Originally posted by Onegreatracer
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- make sure it is convincing. You want to make it an extension of the billboard or a place where people can get more information if they're heard of the url. People on this site can help provide feedback by sharing the site with significant others, co-workers, or friends, and see what they say. If people say, 'wow, I didn't know all that was going on and changes need to be made', then the site is a success. If people say, 'meh, sounds like a bunch of disgruntled fans', then the site needs work :) Another way to look at it is if you were driving through Manhattan or Lawrence and saw a similar billboard for their schools with a web site url, and you visited their web site, would visiting their site sway your opinion of what they were trying to accomplish. Try looking at the site as that type of person and asking yourself if you're swayed if you were a casual fan of WSU.
- make sure it looks good and professional. Little things like making sure names are right (for example, make sure to use Darron instead of Darren for Boatright's first name), or making sure links always work, etc., go a long way in impressing visitors. You don't want people griping about the site and saying, 'they can't even spell so-and-so correctly' or 'the site has some broken links' because they tell others their gripes. Also, there's always a chance someone visits the site and is impressed with your work and wants to hire you to do other sites.
As far as some ideas for content on the site:
- links to media coverage. One way to help sell the point is to show the media has reported on something already. A good example would be to link to articles already out there, such as the Eagle's coverage of the AD's stealth contract. You may need to ask Taylor for permission to use pieces of the article since it may be behind a paywall by now.
- links to Save Shocker Sports in the media. When the site gets any media coverage, provide links to the articles or ask to reprint them on the site with permission. Also show pictures of the billboards in use and maybe where to find them. You could also set up a Twitter account for the site and link to it and try to get people to follow via social media.
- Freedom of Information Act documents. One can make a pretty compelling argument about the AD's raise being a bad idea when one sees how head coaches and other were being asked to give up part of their pay, such as a weeks worth of salary. Those documents used to exist on the WSU Open Records site and one could have just linked to them. But one could either request them again or contact WSU and ask for documents that appeared in the log in the past. If you want to add that stuff, I can PM you more about it.
- sell Save Shocker Sports merchandise to promote things or raise more funds. You could use the design you have on the GoFundMe page or come up with a new one and then put it on things and sell them on something like cafepress.com. People may want to get a tshirt or mug or sticker to show their support or to help promote things by wearing the tshirt at games.