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I stand with Coach Gregg Marshall

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  • #76
    Originally posted by FlyingWheat View Post
    I agree. Time to move on IMO.


    • #77
      Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post

      Those'll still hang. Ross McBurney's tooooooooooo!!!!
      Damn you did some cool **** with font size. You truly are Teh Administratorzz!!1


      • #78
        I am disgusted that Coach Gregg Marshall has been forced out as Head Basketball Coach at Wichita State University. I will tell you my reasons why below.

        This is cancel culture at its finest. First Ivanka Trump was disinvited as a keynote speaker at a University graduation ceremony. This led to much satisfaction among the university community, professors and students. But this too is cancel culture. Cancel people you disagree with.

        The result of this episode was the firing of President Golden. Several wealthy donors indicated that they were cancelling planned or active gifts to the University because they did not agree that certain opinions were not welcome on a college campus. Let all ideas come out and may the best ideas win. But not today, the “tolerant” Left is in fact, intolerant. You don’t see conservatives anywhere rioting, hitting people, harassing them while they are eating, suspending them from school, making them take political re-education classes, etc. All things that happen on college campuses today and all from the “tolerant” Left.

        So, Gregg Marshall comes to WSU. He takes it to new heights of success. His record is the best ever at the University that has an intermittent history of success. In addition, over 14 years, he had probably 100 young men in his charge. Yes, he was a hard coach. Yes he was a demanding coach. But outsiders who saw practice said he was hard on players during practice, but after practice, he would hug them and invite them over for dinner. You saw him dance in the locker room for the guys after a big win. He was obviously tight with the vast majority of his charges. But there were some who were not happy, some who were not good enough, or not dedicated enough, to make themselves into a success.

        Fred Van Vleet was not a highly recruited player. Ron Baker was not a highly recruited player. Yet they reached the pinnacle of basketball success. They did it through their hard work, and their coach’s determination, encouragement and pushing. It was a “team” effort.

        But others did not like his style and left, fine. Shaq Morris, a lovable big center came into the program. He was, by all indications, talented, but not industrious. He stayed for four years, and in the culmination, in a tournament game against Bam Adabayo, a now NBA all-star, dominated him when we played Kentucky. His hard work paid off, he became a professional. But it was a more gradual, more difficult effort with and for Shaq. Everybody in Wichita loved Shaq. I loved it when an unsuspecting opposing team guard would run into his pick at midcourt and go flying. But it was difficult, Coach Marshall said there were times when they did not like each other and were surprised they continued to work together. Fred Van Vleet criticized Shaq for his lack of conditioning, his lack of commitment to himself and the program. But Shaq stayed four years and became a professional basketball player.

        Apparently today, lacking the kind of discipline he obtained from Coach Marshall, he has eaten himself out of his professional career. So, now, six years later, he comes out and criticizes Coach Marshall. And this leads to the resignation of Coach Marshall. This is the payback Coach Marshall gets for sticking it out with a difficult player. This is the loyalty he gets from a four-year player. Remember, Shaq knew the deal; he knew the coach, he knew his methods, he knew what he claims happened, and still he stuck around all four years.

        I am not angry at Shaq, I am disappointed in Shaq. I think he is rudderless without his Mom, and rudderless now having alienated Coach Marshall. It is a sad thing to see. I wonder what kind of reception he will receive if he comes back as an Aftershock?

        Coach Marshall mentored many college young men into better basketball players and better men. But he also did much more. He was active in charities in the community. He was an ambassador for the city, one reporter quoting that he was “like a member of the Wichita Chamber of Commerce.” When we went to the Final Four, I remember Mike Kennedy saying, on the radio, that the escorts for the teams in the different cities where the stages of the tournament took place, repeatedly told him “What a fine bunch of young men you have representing your university.” This was not by accident, this was due to the leadership and family environment Coach Marshall created and fostered.

        It was estimated that going to the Final Four was worth five hundred million dollars in publicity to the University and Wichita. Coach Marshall single-handedly got us into a better conference. Without his success, we would still be in the Missouri Valley. We may, yet again, return to such a conference, there is no guarantee we will be permitted to stay in the AAC if we become a second-rate team.

        So, for all that Coach Marshall did for the team, the fans, the University and the City, when the first sign of trouble hits, we toss him over the side. We run him out of town. We don’t stick with him, we don’t resolve the situation and allow him to stay with certain conditions. No, we negotiate and get rid of him. This is a huge mistake at every level.

