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  • Good news - we're still 10-2 through non-conf play when we very easily could be 8-4. We obviously miss Cle, but what probably hurts as much for this year's team right now is Evan and Tekele not being healthy. Even though he's gutting it out for us, which not one of us can say enough positive things about, TC's shooting .381 from the field since the Memphis game; down almost ten full percentage points from his career average, and his TO rate is a half turn-over above his career average this year as well.

    Hopefully the additional time off will help both EW and TC recover - both of whom will help take pressure off FVV, RB and DC on the offensive end by simply being more of a credible threat on the floor (when healthy) than their current selves and/or next-man up in the rotation.


    • We are getting everyone's absolute best every night. I think this will make us better in the long run. Our freshmen are playing much better. We'll be OK.


      • I love this team, but I don't even know what to say about the last 7 minutes of the game. Very upset with the decision not to give Brown any playing time in the second half. Also very disappointed that we sit Holland for the remainder of the game after he's the guy who got us the lead with his shooting and hustle. I guess we can just chalk it up to a bad night all around, but unfortunately we have now lost to the two decent teams we have played.


        • Originally posted by Shoxfan11 View Post
          Like the team that made the Final Four? Oh yeah, they also got swept by Evansville.

          The team that went 16-2 in the Valley went 1-2 in their out of conference tourney.

          Every good team goes through rough patches. We'll get to see how this team reacts and if they improve from it.
          Thanks for restoring sanity. The vets are forcing **** cause they don't trust the newcomers and this is a common problem with the disparity in experience. Either we will fix it or we won't. Very encouraged by our new guys play in the tournament. Actually without them tonite we lose by 20 points.


          • Everyone= "the other guys"


            • Originally posted by sdshox View Post
              Good news - we're still 10-2 through non-conf play when we very easily could be 8-4. We obviously miss Cle, but what probably hurts as much for this year's team right now is Evan and Tekele not being healthy. Even though he's gutting it out for us, which not one of us can say enough positive things about, TC's shooting .381 from the field since the Memphis game; down almost ten full percentage points from his career average, and his TO rate is a half turn-over above his career average this year as well.

              Hopefully the additional time off will help both EW and TC recover - both of whom will help take pressure off FVV, RB and DC on the offensive end by simply being more of a credible threat on the floor (when healthy) than their current selves and/or next-man up in the rotation.
              I might add that our frosh are really starting to show up.


              • Core four are playing below average... Until that improves expect games like Detroit, Alabama, Hawaii & George Washington... Luckily we have 21 more games to impress... Go shocks


                • Originally posted by wusphlash View Post
                  And so the rest of the league is laughing at Shockernet.
                  Really we haven't lost a game in the "league" since 2013 cares what they think.


                  • When Evan comes back, he needs to come back as a 3. I hope he can match how well Zach Brown has been shooting. Otherwise, we could have more offensive problems.


                    • Originally posted by shocks771 View Post
                      I love this team, but I don't even know what to say about the last 7 minutes of the game. Very upset with the decision not to give Brown any playing time in the second half. Also very disappointed that we sit Holland for the remainder of the game after he's the guy who got us the lead with his shooting and hustle. I guess we can just chalk it up to a bad night all around, but unfortunately we have now lost to the two decent teams we have played.
                      Coaches have bad nights too. Hell George Patton probably had a bad night now and then


                      • Long time fan (from the early 80s) and visitor to this board--don't post often. I'm not on a ledge either. But, the play of this team has been so disappointing the last few weeks. We didn't play well against Bama, Detroit, Seton Hall, or in two of these three games. Now, I'll give some credit to GWU. Their defense gave us fits. But, we didn't attack or move in and out of the lane. There was so little movement on our offense. The late turnovers were ridiculous---bad pass after bad pass (they weren't even close). We've let two teams in a row shoot the lights out on us with no real answer for them. Both teams had been shooting in the 20% range from the 3 point arc (until they played us). Our leaders aren't leading (but our Freshmen are stepping up). There isn't a lot of fire unless we're pressing (which did we did very little tonight) or running (started to do that well tonight but then called it off). It's disturbing to see the team look so lethargic. Indeed, there is no anger showing from this team.

                        Having said all that, I pity Drake.


                        • Doesn't help we get zero help from our new Huco guys... But that just gives more time to develope our freshmen on the fly


                          • What were the "points in the paint" excluding layups? I only recall maybe 2 or 3 buckets for us. We do miss Jans; we didn't sub until under 12 in the first half. Then, there seems to be no pattern, or we just haven't established roles yet with all the young guys.


                            • This team has issues right now. I think they can be fixed, but we had better start getting after it.

                              Ron has either got to figure out what TF is going on with his 3 point shot, or look to drive much more. His inability to hit outside shots has really hurt us.

                              Fred has got to stop driving into the trees and throwing up prayers. They just don't go in. Do something else. Kick the ball out.

                              Tekele is either hurt, or has regressed both offensively and defensively as the year has gone on. Not sure what's going on there.

                              The whole team is playing with a low BBIQ right now, and we are too Damn selfish at times. What happened to making extra passes and making smart decisions on both sides of the ball?

                              The concerning part about this is that some freshman have stepped up recently, and have started to contribute nicely. It's our juniors and seniors that are playing head scratching basketball.

                              I don't think anybody here is giving up on this team (how ridiculous), and we have been spoiled, but these guys frankly are just playing like dog crap lately.

                              I have confidence in these players and the coaching staff. They didn't just suddenly forget how to play or coach overnight. But we had better get some things figured out very quickly. Damn this is going to be a long 6 days.


                              • Originally posted by Shoxfan11 View Post
                                Like the team that made the Final Four? Oh yeah, they also got swept by Evansville.

                                The team that went 16-2 in the Valley went 1-2 in their out of conference tourney.

                                Every good team goes through rough patches. We'll get to see how this team reacts and if they improve from it.
                                I think we remember. **** I was in Evansville that day, the commentators talked about how upset I looked in the stands. However, I don't think anyone on here wants us to be a 9 seed this year. Granted if we play to our potential we won't be, but we certainly hit a skid. Good teams and coaches recover and I know everyone on this board feels we have one of the best teams and the best coach in the county!

                                Go Shox!
                                I just want to stand on land...

                                If I had a gun with two bullets and was in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden, and a Creighton fan, I think I'd shoot the Creighton fan twice.

