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Ut Oh! Hogs v. Title Town

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  • #76
    Originally posted by shockkansas View Post
    I guess I don't know enough about baseball. I thought that was a pretty good game against the #3 seed.
    And that, my friends, is the difference between WSU and K-State. We lose to the #1 team in the Final Four and although we're proud of our team, we're pissed off. K-State loses to the #3 overall seed in baseball, which was their only postseason success in a year where they've bragged on their sports heavily, and is content because "at least they gave them a good game."


    • #77
      Play Angry


      • #78
        I'mreally glad K-State lost. For completely different reasons than anyone else on this thread. I've seen K-State fans on the road at a championship event. It's not pretty. They may be the worst, most insufferable out there. I remember plain as day, a few years ago when they were in Omaha for the NCAA's, oh my God! They gave the whole Midwest a bad rep. I remember two guys bitching at a concession worker over the price of popcorn. A couple of USC fans made fun of them. They will stop for no apparent reason in the middle of a concourse. And they whine all game long. They don't tip, hold up traffic and we're jingling keys at the start of the game Like it was 1985 and they just invented something new and cool.

        I gave up my CWS tickets when they moved downtown, but I'm really glad that train wreck won't be in my town next week.
        There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


        • #79
          Originally posted by shockkansas View Post
          I guess I don't know enough about baseball.
          You "guess"? Lol. And trust me, the sheer tonnage of things that you don't know enough about could stop a team of oxen in it's tracks.

          Originally posted by shockkansas View Post
          Oh well, football is around the corner. I'm so happy "FAN APATHY" didn't kill KSU football.
          Boy, you talk about a quote that's going to be brought up, like, forever. KSU football is the worst program in the history of organized sports sans Coach Bill Snyder. THE WORST. Turner Gill and Ron Chismar get together and feel bad for KSU football. The INSTANT Bill steps down, and that day is coming sooner than later, Irrelevant replaces EcoKat as your mascot and empty stadium seats are all the rage in Manhattan. You'll be diverting your TexasSSI checks to the Equestrian team faster than you can redshirt all of your seniors.


          • #80
            Originally posted by ISASO View Post
            Nice season for the BatCats. Actually, it was their greatest season ever by a mile. Not everyone can make it to the National Championship Game in the third season of their program's existence. This Shocker fan was rooting for you while most of your own fans were dragging you down and marginalizing your efforts.
            Thanks for for the encouragement. This is the last year of K-State Baseball being a hobby sport. 4 regionals in the last 5 years and a Big 12 Title. People have taken notice. We have proven to ourselves that we can support K-State Athletics year round. K-State Baseball will likely be just as good next year. Pitching should be getting better.


            • #81
              Originally posted by AndrewVonLintel View Post
              Thanks for for the encouragement. This is the last year of K-State Baseball being a hobby sport. 4 regionals in the last 5 years and a Big 12 Title. People have taken notice. We have proven to ourselves that we can support K-State Athletics year round. K-State Baseball will likely be just as good next year. Pitching should be getting better.
              Thats kind of what the fans at swomo predicted (wrongly as it turned out) years ago about the power of the mo valley shifting to the ozarks. Don't get me wrong k state had a good team but now comes the task of replacing the players drafted and shoring up what osu exposed as a thin pitching corps. I hope they continue to support k state baseball but if the program fails to deliver it will be painful to watch.


              • #82
                Originally posted by pogo View Post
                Thats kind of what the fans at swomo predicted (wrongly as it turned out) years ago about the power of the mo valley shifting to the ozarks. Don't get me wrong k state had a good team but now comes the task of replacing the players drafted and shoring up what osu exposed as a thin pitching corps. I hope they continue to support k state baseball but if the program fails to deliver it will be painful to watch.
                Bingo. All Flash-in-the-Pan U has proven is that.. they're a flash in the pan.
                Deuces Valley.
                ... No really, deuces.
                "Enjoy the ride."

                - a smart man


                • #83
                  Originally posted by shockkansas View Post
                  I guess I don't know enough about baseball. I thought that was a pretty good game against the #3 seed. I guess in baseball you want to lose early in the tourney so you can bag on the team that whooped you? Odd.

                  Oh well, football is around the corner. I'm so happy "FAN APATHY" didn't kill KSU football. That would really suck if the biggest sporting event at a university was a bunch of high school kids...
                  I still don't understand how a Kansas State fan would be buried over in the topics of a WSU baseball forum all the while their team is playing in their only ever Super Regional. Does anyone else think that's a little strange?

                  Oh well, obsession noted and expected.
                  Deuces Valley.
                  ... No really, deuces.
                  "Enjoy the ride."

