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Going to get tougher to find parking spot for basketball games at WSU..

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  • #16
    President Bardo said the only time he would even begin to consider bringing football back is if the student population increases by 7500 undergrads. Increasing population is part of his plan, so who knows... It's still gonna be a long while though.


    • #17
      Trying to bring more students to Wichita State could mean a number of things for how the campus looks in the future.. Wasn't their goal 20,000-24,000? So obviously if this is their goal, they are going to do more to campus than just remodel the student union and build a new $50 million dorm. What else they are planning to do to attract 6,000 to 10,000 more students remains a mystery. As for starters with the parking situation and quality of safety around campus, a friend of mine from Pittsburg State said that school recently demoed a bunch of old housing around the campus and turned those old and run down neighborhoods into parking lots. I think Wichita State could do something like that. It's a similar situation.. Some of those houses across the street on Hillside are some of the cheapest houses in Wichita if a buy out is in the cards. If Wheatshocker is in fact demoed, what's the universities plans for that open lot? I think they could get 10,000 more students and get them all going to class full time, then football could start to be a serious conversation, after all with 24,000 students, WSU would be the size of KSU and not have a football team. 10,000 students is their goal though, so no promises here. I think the school is deffinetly heading in the right track though.


      • #18
        I am one who would love to see WSU get football back. However, I would love nothing more than to see my, as well as many others on here, alma mater thriving and doing great with a higher student population. WSU increasing it's population would do wonders for the community. All the other things that we all want to see will come in due time. But a thriving university is what we all would benefit from the most.


        • #19
          And to add to my last post, I believe Bardo is the right guy to replace Beggs. He really wants this school to become great.


          • #20
            Originally posted by rrshock View Post
            I am one who would love to see WSU get football back. However, I would love nothing more than to see my, as well as many others on here, alma mater thriving and doing great with a higher student population. WSU increasing it's population would do wonders for the community. All the other things that we all want to see will come in due time. But a thriving university is what we all would benefit from the most.
            If a large thriving school has a direct effect on the community, are we sure we want to turn into Lawrence?
            People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

            Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
            Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


            • #21
              Originally posted by shock View Post
              If a large thriving school has a direct effect on the community, are we sure we want to turn into Lawrence?
              The community will thrive regardless. I dont know if that can be said for Lawrence. A thriving university brings attention and helps the community. It is not a bad thing.


              • #22
                I freaking love this news. There's a stigma associated with being a "commuter school," and if we can change that image and improve the quality of the on-campus experience, we will become much more competitive with KSU and KU. I think we've lost the enrollment battle the past 20 years because of the lack of on campus amenities like student housing, not because of the lack of a football team. Remember, KU doesn't really have a football team either.
                "It's amazing to watch Ron slide into that open area, Fred will find him and it's straight cash homie."--HCGM


                • #23
                  Originally posted by shock View Post
                  If a large thriving school has a direct effect on the community, are we sure we want to turn into Lawrence?
                  To quote a great mind...."The only think Quantrell did wrong was he didn't finish the job"


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by pogo View Post
                    To quote a great mind...."The only think Quantrell did wrong was he didn't finish the job"
                    Someone from Missouri?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by pogo View Post
                      To quote a great mind...."The only think Quantrell did wrong was he didn't finish the job"
                      Where did that "great" mind come from? Missouri?
                      Come on ..... You support an opportunist who supported the slave trade and murdered 150 fellow Kansans (women and children) who happened to reside in Lawrence and supported the freeing of slaves and supported the Union Army? And you support him because of your dislike of KU???

                      Here is some history to read in case you didn't know:

                      I'd rather WSU had a football team similar to KU than no football at all. Bardo is moving in the right direction and this is a huge first step. I believe under Bardo's leadership, WSU's growth rate will surpass K-State within the next 5 years. I also wouldn't be surprised to see football return at WSU within 10 years. KU's enrollment is not negatively impacting growth at WSU. It ebb and flows with JoCo. It's K-State that endeavors to steal WSU enrollment. They understand that they are one tic toc from dropping down to the MWC. They won't or can't steal from KU, but they certainly have WSU in their target. Wichita Metro is a huge untapped market of enrollment growth for Wichita State and Bardo understands that.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by shock View Post
                        Football is not coming back
                        there is still hope - Cold bought lottery tickets and he promised to use the money to bring back football if he wins. So there is at least 0.0000000057% chance that football will come back.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                          there is still hope - Cold bought lottery tickets and he promised to use the money to bring back football if he wins. So there is at least 0.0000000057% chance that football will come back.
                          So this is where you insert the "Dumb and Dumber" video "So your saying there is a chance"?
                          I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                            there is still hope - Cold bought lottery tickets and he promised to use the money to bring back football if he wins. So there is at least 0.0000000057% chance that football will come back.
                            I think my odds are more like this... .00000175, but who's counting.




                            • #29
                              Don't get any good ideas about parking in the parking garage..

                              I'm a student here and I've already been told that the garage will only be allowed for students and you have to have a permit to enter..

                              sorry to burst your bubble
                              " There's a difference between a good team and a great team "


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by bleed yellow View Post
                                Looks like the parking lot South of Koch Arena is going to go away and a new dorm will be built there.,1252029.story .. Interesting enough, while attending classes at WSU a Sociology teacher of mine explained to our class that at one point the university was considering demoing Cessna Stadium and making it a parking lot, so obviously that idea has been scrapped. This is not going to help the current parking problem at WSU at all though and should make it even more interesting to find a parking spot if you are trying to attend a shocker basketball game. I still say the golf course should be turned into a parking lot.
                                This is the lot south of Cessna Stadium, not the lot south of Koch Arena, according to the article. From a WSU online map, I see that this is Lot 4, which might (or might not) be the largest lot on campus but is certainly the largest lot near many campus buildings.

                                The lot south of the RSC (Lot 7) is currently closed. The parking garage is probably only for students living in the new dorm; this is just a guess. Another guess is that Lot 7 will never reopen. (Why? If WSU gets 25000 students as Bardo has publicly stated as a goal, either the RSC will need to expand again or additional facilities near the new dorm will be required. Maybe the new dorm will include enough shops, etc. that this will not be needed?)

                                The Sunflower article confuses me. My math might be weak but 1150 + 700 does not equal 3000 (and this assumes Brennan and Wheatshocker remain in use. How did the Sunflower come up with 3000 beds?
                                The new facility will house more students than both Brennan Halls and Wheatshocker Apartments combined and will cost more than $50 to $55 million, which does not include the new parking garage. Currently, 1,150 students can live on campus, but with the new building, the number of beds will increase to 3,000. The new residence hall is expected to house 700 residents.
                                Elsewhere it was stated that having 20% of students on campus was a goal. If the enrollment target is 25,000 students, then WSU needs 5000 beds, not 3000 beds. The Sunflower article seems to have some flaws.
                                Some posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
                                Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.

