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  • #61
    I was reading, with some amusement, at the author who wants to 'heat up the plaza tea-party style." which means I'm narrow minded and I hate everyone who disagrees with me (since you folks are into labels, I feel I ought to use my own).

    Then the other poster, who is a libertarian, making his best educated guess as to the problematic nature of the President's mind, given his political leanings. He also seems to be very narrow-minded.

    If we follow this logic to its conclusion, these people are saying that my school would hire someone who would allow incompetence and make poor decisions based on his political views, I'm going to say that Kansas is the reddest of red states, counts Charles Koch as a big-time supporter. I think they would want to hire a level-headed, competent administrator.

    I think Charles Koch would expect that, too.


    • #62
      El partido Republicano es el amigo de Chapo. Nos gusta calentar la plaza.


      • #63
        Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
        I'm narrow minded and I hate everyone who disagrees with me
        Sorry to hear this about you, glad you can admit your faults.

        I believe there is a place for political discussions on this forum in the off topic section maybe?


        • #64
          Ta town, despite your insult, I have to agree. That was exactly my point. This is exactly what this part of the blog should be about. Not about giving ADES or our new president 'a tea-party style welcome' or stating that the new president would not fire ADES if he thought he was incompetent 'because he's a liberal'.

          And that last comment came from someone who's basketball opinion I respect.

          This thread should be about Wichita State basketball, not republican take-no-quarters propaganda.

          And about my quote from Chapo? Just go look and see how many dead bodies he leaves behind, not much different from your typical Tp'er, if they ran the world you'd end up with a bunch of Chapo's trying to 'purify' our country and 'save' it from whatever threat du jour they 'see'.

          Let's get back to basketball discussion. No matter how we feel about politics, I can say we all agree that we luv our shockers..


          • #65
            Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
            Ta town, despite your insult, I have to agree. That was exactly my point. This is exactly what this part of the blog should be about. Not about giving ADES or our new president 'a tea-party style welcome' or stating that the new president would not fire ADES if he thought he was incompetent 'because he's a liberal'.

            And that last comment came from someone who's basketball opinion I respect.

            This thread should be about Wichita State basketball, not republican take-no-quarters propaganda.

            And about my quote from Chapo? Just go look and see how many dead bodies he leaves behind, not much different from your typical Tp'er, if they ran the world you'd end up with a bunch of Chapo's trying to 'purify' our country and 'save' it from whatever threat du jour they 'see'.

            Let's get back to basketball discussion. No matter how we feel about politics, I can say we all agree that we luv our shockers..
            You're so full of ****
            Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
            RIP Guy Always A Shocker
            Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
            ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
            Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
            Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


            • #66
              Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
              Ta town, despite your insult, I have to agree. That was exactly my point. This is exactly what this part of the blog should be about. Not about giving ADES or our new president 'a tea-party style welcome' or stating that the new president would not fire ADES if he thought he was incompetent 'because he's a liberal'.

              And that last comment came from someone who's basketball opinion I respect.

              This thread should be about Wichita State basketball, not republican take-no-quarters propaganda.

              And about my quote from Chapo? Just go look and see how many dead bodies he leaves behind, not much different from your typical Tp'er, if they ran the world you'd end up with a bunch of Chapo's trying to 'purify' our country and 'save' it from whatever threat du jour they 'see'.

              Let's get back to basketball discussion. No matter how we feel about politics, I can say we all agree that we luv our shockers..
              I'm sorry, I did not insult. I simply quoted you, so maybe that should make it obvious who was throwing around insults.

              As far as the "tea party" quote, i took it as getting something started "at the bottom" to achieve a result. Not anything else political, you need to not be so sensitive. People have different views, get over it. You don't like a view then go vote for the opposition and/or join a group that opposes it. Taking offense to an innocent comment on a basketball board isn't going to help you. Oh and it annoys those of us, like myself, who come here to avoid all that crap.


              • #67
                I assumed that khan accidentally posted on the wrong thread. I didn't get where national politics fit in this thread.
                Wichita State, home of the All-Americans.


                • #68
                  This place is worse than a sewing circle.

                  Nothing but hearsay and gossip. Sad and pathetic.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by chitown_shocker View Post
                    This place is worse than a sewing circle.

