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KWCH Story On Eck Stadium Sucking

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  • KWCH Story On Eck Stadium Sucking

    Honestly I'm about done with going to baseball games. It's becoming a joke and it has only gotten worse over the years...and I'm not talking about the team on the field. The management of security has been horrible. I've barely missed a game over the last 15 years. I'm in my late 30's have 3 kids who enjoy going to the games so it's going to be a tough decision.

    1. A few years ago I watched college aged kids get banned from games for telling the center fielder he "sucks" foul language...just "sucks". I was so mad at what I was seeing I argued with security so they decided to throw me and my daughter out as well and told us we were banned from all future sporting events. As soon as we got thrown out several more people got thrown out defending us. I went to Brad Pittman's office or whoever over saw security at the time and got free tickets to the next few games and an apology.

    2. Fans tried to camp out in chairs for our Regional years ago and were told by security they couldn't spend the night there...yet doesn't seem to be a problem at basketball games.

    3. At the same regional, outfield security refused to open the gate while the other gates were all open letting people in. I asked a guy about it later he said they didn't like how the people at the front of the line were acting impatient so they thought they'd make everyone wait.

    4. This one is my favorite! Back when they gave out the Gene bobble heads I got one and my daughter got one. We got to our spot on the hill between the 2 pavilions. A security person chased us down and said we had to give one back because my daughter (age 2) got in for free. I laughed and so did the other people who were with us, thinking he must be joking. He radioed back to the gate to ask for backup...I told him we had no idea he was serious and if he wanted it he could take it from her. He I gave her mine.

    5. My 3 year old daughter had a Dora backpack with an unopened bottle of water in it. Security saw the need to search the back pack, open the sealed bottle of water and smell it to make sure it was water.

    6. This year I showed up to the first Saturday game of the year. Wife dropped me and the kids off at the gate. I had a cooler with 6 beers, security opened the cooler and said I couldn't bring those in. I had no clue what they were talking about. They said it as if I knew I couldn't bring in beer that didn't say 3.2. It was a pretty ridiculous had to throw them all away. Thanks for the warning, or maybe just a sign.

    7. My kids get told they can't stand there if they stop and stand on the sidewalk for more than a couple of seconds. Have you been to a game lately? They aren't impeding any traffic.

    Other dumb things: Requiring a special $10 ticket to sit on the hill. Make no difference to me, I have 4 season tickets...but why do idiotic things like that when the program is in it's current state of sucking? Not allowing reentry into the game...why not stamp hands like the old days and let people back in? The bag for my chair blew over the fence yesterday, security didn't want to let me go get it. Of course the new 3.2 rule about beer and they way they are handling it looked like a fiasco at the gate yesterday as well.

    I used to have a group of about 10 of us who went to every game, grill and have a few drinks now it's down to just me and my kids with maybe one other person coming along. It has a lot less to do with the team and more to do with idiots running the staff.

    I could go on and on more than I have, but I'll end my rant here!

  • #2
    2010 was the last year I lived in town to use our season tickets. We had some friends who had tickets in the same box seats section we did, and it was pretty common in previous seasons for one of the groups to scoot down and sit next to the other if surrounding seats were unoccupied. The difference was 1 row and about 6 spots, and $0 in price. It was also very rare for anyone else to actually be in the surrounding seats those last few years.

    It became a regular thing that last season for the security/ticket guy to give us a hard time and make us move back every time we tried this by checking our tickets. Mind you, it was not uncommon for us to be literally the only people in the section, especially when it was cold, but he didn't care and would threaten us with ejection if we objected. It was...ridiculous. We had a member of the AD talk to him and it stopped for all of about one weekend, then started up again. Finally I just gave up since I knew I was moving and it would be my last couple weeks at the games.

    We still hold those tickets and give them away for most every game. I wonder if that same curmudgeon rules the aisles with his decrepit iron fist. I will have to inquire.


    • #3
      Here is the email I sent to the university in response to my experience on Sunday.

      To whom it may concern:

      I am very disappointed about the current way fans are treated at Eck Stadium. First of all I did not understand why an outfield hill ticket is a special ticket. It was an inconvenience for me but I made do at the game I attended on Sunday, March 31st. Secondly, I was very disappointed in the new policy on beer. The first reason was there was never any notification that full strength beer could not be brought onto the hill until we got to the gate. Secondly, I found it very conflicting that full strength beer is being sold at the concession stands. I understand you as an athletic department wanting to make money but you should not be punishing fans who want to attend your events. I understand the point of wanting to control binge drinking on the hill but you have to trust your fans as well. Also, I am sure that you are not giving away 3.2 beer in the All American Club and the Coastal Room. I feel like this is a complete contradiction and is punishing fans. As an alum of the university I am very disappointed in the lack of communication in the new policy's and the detriment to the unique atmosphere that Eck Stadium presents. I would appreciate an explanation and hope that you take my complaint into consideration.