                  - a smart man


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by pogo View Post
                    Thats kind of what the fans at swomo predicted (wrongly as it turned out) years ago about the power of the mo valley shifting to the ozarks. Don't get me wrong k state had a good team but now comes the task of replacing the players drafted and shoring up what osu exposed as a thin pitching corps. I hope they continue to support k state baseball but if the program fails to deliver it will be painful to watch.
                    Missouri State

                    The list could go on. These are some of the programs who thought they were the next 80's-00's WSU type team ("cold weather" dominant program). UNL and MSU even had their respective city's taxpayers build them shiny new off-campus stadiums. It didn't develop quite the way they had hoped. Will KSU finally break through and be THAT team? Who knows, but the likelihood is low.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Ricky Bobby View Post
                      Missouri State

                      The list could go on. These are some of the programs who thought they were the next 80's-00's WSU type team ("cold weather" dominant program). UNL and MSU even had their respective city's taxpayers build them shiny new off-campus stadiums. It didn't develop quite the way they had hoped. Will KSU finally break through and be THAT team? Who knows, but the likelihood is low.
                      I agree with your points, but in MoST's case it was local rich guy John Q. Hammons that built the Bears a shiny new off-campus stadium (not the taxpayers).


                      • #86
                        It would have been a lot easier to root for KSU in the super regional if it weren't for the EMAW trolls who came on here for our game and then weirdly kept coming (and more weirdly as Fever points out during their games). It would be like going onto a Gonzaga board while we were playing Louisville, which is mind-shatteringly warped and trollish if you think about it.
                        Shocker Nation, NYC


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by MadaboutWu View Post
                          It would have been a lot easier to root for KSU in the super regional if it weren't for the EMAW trolls who came on here for our game and then weirdly kept coming (and more weirdly as Fever points out during their games). It would be like going onto a Gonzaga board while we were playing Louisville, which is mind-shatteringly warped and trollish if you think about it.
                          Curious, did you even read the title of this thread? This thread was started during the KSU-Arkansas game, long after the Shocker season was over. Apparently, RDR got a little excited when the Hogs got a lead, and started this thread. Chockfever was the one to revive this thread during the Super Regional, a week after the Shocks were 2 and Q in The Little Apple.

                          Lets suppose, after the Shocks handed Gonzaga their AZZes that the Zags started a thread to bag on the Shocks. I'm sure Sockfever would have been all over their board. How "warped" is it to have a 4 page thread on your board, basically slamming the team that not only swept you 3 times, but put a major ass whoopin on you in the tourney?


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by shockkansas View Post
                            Curious, did you even read the title of this thread? This thread was started during the KSU-Arkansas game, long after the Shocker season was over. Apparently, RDR got a little excited when the Hogs got a lead, and started this thread. Chockfever was the one to revive this thread during the Super Regional, a week after the Shocks were 2 and Q in The Little Apple.

                            Lets suppose, after the Shocks handed Gonzaga their AZZes that the Zags started a thread to bag on the Shocks. I'm sure Sockfever would have been all over their board. How "warped" is it to have a 4 page thread on your board, basically slamming the team that not only swept you 3 times, but put a major ass whoopin on you in the tourney?
                            Hey turdburglar,

                            Here's the difference with your cute little "justification" post and theory. The difference is this is a WSU board with WSU fans. We can talk about or make fun of whatever the fluck we want to, just as the boards do. This isn't a Kitten State board for Kitten State fans. Therefore, if you do not like what you see here, here's a little tip for ya. LEAVE. If you expect this place to be a Kitten State worship ground, think again GUEST. The fact that you're whining and crying over this just proves how insecure and butthurt you are.

                            You're just making yourself look worse. You're still here and now the freaking season is over with. And yet here you are. Still obsessing and crying over things happening in a WSU baseball forum. Do you understand how incredibly low majorish, insecure, and tailpipe-bent you look?
                            Deuces Valley.
                            ... No really, deuces.
                            "Enjoy the ride."

                            - a smart man


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by MadaboutWu View Post
                              It would have been a lot easier to root for KSU in the super regional if it weren't for the EMAW trolls who came on here for our game and then weirdly kept coming (and more weirdly as Fever points out during their games). It would be like going onto a Gonzaga board while we were playing Louisville, which is mind-shatteringly warped and trollish if you think about it.
                              It is mind boggling. Kitten State fans are no where to be seen for years around here. They get hot, catch some fire in the pan, think they're the shiznit, and now they can't stop posting on WSU message boards, even while their own team is playing. I've never seen it from another fanbase before. It's definitely a first. But I guess this is what fans of teams that don't know what winning it all feels like. They are searching for vindication.
                              Deuces Valley.
                              ... No really, deuces.
                              "Enjoy the ride."

                              - a smart man


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by AndrewVonLintel View Post
                                Thanks for for the encouragement. This is the last year of K-State Baseball being a hobby sport. 4 regionals in the last 5 years and a Big 12 Title. People have taken notice. We have proven to ourselves that we can support K-State Athletics year round. K-State Baseball will likely be just as good next year. Pitching should be getting better.
                                We have heard this kind of talk before from schools like UNL, MoST (both of which talked smack after making it to Omaha, a feat the mildcats still have not done) and others only to find out they were one hit (or maybe 2 hit) wonders.

