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  • That was fast


    • Certainly hope it's nothing health wise or otherwise troubling with Chris.

      Not a particularly good time to be a Shocker.


      • Looks like an upgrade from a recruiting standpoint.

        Hope Chris is good - and that this has nothing to do with WSU or Mills.



        • Interesting resume for Cleveland. Apparently a good recruiter. One thing that gives me pause is that his entire coaching career is apparently under Mike Anderson... Who happens to be his uncle.



          • Originally posted by Stickboy46 View Post
            Interesting resume for Cleveland. Apparently a good recruiter. One thing that gives me pause is that his entire coaching career is apparently under Mike Anderson... Who happens to be his uncle.

            That didn't seem to be much of an issue when Kellen Sampson was being discussed as a candidate to replace IB.


            • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post

              That didn't seem to be much of an issue when Kellen Sampson was being discussed as a candidate to replace IB.
              Fair point. Though Kelvin Sampson > Mike Anderson as a coach.

              Not saying its a bad thing. Just odd for that many years and always under your uncle.


              • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                Not a particularly good time to be a Shocker.
                Do I get the sense that you aren’t a big Kevin Saal fan at the moment?
                Deuces Valley.
                ... No really, deuces.
                "Enjoy the ride."

                - a smart man


                • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post

                  Do I get the sense that you aren’t a big Kevin Saal fan at the moment?
                  I applauded his work early and there is no doubt his plate was full from day with the mess left for him.

                  I believe him when he says he's going to try things, some will work some won't, and I'm more than ok with the stuff that doesn't work. I'll take trying over status quo every day of the week and twice on Sunday. Yeah the emphasis on the whole RV thing seems a bit corny, but I realize it's not for me and maybe it will take off and be a big deal eventually. If not, I'm totally ok with the effort.

                  In an incredibly difficult and complicated and surprising baseball cluster, I don't believe it was handled very well.

                  I'm concerned about the focus of the hiring process and I'm concerned about what appears to be a little too much self reliance. Now, I said a long time ago there was still a "Valley mentality" within Shocker athletics due to an overall staff longevity (without naming any particular names) and that a purge of sorts would probably need to occur and I still believe that is a correct analysis. Some of that purge has happened and I suspect more will in the coming year.

                  But I think there are reasons to be concerned with many of the hires that have been made. Perhaps they will all be home runs, time will tell. But many, if not all, seem to be underwhelming and there is a whiff of getting "my guy" syndrome that doesn't sit well with me. I want what's good for Shocker Athletics which in turn will be good for the Shocker student athletes. I'm not sure that's our current goal.

                  Optimism, for me at least, has been replaced with an increasingly questioning outlook for now. That does not mean there haven't been successes.

                  I'll just throw this out there. They are going to have a 10 year reunion for the most important event at WSU-ICAA in 50 years, perhaps ever this summer. If you were the AD, wouldn't you want the coach to be a part of that, somehow? I'd want Gregg to be a part, as big a part as I could get him to be. I'm not saying it CAN be done, but I'd sure as hell try just about anything to make it happen....and if I couldn't, I think I would let Coach know that I'm going to let everyone know exactly how hard I tried to get him there, without success. Now, do you think that's happening? If it is, I will stand and applaud and congratulate our AD and Gregg.

                  But I'm not holding my breath.


                  • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post

                    I applauded his work early and there is no doubt his plate was full from day with the mess left for him.

                    I believe him when he says he's going to try things, some will work some won't, and I'm more than ok with the stuff that doesn't work. I'll take trying over status quo every day of the week and twice on Sunday. Yeah the emphasis on the whole RV thing seems a bit corny, but I realize it's not for me and maybe it will take off and be a big deal eventually. If not, I'm totally ok with the effort.

                    In an incredibly difficult and complicated and surprising baseball cluster, I don't believe it was handled very well.

                    I'm concerned about the focus of the hiring process and I'm concerned about what appears to be a little too much self reliance. Now, I said a long time ago there was still a "Valley mentality" within Shocker athletics due to an overall staff longevity (without naming any particular names) and that a purge of sorts would probably need to occur and I still believe that is a correct analysis. Some of that purge has happened and I suspect more will in the coming year.

                    But I think there are reasons to be concerned with many of the hires that have been made. Perhaps they will all be home runs, time will tell. But many, if not all, seem to be underwhelming and there is a whiff of getting "my guy" syndrome that doesn't sit well with me. I want what's good for Shocker Athletics which in turn will be good for the Shocker student athletes. I'm not sure that's our current goal.