                    Nothing but hearsay and gossip. Sad and pathetic.
                    Just ignore the fact that 4 or 5 people on here have seen/experienced similar things as mentioned in the OP. If it were just one post with nobody having any shared experiences I'd be more likely to just ignore it. But others have shared similar concerns.
                    Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                    RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                    Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                    ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                    Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                    Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                    • #70
                      I'm already second guessing myself for keeping this thread up as I feel that the personal life of a coach/administrator isn't something that should be talked about on this forum.

                      Completely disregarding that, and focusing on the demeanor this thread is going towards, I'm about to shut this down. If we can't stop going at each other's throats, then I'm definitely shutting the thread down. So if you guys want to air your grievances for whatever reason, let's keep the thread a little bit more civil than where we're heading with it.

                      Thanks everybody.
             - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


                      • #71
                        I say lock it now before it gets further out of hand. We've already seen name calling and personal stuff that has nothing to do with the original thread. Just my opinion.
                        "I discovered surfing, which I absolutely fell in love with. That feels good and kind of keeps your body aligned, so does the salt water." - Anthony Kiedis

                        "I'm not worried. Are you worried? You shouldn't be. Sleep well tonight. "


                        • #72
                          Hello again everyone! I have a small tidbit of info about ADES that I'm not sure if it was ever mentioned on here or not. This info came to me in similar fashion as the Tennessee and Alabama news... My Father's, ex-girlfriend's (dated in the 70's in high school), husband's, brother is one of the top donors at WSU. I know he was on the flight home from Portland with the team and WSU staff. The info may have changed a little in the process of getting down to me, but here is how I understand an interaction between ADES and Gregg went. Gregg was disappointed in the early exit and was in a somber mood. Sexton walked up to him before Marshall could say a word, Sexton said we/I want you to be our coach next year and handed him a check for $1,000,000 (I'm not sure if it was an actual check, may have been an annuity of some sort, not sure). Marshall smiled and said "I'm not going anywhere". I guess the mood immediately improved among WSU's top staff present for the exchange. IMO it seems he'll do what needs to be done for WSU. I will admit, I've met ADES several times and have had the same feeling as others, that he's meeting me for the first time, everytime. On the other hand after meeting the Beggs's for the first time 8 years ago, they knew exactly who I was everytime there after.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by ShockerNut2012 View Post
                            Hello again everyone! I have a small tidbit of info about ADES that I'm not sure if it was ever mentioned on here or not. This info came to me in similar fashion as the Tennessee and Alabama news... My Father's, ex-girlfriend's (dated in the 70's in high school), husband's, brother is one of the top donors at WSU. I know he was on the flight home from Portland with the team and WSU staff. The info may have changed a little in the process of getting down to me, but here is how I understand an interaction between ADES and Gregg went. Gregg was disappointed in the early exit and was in a somber mood. Sexton walked up to him before Marshall could say a word, Sexton said we/I want you to be our coach next year and handed him a check for $1,000,000 (I'm not sure if it was an actual check, may have been an annuity of some sort, not sure). Marshall smiled and said "I'm not going anywhere". I guess the mood immediately improved among WSU's top staff present for the exchange. IMO it seems he'll do what needs to be done for WSU. I will admit, I've met ADES several times and have had the same feeling as others, that he's meeting me for the first time, everytime. On the other hand after meeting the Beggs's for the first time 8 years ago, they knew exactly who I was everytime there after.
                            Thanks for the inside info Deep Throat.
                            "I discovered surfing, which I absolutely fell in love with. That feels good and kind of keeps your body aligned, so does the salt water." - Anthony Kiedis

                            "I'm not worried. Are you worried? You shouldn't be. Sleep well tonight. "


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by ShockerNut2012 View Post
                              I will admit, I've met ADES several times and have had the same feeling as others, that he's meeting me for the first time, everytime. On the other hand after meeting the Beggs's for the first time 8 years ago, they knew exactly who I was everytime there after.
                              It wasn't ADES who he said didn't remember him after several meetings, it was the other member of the Athletic Dept.


                              • #75
                                I've met Eric Sexton several times and he's remembered me each time. Have never met Boatwright.