      • #4
        It's a joke and it has been steadily getting worse for the past five years. I use to attend 75-80% of the games and typically sat on the hill every game, but now I may possibly go to 2-3 games per season and the main reason is because of the way security is now. I was sitting right by martymoose when security went crazy that first time kicking students out for saying the word "sucks". They are a joke. They seriously opened every water bottle I took to the last game that I went to, unreal. Unfortunately it's no longer fun to go to a game there specifically because of the security.

        I miss being out on the hill but I don't get hastled by Mike Kennedy or Shane Dennis while I'm listening on the radio.


        • #5
          I'll admit, there was a little bit of a problem 10+ years ago when underage kids were drinking on the hill cussing at the outfielders, but that was put under control a long time ago when they ran off all the students. There haven't been any issues for years.


          • #6
            It's turning into a joke. Whomever is running security at Eck needs a reality check on being human.
   - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


            • #7
              I got turned around on Friday with a full cooler. They said this had been the policy for years but I had never heard of it. What's the point of even allowing beer if it is 3.2. Sitting on The Hill used to be an experience. It's not the same anymore


              • #8
                Originally posted by martymoose View Post

                Honestly I'm about done with going to baseball games. It's becoming a joke and it has only gotten worse over the years...and I'm not talking about the team on the field. The management of security has been horrible. I've barely missed a game over the last 15 years. I'm in my late 30's have 3 kids who enjoy going to the games so it's going to be a tough decision.

                1. A few years ago I watched college aged kids get banned from games for telling the center fielder he "sucks" foul language...just "sucks". I was so mad at what I was seeing I argued with security so they decided to throw me and my daughter out as well and told us we were banned from all future sporting events. As soon as we got thrown out several more people got thrown out defending us. I went to Brad Pittman's office or whoever over saw security at the time and got free tickets to the next few games and an apology.

                2. Fans tried to camp out in chairs for our Regional years ago and were told by security they couldn't spend the night there...yet doesn't seem to be a problem at basketball games.

                3. At the same regional, outfield security refused to open the gate while the other gates were all open letting people in. I asked a guy about it later he said they didn't like how the people at the front of the line were acting impatient so they thought they'd make everyone wait.

                4. This one is my favorite! Back when they gave out the Gene bobble heads I got one and my daughter got one. We got to our spot on the hill between the 2 pavilions. A security person chased us down and said we had to give one back because my daughter (age 2) got in for free. I laughed and so did the other people who were with us, thinking he must be joking. He radioed back to the gate to ask for backup...I told him we had no idea he was serious and if he wanted it he could take it from her. He I gave her mine.

                5. My 3 year old daughter had a Dora backpack with an unopened bottle of water in it. Security saw the need to search the back pack, open the sealed bottle of water and smell it to make sure it was water.

                6. This year I showed up to the first Saturday game of the year. Wife dropped me and the kids off at the gate. I had a cooler with 6 beers, security opened the cooler and said I couldn't bring those in. I had no clue what they were talking about. They said it as if I knew I couldn't bring in beer that didn't say 3.2. It was a pretty ridiculous had to throw them all away. Thanks for the warning, or maybe just a sign.

                7. My kids get told they can't stand there if they stop and stand on the sidewalk for more than a couple of seconds. Have you been to a game lately? They aren't impeding any traffic.

                Other dumb things: Requiring a special $10 ticket to sit on the hill. Make no difference to me, I have 4 season tickets...but why do idiotic things like that when the program is in it's current state of sucking? Not allowing reentry into the game...why not stamp hands like the old days and let people back in? The bag for my chair blew over the fence yesterday, security didn't want to let me go get it. Of course the new 3.2 rule about beer and they way they are handling it looked like a fiasco at the gate yesterday as well.

                I used to have a group of about 10 of us who went to every game, grill and have a few drinks now it's down to just me and my kids with maybe one other person coming along. It has a lot less to do with the team and more to do with idiots running the staff.

                I could go on and on more than I have, but I'll end my rant here!
                You honestly need to copy and paste this exact post and shoot it off in an email to Sexton.

                It's sad that the only place in Eck where fans still actually show up is now also being run into the ground.


                • #9
                  So, is the 3.2 beer a law, a BoR rule, or a WSU rule? Regardless, this should have been emphasized at the time of season ticket receipt and not surprise fans with it at the gate.

                  Not only should all disgruntled fans express their displeasure to the Athletic Department, but should copy it to Coach Butler as well.

                  There is absolutely no reason "hired" security, or otherwise, cannot do their job in a fan friendly manner and use common sense. If they can't, they should ask that such personnel not be assigned to WSU events. The bobble head and empty box seats incidents are just plain stupid.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by SPEShox25 View Post
                    I got turned around on Friday with a full cooler. They said this had been the policy for years but I had never heard of it. What's the point of even allowing beer if it is 3.2. Sitting on The Hill used to be an experience. It's not the same anymore
                    "You know how it seems like the effects of downing a 3.2 percent beer pales in comparison to that of a 6 percent brew? Well, much of thatmay actually be in your head.

