM was sending him a message Saturday by not playing him.
                        The question now is how Shaq responds. I truly hope he gets the message and starts
                        playing as hard as his team mates. If not, I'm fine with RN and EH who do play hard.


                        • Originally posted by Dave Stalwart View Post
                          Shaq is a great guy to have on the team. I wish he was consistent, but he's not. However, Shaq has one thing many centers don't have, and that is the ability to show up and compete head to head with big name guys in the dance. He may drag his feet all season, but you match him up with Kaleb Tarczewski and he will show up and hold his own. He is an X factor that needs to be on this team if we are going to make a run.
                          Nurger was hot Sunday. Marshall rode the hot hand. That is all.


                          • i liked the way they played yesterday. i'm starting to see what this young team can be, and it looks good. budding leaders are starting to emerge.


                            • Third year with the team, third year of on and off motivational problems for Shaq. This shouldn't be happening at this stage (and shouldn't have happened in the previous two years either).


                              • I think Marshall was wrong about Shaq on Sunday. I thought he played well for the time he was in... he just didn't get some shots to fall. He could be DOMINANT in this league if he stays on the floor. Part of that is Marshall. This pulling him with 2 fouls is silly... he's not using him in the 2nd anyway, so why not just leave him in? He's smarter than I am, I get it but Shaq is who he is... take the good, live with the bad?