        Now, we have an untested interim head coach. Coach Brown is, by all indications, a good man and a good coach. But this is an impossible situation to put a new coach into. We have lost our only recruit for next year who basically said he was coming to WSU because of Coach Marshall. Attendance will be capped this year, probably at 2,500 or so per game. This means a loss of significant ticket revenue, about 75% of it. Also lost is the corresponding contributions to SASO that a season ticketholder must pay. Also lost is the large contributions from many wealthy donors. And these dollars are lost for the foreseeable future or may be lost forever.

        When we can again attend basketball games, will there be 10,535 people in the stands? Probably not. How many season ticket holders did not renew this year and how many will not next year? I believe we will be back to the 80’s and 90’s with 5,000 people in the stands if we are lucky.

        If WSU is successful under Coach Brown, or whoever succeeds him, then the loss will be slightly mitigated. But if he is not successful, the loss will be exacerbated. In either event, this is going to mean the loss of millions of dollars to the Athletic Department. University enrollments rose after our Final Four appearance, and continued to prosper as the team did well. Was there a correlation? Probably, I guess we will find out over the next few years.

        Colleges and universities are now conducting many classes online. The traditional university is in danger, and many of these schools are already hurting financially. This situation will get worse and there will be a paradigm shift. Many campuses will become virtual. Just like going to the doctor, why not just Zoom her? The traditional campus has already changed and is in for more, possibly radical change.

        I will estimate that losing Coach Marshall will cost the University a minimum of $50 million. Lost athletic revenues and gifts; lost enrollment dollars; lost large contributors to the University; lost publicity from missing March Madness (we kind of got used to going every year and the money that came directly and indirectly from it).

        But most of all, we lost our integrity. We did not stand by a man who stood by us for fourteen years under trying circumstances. He had many opportunities to go to larger schools in larger conferences for more money. But he stayed. He loved the school and the community. He was loyal. He was squired by UCLA, South Carolina, North Carolina State, Texas, Alabama and who knows who else? But he remained loyal. We had to throw him out of town, not the other way around.

        So, we have tarnished the reputation of a man who did much for our community and school. Frankly, I would not choose to stay around in this set of circumstances either. He would have to be almost superhuman to put up with the mixed messages he has received and would receive from the community had he stayed.

        He is set for life. He never has to work again. But he will. Believe me, large universities dying for basketball success will be after him next year. If universities are willing to put up with cheaters like Larry Brown, Rick Pitino, Bill Self, Sean Miller and others because of the money and fame, just think how much they would covet a coach who has never had a hint of scandal about him. No tapes of him saying “he paid $100,000 for a player.” No scandal among the players. No, he ran a tight and successful ship and men like him are far and few between. We had a top ten coach, and whoever we get next, in the interim and permanently, will not be. Nor will WSU have the financial resources to seek such a candidate.

        So, I have to decide if I am going to keep rooting for the Shockers. I grew up listening to the jingle “Wichita State is on the go, watch the Shockers move on in victory. Take your family to the game, cheer the Shockers onto fame, Wichita wins for you.” I grew up watching Dave Stallworth, Nate Bowman, Warren Armstrong, Gene Wylie, Bull Durham, etc. That was sixty years ago, and I have been a diehard fan ever since. Whether living in Las Vegas, Chile, Germany, Spain or Arizona, I have always scheduled my life around WSU basketball. I listen to Mike Kennedy and Dave Dahl. I got it on ESPN or CBS or wherever I could to watch on television. I would watch on television and listen to the radio even if they were not totally in sync. I go back and re-watch our victories over KU or Gonzaga.

        Will I keep doing so? I don’t know. I am deeply troubled by the lack of compassion and forgiveness in our community. I am deeply troubled by our willingness to so readily run off a good man. My heart hurts for Coach Marshall and his family. They gave their all to this community. I feel differently about WSU and Wichita now than I did a month ago. And it is not a more favorable viewpoint. I suspect many people feel as I do. Like the “shy Trump supporter,” they may not speak out like I do, but they will simply passively detach from something they used to love. WSU basketball was a life and death matter to me. Now, I feel like there has been a death in the family, and am simply not sure if I will overcome the pain of this situation.