                    Optimism, for me at least, has been replaced with an increasingly questioning outlook for now. That does not mean there haven't been successes.

                    I'll just throw this out there. They are going to have a 10 year reunion for the most important event at WSU-ICAA in 50 years, perhaps ever this summer. If you were the AD, wouldn't you want the coach to be a part of that, somehow? I'd want Gregg to be a part, as big a part as I could get him to be. I'm not saying it CAN be done, but I'd sure as hell try just about anything to make it happen....and if I couldn't, I think I would let Coach know that I'm going to let everyone know exactly how hard I tried to get him there, without success. Now, do you think that's happening? If it is, I will stand and applaud and congratulate our AD and Gregg.

                    But I'm not holding my breath.
                    The whole my guy thing definitely seems to be happening. One other thing I’m concerned is the sudden lack of any transparency or news from the org, which has been something that’s always important to me. I don’t know what to make of any of the players or coaches or recruiting targets or efforts. I don’t know anything, because they don’t share anything. It’s like they forget that they have *fans*. For gods sake, more news gets out about NBA than this place…

                    If it works, fine. But it better hit like a home run because this + sucking is not going to sit well with me.


                    • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post

                      I applauded his work early and there is no doubt his plate was full from day with the mess left for him.

                      I believe him when he says he's going to try things, some will work some won't, and I'm more than ok with the stuff that doesn't work. I'll take trying over status quo every day of the week and twice on Sunday. Yeah the emphasis on the whole RV thing seems a bit corny, but I realize it's not for me and maybe it will take off and be a big deal eventually. If not, I'm totally ok with the effort.

                      In an incredibly difficult and complicated and surprising baseball cluster, I don't believe it was handled very well.

                      I'm concerned about the focus of the hiring process and I'm concerned about what appears to be a little too much self reliance. Now, I said a long time ago there was still a "Valley mentality" within Shocker athletics due to an overall staff longevity (without naming any particular names) and that a purge of sorts would probably need to occur and I still believe that is a correct analysis. Some of that purge has happened and I suspect more will in the coming year.

                      But I think there are reasons to be concerned with many of the hires that have been made. Perhaps they will all be home runs, time will tell. But many, if not all, seem to be underwhelming and there is a whiff of getting "my guy" syndrome that doesn't sit well with me. I want what's good for Shocker Athletics which in turn will be good for the Shocker student athletes. I'm not sure that's our current goal.

                      Optimism, for me at least, has been replaced with an increasingly questioning outlook for now. That does not mean there haven't been successes.

                      I'll just throw this out there. They are going to have a 10 year reunion for the most important event at WSU-ICAA in 50 years, perhaps ever this summer. If you were the AD, wouldn't you want the coach to be a part of that, somehow? I'd want Gregg to be a part, as big a part as I could get him to be. I'm not saying it CAN be done, but I'd sure as hell try just about anything to make it happen....and if I couldn't, I think I would let Coach know that I'm going to let everyone know exactly how hard I tried to get him there, without success. Now, do you think that's happening? If it is, I will stand and applaud and congratulate our AD and Gregg.

                      But I'm not holding my breath.
                      As always, I hold your opinions in the highest regard. Both the baseball hire and hoops hire have excited exactly no one, except those who wanted both coaches gone at any expense. These hires may work out… hope they do… but do you EVER remember a less exciting time to be a Shocker fan? When basketball was horrible before Turgenev/ Marshall, at least baseball was world class….


                      • Originally posted by molly jabali View Post

                        As always, I hold your opinions in the highest regard. Both the baseball hire and hoops hire have excited exactly no one, except those who wanted both coaches gone at any expense. These hires may work out… hope they do… but do you EVER remember a less exciting time to be a Shocker fan? When basketball was horrible before Turgenev/ Marshall, at least baseball was world class….


                        • Originally posted by ShockingButTrue View Post

                          Not sure about that but at least the AD has willed it.


                          • I just heard on KC radio that CJ Moore is coming to Wichita for a few days to spend time with Paul Mills. He is planning to do some stories in the Athletic on the WSU program. I don't have subscription to the Athletic, but I guess "stayed tuned". Moore had some positive things to say about Mills.


                            • Originally posted by Shockm View Post
                              I just heard on KC radio that CJ Moore is coming to Wichita for a few days to spend time with Paul Mills. He is planning to do some stories in the Athletic on the WSU program. I don't have subscription to the Athletic, but I guess "stayed tuned". Moore had some positive things to say about Mills.
                              Keep it on the DL, but if you open an Athletic article on your phone in "reader mode" you can bypass the paywall.


                              • "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"

