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Fire Todd Butler

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  • What a fitting farewell tour of the MVC.
    The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
    We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


    • Originally posted by shockfan89_ View Post
      Yes, he did have the 'interim' tag last Spring. I agree with you, but this an excerpt from an article I was remembering after last year.

      "Coach Todd Butler will return in 2017 for his fourth season with a 78-98 record, 32-31 in MVC play. Interim athletic director Darron Boatright backed Butler, who has four years remaining on a guaranteed contract, earlier this week, saying that Butler has his full support."

      Read more here:
      Athletic directors have to go on record as giving full support to their coaches until the second they remove them, so I don't read much in to that.

      I do agree with all that that finances are an issue. I would pay money to see it done. And I would buy baseball tickets again as well. That ain't happening otherwise.


      • I know they have to. It was halfway meant to be sarcastic but at the same time I don't think anything would have changed even if we were staying in the MVC.


        • Originally posted by shockfan89_ View Post
          I know they have to. It was halfway meant to be sarcastic but at the same time I don't think anything would have changed even if we were staying in the MVC.
          I really don't know. I don't have any sort of read on how ADDB actually feels about the situation. And it's certainly possible now that even IF he wanted to do something, he doesn't have the means and will try to pass it off as 'giving a chance to show continued improvement in the AAC.'

          But I will be very disappointed. This is a disaster.


          • I wonder how much money WSU is losing based on rousing attendance numbers and dwindling season ticket holders.

            Not to mention the ginormous hole that has to be filled and recovered from even after a change is made.

            Disaster is putting it nicely.
            Deuces Valley.
            ... No really, deuces.
            "Enjoy the ride."

            - a smart man


            • I like to think that after last season there was a lot of pressure on HCTB to make huge strides this year. I like to think that is why Kemnitz was fired and PCMS brought in.

              I know we still have 20+ games left but not sure we will learn anything new this year. I fully expect this team to win more games from here on out and hit better. That doesn't mean there is hope for next season, it means we play in the 12th ranked conference (NPI 16) and play 9 more conference games against 200+ RPI teams and 3 additional conference games against a team with only 9 wins all year.


              • Originally posted by Cdizzle View Post
                I really don't know. I don't have any sort of read on how ADDB actually feels about the situation. And it's certainly possible now that even IF he wanted to do something, he doesn't have the means and will try to pass it off as 'giving a chance to show continued improvement in the AAC.'

                But I will be very disappointed. This is a disaster.
                We all are disappointed and it is a disaster. However, this may be a problem better solved another day. The plate's pretty full right now.


                • Butler needs to be gone yesterday


                  • Well now there's off the field drama. And he ain't got a Natty. Pardon my Hud-ism, but he's go to go


                    • I don't know many who haven't expected the day was near for the hiring of Shocker baseball's third coach of the modern era. The difference seems to have been that some hoped for failure from the start or very early on, while others (myself included) hoped for a turn around from the expected dismal start. Of course others fall in between the two. I don't know of many/anyone who believed things are/were peachy, but I am sure there is one or two out there.

                      I still hope for a turnaround, however, I can't help but feel that yesterday was HCTB's "Tet" moment. That crucial moment in the Vietnam War where America (and MACV/MACV-SOG/CIA) overwhelmingly resigned itself that baring a miracle turnaround, the war was an exercise in futility.
                      “Losers Average Losers.” ― Paul Tudor Jones


                      • I posted this on the Bradley Series thread but perhaps it should be on this thread:

                        Wichita Eagle report on the incident

                        A couple of interesting points (maybe). The announcement that Zach Redding had been "disassociated" from the team came from ADDB and not HCTB and it came at midnight last night. Not sure what to read into that, if anything, but thought it was a little unusual.


                        • Originally posted by Ta town View Post
                          Butler needs to be gone yesterday
                          Butler should have never been here in the first place. His resume showed that he cratered another program as a HC previously, but somehow we didn't just hire him, but gave him a guaranteed employment contract with a 90th percentile salary. Go figure.


                          • Mastering the art of the job interview is one of the most important life skills that one can have.


                            • To say he cratered another program may be overstating it a bit. He was 90-83 in his 3 years as McNeese State head coach. The previous 5 years McNeese was 142-134. So he maintained the status quo of a mediocre program. However, he was basically a career assistant with nothing on his resume that would suggest that he could step into the leadershop position at Wichita State made even more challenging in that he was replacing the guy who built the Wichita State program.

                              However, the lack of judgment in making this hire was IMHO exceeded by the ridiculous contract he was given. This doesn't make Todd Butler a bad man. Anyone of us would of jumped at a chance to sign the contract he signed. It does, however, reflect very poorly on those on the Wichita State side of the equation.

                              What it all does however is complicate fixing the problem and making the cost of fixing the problem far more expensive than it needed to be or should have been.

                              I really don't want to root against these young men (and I am not sure I can bring myself to) but I kind of feel like a NY Knicks fan. Do we need to lose games to save the program long-term?


                              • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                                To say he cratered another program may be overstating it a bit. He was 90-83 in his 3 years as McNeese State head coach. The previous 5 years McNeese was 142-134. So he maintained the status quo of a mediocre program. However, he was basically a career assistant with nothing on his resume that would suggest that he could step into the leadershop position at Wichita State made even more challenging in that he was replacing the guy who built the Wichita State program.

                                However, the lack of judgment in making this hire was IMHO exceeded by the ridiculous contract he was given. This doesn't make Todd Butler a bad man. Anyone of us would of jumped at a chance to sign the contract he signed. It does, however, reflect very poorly on those on the Wichita State side of the equation.

                                What it all does however is complicate fixing the problem and making the cost of fixing the problem far more expensive than it needed to be or should have been.

                                I really don't want to root against these young men (and I am not sure I can bring myself to) but I kind of feel like a NY Knicks fan. Do we need to lose games to save the program long-term?
                                Pretty sure losing games will happen at this point program saving or not.

