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FBI Corruption Probe

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Play Angry View Post

    Same thought occurred to me as well. So disappointing.
    Which makes is at least somewhat likely that it wasn't just $3k at the end of his career.... When there is so much money floating around it would be naive to think everyone isn't likely to take a piece. Especially when the system is universally viewed as corrupt by the players.


    • #77
      Originally posted by TheGr1z View Post

      Impermissible benefits including but not limited to free queso, extra tortillas, and fried ice cream.
      Shocker Football...Alive in '95 errr 2005 errr 2025!!


      • #78
        Just throwing this out there....

        If you're an agent and you locked up FVV for $1,000... you got one of the best deals in the history of deals.


        • ShockerExpress
          ShockerExpress commented
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          Is this guy Fred's agent now? Is there a way to know that? Or is that known?

        • Stickboy46
          Stickboy46 commented
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          I believe he was his agent. He's now in jail

        • ripemupshocks
          ripemupshocks commented
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          That is a good deal. But according to, it actually closer to $4,000.00 between Fred and his stepfather. Still a good deal.

          Fred is still managed by ASM.

      • #79
        We're still not big time.
        Kansas (12). Why is Hall of Fame coach Bill Self on this list, when his school has yet to be publicly implicated in the federal investigation? Because star recruit Billy Preston’s ineligibility has yet to be addressed. And then there is the 2015 ineligibility of freshman Cliff Alexander late in the season for dealings with a financial company. And the smoke that surrounded Kansas last year, when Carlton Bragg and Josh Jackson both were suspended. And the fact that several other Adidas-backed programs were caught up in the feds’ dragnet. Self’s Teflon status may get a bit sticky as things progress.


        • #80
          I know the infractions aren't close to being similar, or I should say I hope, my mind went right back to the 70's and 80's and the reputation that blanketed our program as the most penalized school in NCAA history. I would hate to have that perception/reputation again. It sucked.


          • #81
            I think we would be lying to ourselves if we truly believed Fred and Ron were completely innocent the entire time they were here. You know agents were blowing up their phones and their parents phones daily for 4 years.
            If WSU were in the American for their tenure, there's no way in hell they would of stayed in school all 4 years cause they would of gotten drafted fairly high. Unless Fred did something that he knew affected his eligibility status I don't see a reason to hold it against him.


            • ripemupshocks
              ripemupshocks commented
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              Taking money under the table WOULD affect his eligibility. If true, it means Fred forfeited his amateur status and was no longer eligible to participate in NCAA athletics. Unfortunately, Fred chose to continue playing at WSU; therefore WSU used an ineligible player. So yeah, you should hold it against him.

          • #82
            Originally posted by wushock27 View Post
            Something to ponder...if he didn't receive any payments until 2016, does that potentially mean he would only be deemed ineligible from that time forward, or do they deem his whole time here that way??
            But Fred was on the 12/31/2015 balance sheet so any 2016 payment would be additional. If these "loans" were for the purpose of paying for Fred/Dad to fly to meet a prospective agent somewhere, that would seem plausible, but in that event, they should not be considered "loans," but rather marketing expenses. Why would Fered risk anything for $1,500 dollars?
            "I not sure that I've ever been around a more competitive player or young man than Fred VanVleet. I like to win more than 99.9% of the people in this world, but he may top me." -- Gregg Marshall 12/23/13 :peaceful:
            Remember when Nancy Pelosi said about Obamacare:
            "We have to pass it, to find out what's in it".

            A physician called into a radio show and said:
            "That's the definition of a stool sample."


            • proshox
              proshox commented
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              See above statements.. This is $3k documented... that doesn't mean it was the only time Fred or and WSU player accepted money

            • jdshock
              jdshock commented
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              I wonder if the agencies made internal decisions to document them as "loans" under the (possibly erroneous) belief that they'd be less scrutinized than an outright payment.

          • #83
            Originally posted by im4wsu View Post
            Why would Fered risk anything for $1,500 dollars?
            Because at that point in time, he didn’t give a **** about it affecting WSU. He cared about his family and pro future.

            Right or wrong, he did what he thought was best for him.

            For his sake, looks like he was right. He will likely be a very rich man in the near future. The only people that will suffer from this are WSU.

            Hope it was worth it to him.
            The Assman


            • #84
              I want to know how much we had to pay Evan Wessel.

              /s. Back to your regularly sour programming.
              People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

              Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
              Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


              • #85
                Some people on here need to relax and not overreact.


                • #86
                  Remember when I said we should all be careful who we talk trash on back when the Adidas stuff first came out and SPECIFICALLY brought up Fred ?

                  Yea. You all trashed me and claimed I was a KU fan. Some of you even claimed Fred was your "friend" and didnt even seem to care if sanctions came down because of him.

                  Well reality has hit. Have fun!


                  • jdshock
                    jdshock commented
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                    To be fair, this post sure makes you sound like a KU fan.

                • #87
                  I hate this for Fred and for the program. So very disappointing. I have such a jumble of feelings. When I can gather and express them appropriately, I will.
                  Go Shocks!


                  • #88
                    There still aren't any facts behind this. It's just an implication and nothing has been proved yet. Yes, everyone should relax until all the facts are there.


                    • #89
                      I've dug through the evidence and all the various details, interviews, and outcomes and have determined WSUs best course of action. What WSU should do this year to alleviate all the hubub and noise would be to do this:

                      Win the National Championship.
                      "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                      • #90
                        Originally posted by XManCometh View Post
                        Remember when I said we should all be careful who we talk trash on back when the Adidas stuff first came out and SPECIFICALLY brought up Fred ?

                        Yea. You all trashed me and claimed I was a KU fan. Some of you even claimed Fred was your "friend" and didnt even seem to care if sanctions came down because of him.

                        Well reality has hit. Have fun!
                        People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

                        Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                        Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


                        • Walker
                          Walker commented
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                          Lol best gif ever.