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Wichita State media love thread

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  • HCGM just got some run on Jim Rome's Year In Review show.
    β€œLet your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
    -Sun Tzu, The Art of War


    • Originally posted by kochHead View Post
      HCGM just got some run on Jim Rome's Year In Review show.
      It was a pretty thing I thought, Rome went pretty hard on the setup on the clip of Gregg talking about his 7 figure salary, private jets, sell outs, and an admin that gives him whatever. - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


      • Maybe this bogus article deserves its own thread, but for the sake of bogging up the forum with needless threads, I'll put it here. This member of the media has no love for our "Play Angry" motto. In fact, he's "down on playing angry".


        • Originally posted by SPEShockAlum View Post
          Maybe this bogus article deserves its own thread, but for the sake of bogging up the forum with needless threads, I'll put it here. This member of the media has no love for our "Play Angry" motto. In fact, he's "down on playing angry".

          The entire premise of his article is based on he saw painted on the floor. It's called Google and YouTube dude. Try and do a little homework before express your shock and horror and concern for the youth of America. And btw, why did it take you this long to hear about Playing Angry?
          Kansas is Flat. The Earth is Not!!


          • This is the same kind of guy who thinks everyone should get a medal and we shouldn't keep score so that everyone is a winner. Give me a break Nancy boy!


            • Originally posted by jocoshock View Post
              The entire premise of his article is based on he saw painted on the floor. It's called Google and YouTube dude. Try and do a little homework before express your shock and horror and concern for the youth of America. And btw, why did it take you this long to hear about Playing Angry?
              No kidding. I have a myriad of concerns for today's youth before any negative impact 'Play Angry' would have. Overreact much, Kerry?


              • Originally posted by SPEShockAlum View Post
                Maybe this bogus article deserves its own thread, but for the sake of bogging up the forum with needless threads, I'll put it here. This member of the media has no love for our "Play Angry" motto. In fact, he's "down on playing angry".

                People like this are literally ruining this world.


                • This guy has absolutely no clue what Play Angry is about. Maybe he should do some reading before putting his foot in his mouth (and in print) about something he knows nothing about.


                  • During some channel surfing last Saturday, I noticed Wichita State playing host to Tennessee at Intrust Bank Arena in Wichita, Kan. When the flow of the game switched to Wichita State's side of halfcourt, along the baseline read two words, "Play Angry."

                    Immediately, my wife and I turned to each other and our jaws dropped.
                    That might be the lamest, most whitebread thing I've ever read. If this is what really happened--this guy and his wife turned to each other and dropped their jaws in synchrony--it was probably the first time anything on this dude saw the back of his wife's throat.
                    The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.


                    • Originally posted by SPEShockAlum View Post
                      Maybe this bogus article deserves its own thread, but for the sake of bogging up the forum with needless threads, I'll put it here. This member of the media has no love for our "Play Angry" motto. In fact, he's "down on playing angry".

                      Article comes from a writer for a paper in rural WV, in a town about the size of Newton or El Dorado. There's probably a reason he's so "upward bound." We should probably thank him for his ability to communicate the written word, as I would imagine such would not be possible by about half of the town's residents.


                      • - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


                        • Originally posted by jocoshock View Post
                          The entire premise of his article is based on he saw painted on the floor. It's called Google and YouTube dude. Try and do a little homework before express your shock and horror and concern for the youth of America. And btw, why did it take you this long to hear about Playing Angry?
                          I was following Twitter trends during the game against Tennessee and some kid had a comment asking "Why does Wichita State's floor say 'Play Angry'? And why can't Wichita State use pronouns correctly?" Oh, brother. I'm a grammar stickler, but never once did I think about replacing "angry" with "angrily". Get a life, folks.


                          • Originally posted by rjl View Post
                            That might be the lamest, most whitebread thing I've ever read. If this is what really happened--this guy and his wife turned to each other and dropped their jaws in synchrony--it was probably the first time anything on this dude saw the back of his wife's throat.
                            That is funny.


                            • Maybe I'm a little too fired up or just bored at work but I felt compelled to respond with this:

                              Mr. Patrick,
                              We don't know each other so I hope that I don't come off as a jerk here but I feel like you don't understand what it means to play angry. Playing angry has nothing to do with using dirty tactics or poor sportsmanship. Ask anyone near the Wichita State program and they would tell you that that the kids playing for Wichita State are polite, respectful, hardworking and humble kids. They are far from being an example of what is bad in college basketball. In fact they are the exact opposite.

                              Playing angry means being the first person in the gym and the last to leave. Playing angry is diving for loose balls, boxing out, hustling, congratulating your teammate successes and picking them up after failures. Playing angry is respecting each opponent you face and understanding that if you don't want it more than they do then you can be beat on any given night. Playing angry means having confidence in yourself that you belong with the best teams in college basketball regardless of what anyone else thinks. Playing angry is never giving up until the final buzzer sounds. It's being accountable to your teammates by taking care of business in the classroom so you're able to ball alongside them each game. Playing angry is playing with a passion and love for the game and life itself.

                              I would challenge you to do a little more research into Gregg Marshall and the Wichita State basketball program and the play angry motto. I think that what you will find that it is something inspirational that we can all apply to our daily lives. Or you could just stick with the assumptions you drew from the word "angry". Either way, have a nice day.

                              Pie n eye


                              • I'm going to speculate and make an unfair judgement here. The guy obviously did a fair bit of research to get enough info for that article. That also tells me there's a good chance he also saw the story behind the slogan, that is, where it came from and what it means. I opine that he is being disingenuous, and holding back the full story because he needed a column that railed on something and decided to run with he and the misses' initial reaction, rather than what he actually learned while doing his research.

                                I really wish there was a comments section so the readers could get the full story. I'm not going to bother emailing him.

