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Transfer Portal Discussion (outgoing player tracking)

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  • Originally posted by Shocktoberfest View Post
    Have any of you who have donated to the coach's club, or champion's club or anything else to directly support basketball over the past 10 years heard from the athletic department about stepping up to help with NIL stuff? I can tell you how much I've heard. I'm baffled.
    I'm assuming the answer is zero?


    • Originally posted by Shock Top View Post
      Need to hire Patino

      He’d get NIL deals rolling in a second.
      "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


      • Originally posted by WstateU View Post

        NIL + Michelle's Beach House.

        What could go wrong? lol


        • Originally posted by shoxlax View Post
          If I'm reading this document correctly, and the reasonably-reliable sources I found online for MBB spending rankings are legit, then our MBB expenditures of $11.8M would put us somewhere in the high teens nationally, with KU spending only roughly $750K more per year. Sounds hard to believe, but thems the numbers.

          Now I understand that figure includes the commitment to FHCGM, but still.... what the what!?!

          Even less the FHCGM-shaped hole in the budget, we're still in the top 60, and generally surrounded by P5's and a select few non-P5's players (like Memphis and Cincy for example).

          So take heart everyone, depending on how you look at it were are a perennial Sweet 16 (at best) to NCAA At-Large (at worst), if the pecking order is based on spending. Get excited! Spend angry!


          • I have a couple of questions to ponder at your leisure.

            We keep talking about these NIL deals we're passing on because of lack of leadership (I'm not saying there isn't a lack of leadership, but bear with me)......

            Where is this money going to come from? Athletics is already hemorrhaging money at a ridiculous rate. Yes, the pandemic and coaching change aren't helping and they will come to an end but people are sprinting away from men's basketball and nobody (for the most part) wants to spend any money on any other sport. At least not anywhere near enough to cover CURRENT bills.

            So chicken and egg this part first. Athletics has to fund athletics first before any NIL which means they have to hit up deep pockets donor guy for that first. And not just men's basketball...EVERYTHING has to be paid for first.

            Now, I'm going to assume you're going right back to the same group for NIL money. Do any of you know business men and women in this community that are eager to dump cash without others investing with absolutely NO accountability?

            I don't.

            But let's say you do....let's call that person Busty Tech for example. What do you think is going to happen when, for instance, Tucker Smith who's getting 50K a year for his 3 point shooting goes 8 for 50 out of the gate (and I freaking GUARANTEE it's going to happen) and he runs into Busty at his designated "appearance" to raise money for Hungry Hippos at the Zoo and Tucker is bombed out of his mind, reeking of weed, with a couple of Michelle's finest on each arm as well as his boyz in tow?

            Hey Tuck, I've got some of my besties showing up to give money that eventually you get, can you at least pull up your pants and run a comb through your hair so you can say thanks?

            Nahz man, I just showed up to gets payed. Straight cash homie!

            Well Rocko and Bruno want to help you get ready, and your moms going to get a visitor later this week.

            Oh, and here's your 1099.

            My 10 inch wha?

            This is NOT going to end well for almost anyone. Frankly, I'm fine with not getting involved. It's never going to be worth it to me. I'll support other things. Let this mess explode and talk to me when smoke clears.

            Unless you know someone that's willing to just give away a half a mil or so EVERY year for no reason except to make a bunch of fans, who already think they're getting overcharged, cheer a winner, we are never going to win this battle. EVER.


            • I think a well-organized and productive NIL "collective" isn't happening at WSU until Boaty McBoatface is gone. Not because of his actions directly, but because those with the ability to fund such things don't want him here, and any success in that realm can only help extend his tenure.

              Why remodel the house when the absentee landlord still owns it. Let the guy finish his damage and vacate the premises before you throw money at it fixing it back up.


              • Sad that we will probably never see the arena again at full capacity and enjoy the incredible excitement it once provided. I would love to be proven wrong but I just don't see it happening anytime in the next 1-5 years.


                • Originally posted by Woodrow View Post

                  No. But to be honest I wouldn't contribute to this dumpster fire anyway. Maybe IB can turn things around, but barely finishing above .500 last year is not giving me any confidence.
                  Yeah. I agree. That wasn't my point. I am with you. It's just that there has been no effort that I can see of the athletic department reaching out to the folks who are likely willing to help. Not even a chance to tell them to pound sand.
                  Last edited by Shocktoberfest; April 22, 2022, 11:34 AM.