        David Rahm


        • #79
          Sorry Ron Baker, I disagree with you.
          Somehow it appears that, a coach who took a chance on you when your only alternative was Fort Hays State, and molded you into a successful man and player, able to play in the NBA is easily disposable to you. Do you think you accomplished these things on your own? Do you have any appreciation for what Coach Marshall did for you? Frankly, I am appalled by your attitude.

          As a businessman who started and built several businesses to success, employing thousands of people in the process, I know not to expect loyalty.

          But your comments are totally disloyal and disgusting.

          I used to admire you.

          Now I see you as just an ungrateful punk.
          Good luck with your life and hope you respond with as much class as Coach Marshall the first time somebody does you really wrong.


          • #80
            Originally posted by David Rahm View Post
            Sorry Ron Baker, I disagree with you.
            Somehow it appears that, a coach who took a chance on you when your only alternative was Fort Hays State, and molded you into a successful man and player, able to play in the NBA is easily disposable to you. Do you think you accomplished these things on your own? Do you have any appreciation for what Coach Marshall did for you? Frankly, I am appalled by your attitude.

            As a businessman who started and built several businesses to success, employing thousands of people in the process, I know not to expect loyalty.

            But your comments are totally disloyal and disgusting.

            I used to admire you.

            Now I see you as just an ungrateful punk.
            Good luck with your life and hope you respond with as much class as Coach Marshall the first time somebody does you really wrong.
            Didn't he say he grew up with ChicKUnhawk posters in his bedroom?

            Acted just like a chicken **** when the guy that got him into the NBA needed his support.


            • #81
              I guess Ron answered the question about which “big time” player didn’t like 3G. Have to say, RB was third on the list for me.


              • #82
                Originally posted by FlyingWheat View Post
                What Baker said. It's hard to move forward while looking in the rear view mirror.
                The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
                We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


                • #83
                  Ron didn't come out and say he disliked Marshall, he is recommending supporting the players and coaches here at WSU. Show the same support before Marshall was gone.


                  • #84
                    If your reaction to Ron Baker's call to support our Shockers is to say that he is disloyal, disgusting, and a chickenshit; it is probably time to take a couple steps back from the situation and come back later with a clear head.

                    I'd even say his personal circumstances almost force him to be neutral here. Baker has had enough injuries that he may not play again, overseas or otherwise, and his best career option likely starts with the program. I think it is very likely he becomes an assistant coach for us at some point, and that doesn't happen if he tries to throw his weight around and it goes badly. I wouldn't even be surprised if he is an assistant next year.


                    • #85
                      I would have at least liked to see him thank coach for helping him on his journey to where he is today.

                      Whether he loves or hates him, Ron (and many others) owe GM a tremendous debt of gratitude.
                      The Assman


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post

                        Meh. This loser couldn't hang in the NBA.
                        Make sure you got your sarcasm meter dialed in here.
                        Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                        • #87
                          I did not read Ron's post as some sort of slight or admission that he didn't get along with HCGM. I saw it as him saying it is time to heal as Shocker nation regardless of what happened and support the players on the current team. Ron always struck me as even keeled and sort of a peace maker. I see it as leadership actually.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Maizerunner08 View Post
                            I guess Ron answered the question about which “big time” player didn’t like 3G. Have to say, RB was third on the list for me.
                            Did he?


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Maizerunner08 View Post
                              I guess Ron answered the question about which “big time” player didn’t like 3G. Have to say, RB was third on the list for me.
                              It’s not Ron. It’s Fred.
                              People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

                              Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                              Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by David Rahm View Post
                                Sorry Ron Baker, I disagree with you.
                                Somehow it appears that, a coach who took a chance on you when your only alternative was Fort Hays State, and molded you into a successful man and player, able to play in the NBA is easily disposable to you. Do you think you accomplished these things on your own? Do you have any appreciation for what Coach Marshall did for you? Frankly, I am appalled by your attitude.

                                As a businessman who started and built several businesses to success, employing thousands of people in the process, I know not to expect loyalty.

                                But your comments are totally disloyal and disgusting.

                                I used to admire you.

                                Now I see you as just an ungrateful punk.
                                Good luck with your life and hope you respond with as much class as Coach Marshall the first time somebody does you really wrong.
                                Not the worst take this year but in the discussion.