                    At first glance, the 3.2 "low-point" beer in grocery and convenience stores appears to contain nearly half the alcohol content of the 6 percent found in liquor stores. But the distinction is in the fine print: Low-point is measured by weight, while 6-point is calculated by volume, so there's actually less of a difference between the two.

                    Strong beer has about 1.5 percent more alcohol than low-point beer, said Phillip Klebba, University of Oklahoma chemistry professor. When calculated by weight like low-point beer, the 6-point drink totals 4.7 percent alcohol.

                    "There's a little bit less difference when you look at it that way," Klebba said.

                    It is a comparison of apples to apples, said Tim Zaloudek, chairman of the Oklahoma Malt Beverage Association and president of Pope Distributing.

                    "There's four-tenths more alcohol in that (strong) beer," Zaloudek said. "It's more of a psychological difference than an alcohol difference.""

                    "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                    • #11
                      While we are talking about security, I believe they over secure the student section at basketball games.

                      I mean, why do you need twenty security guards to babysit college age kids?

                      Just silly.
                      The Assman


                      • #12
                        Is this security you speak of an volunteer organization that gets a check from the university for performing this function? If so there are plenty of other organizations that would gladly take on that duty in a less Naziesque manner. I know the KWCH article says hired and new security company but this is exactly what they do-hire a non profit organization that needs funds

                        Agree Marty send it in.
                        Last edited by shoxlax; March 31, 2014, 11:49 AM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by martymoose View Post

                          Honestly I'm about done with going to baseball games. It's becoming a joke and it has only gotten worse over the years...and I'm not talking about the team on the field. The management of security has been horrible. I've barely missed a game over the last 15 years. I'm in my late 30's have 3 kids who enjoy going to the games so it's going to be a tough decision.

                          1. A few years ago I watched college aged kids get banned from games for telling the center fielder he "sucks" foul language...just "sucks". I was so mad at what I was seeing I argued with security so they decided to throw me and my daughter out as well and told us we were banned from all future sporting events. As soon as we got thrown out several more people got thrown out defending us. I went to Brad Pittman's office or whoever over saw security at the time and got free tickets to the next few games and an apology.

                          2. Fans tried to camp out in chairs for our Regional years ago and were told by security they couldn't spend the night there...yet doesn't seem to be a problem at basketball games.

                          3. At the same regional, outfield security refused to open the gate while the other gates were all open letting people in. I asked a guy about it later he said they didn't like how the people at the front of the line were acting impatient so they thought they'd make everyone wait.

                          4. This one is my favorite! Back when they gave out the Gene bobble heads I got one and my daughter got one. We got to our spot on the hill between the 2 pavilions. A security person chased us down and said we had to give one back because my daughter (age 2) got in for free. I laughed and so did the other people who were with us, thinking he must be joking. He radioed back to the gate to ask for backup...I told him we had no idea he was serious and if he wanted it he could take it from her. He I gave her mine.

                          5. My 3 year old daughter had a Dora backpack with an unopened bottle of water in it. Security saw the need to search the back pack, open the sealed bottle of water and smell it to make sure it was water.

                          6. This year I showed up to the first Saturday game of the year. Wife dropped me and the kids off at the gate. I had a cooler with 6 beers, security opened the cooler and said I couldn't bring those in. I had no clue what they were talking about. They said it as if I knew I couldn't bring in beer that didn't say 3.2. It was a pretty ridiculous had to throw them all away. Thanks for the warning, or maybe just a sign.

                          7. My kids get told they can't stand there if they stop and stand on the sidewalk for more than a couple of seconds. Have you been to a game lately? They aren't impeding any traffic.

                          Other dumb things: Requiring a special $10 ticket to sit on the hill. Make no difference to me, I have 4 season tickets...but why do idiotic things like that when the program is in it's current state of sucking? Not allowing reentry into the game...why not stamp hands like the old days and let people back in? The bag for my chair blew over the fence yesterday, security didn't want to let me go get it. Of course the new 3.2 rule about beer and they way they are handling it looked like a fiasco at the gate yesterday as well.

                          I used to have a group of about 10 of us who went to every game, grill and have a few drinks now it's down to just me and my kids with maybe one other person coming along. It has a lot less to do with the team and more to do with idiots running the staff.

                          I could go on and on more than I have, but I'll end my rant here!
                          Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post
                          You honestly need to copy and paste this exact post and shoot it off in an email to Sexton.

                          It's sad that the only place in Eck where fans still actually show up is now also being run into the ground.
                          Just link him to this thread, while you are it it. That way, they can see fans displeasure.
                          The Assman


                          • #14
                            So is it Brad Pittman that oversees the security at WSU events? If so, just put the heat under his rear in the same way you would an employee of a business you are highly displeasured with. WE are the customers and boosters; the security team is there to serve US, and not the other way around. When employees get this dynamic switched up, fires need to lit in the appropriate places.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ShockTalk View Post
                              So, is the 3.2 beer a law, a BoR rule, or a WSU rule?
                              If the 3.2 rule comes from the BoR, it’s even more asinine. Regardless, it's moronic.
                              "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"