                  • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                    I have a couple of questions to ponder at your leisure.

                    We keep talking about these NIL deals we're passing on because of lack of leadership (I'm not saying there isn't a lack of leadership, but bear with me)......

                    Where is this money going to come from? Athletics is already hemorrhaging money at a ridiculous rate. Yes, the pandemic and coaching change aren't helping and they will come to an end but people are sprinting away from men's basketball and nobody (for the most part) wants to spend any money on any other sport. At least not anywhere near enough to cover CURRENT bills.

                    So chicken and egg this part first. Athletics has to fund athletics first before any NIL which means they have to hit up deep pockets donor guy for that first. And not just men's basketball...EVERYTHING has to be paid for first.

                    Now, I'm going to assume you're going right back to the same group for NIL money. Do any of you know business men and women in this community that are eager to dump cash without others investing with absolutely NO accountability?

                    I don't.

                    But let's say you do....let's call that person Busty Tech for example. What do you think is going to happen when, for instance, Tucker Smith who's getting 50K a year for his 3 point shooting goes 8 for 50 out of the gate (and I freaking GUARANTEE it's going to happen) and he runs into Busty at his designated "appearance" to raise money for Hungry Hippos at the Zoo and Tucker is bombed out of his mind, reeking of weed, with a couple of Michelle's finest on each arm as well as his boyz in tow?

                    Hey Tuck, I've got some of my besties showing up to give money that eventually you get, can you at least pull up your pants and run a comb through your hair so you can say thanks?

                    Nahz man, I just showed up to gets payed. Straight cash homie!

                    Well Rocko and Bruno want to help you get ready, and your moms going to get a visitor later this week.

                    Oh, and here's your 1099.

                    My 10 inch wha?

                    This is NOT going to end well for almost anyone. Frankly, I'm fine with not getting involved. It's never going to be worth it to me. I'll support other things. Let this mess explode and talk to me when smoke clears.

                    Unless you know someone that's willing to just give away a half a mil or so EVERY year for no reason except to make a bunch of fans, who already think they're getting overcharged, cheer a winner, we are never going to win this battle. EVER.

                    Not very subtle on the racism and stereotyping my friend. Wouldn't want FVV to read that. Do you think that's the profile and attitude of our typical black player over the years? Cotton? Fred?


                    • Originally posted by asiseeit View Post
                      Sad that we will probably never see the arena again at full capacity and enjoy the incredible excitement it once provided. I would love to be proven wrong but I just don't see it happening anytime in the next 1-5 years.
                      Pandemic, economy, recently fired GOAT coach, NCAA bullshit... give it some time, if college basketball survives all this... we'll be back!


                      • Yeah, so many good points here. The NCAA has (and in my opinion, shot themselves in the foot) essentially sodomized every non-P5 school, whether intentionally or not. I’m at an age where college sports isn’t the attraction it used to be. My time and money have definitely drifted away. See y’all. It’s been a fun ride.


                        • Originally posted by shoxlax View Post

                          Exactly, where is the rest of the severance going? Or is it one lump sum for Marshall all rolled into one year's books?
                          That is a good question, and the answer may point to how bad off financially the Athletic Program will be in the coming years.


                          • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

                            Not very subtle on the racism and stereotyping my friend. Wouldn't want FVV to read that. Do you think that's the profile and attitude of our typical black player over the years? Cotton? Fred?

                            But also, you're an imbecile.
                            "In God we trust, all others must bring data." - W. Edwards Deming


                            • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

                              Lockdowns and COVID hysteria, economy, recently fired GOAT coach, NCAA bullshit... give it some time, if college basketball survives all this... we'll be back!
                              "In God we trust, all others must bring data." - W. Edwards Deming


                              • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

                                Not very subtle on the racism and stereotyping my friend. Wouldn't want FVV to read that. Do you think that's the profile and attitude of our typical black player over the years? Cotton? Fred?
                                Tucker ? He's white. Combed his hair. Who's the racist?

