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So this begs the question....

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Cdizzle View Post
    Personally, I think he should be given tons of credit for not turning them into losing programs. There are LOTS of ADs who have done that.
    Plus a number of posters implied they feared that would happen when he was hired. So from that standpoint he has probably exceeded expectations so far.


    • #92

      ShockerFever is nothing but a troll. Why do shockernetters continually try to engage in sensible discussion with someone who only wants to denigrate? Ignore him and he will go away. Or perhaps the MODS should give him a 30 day vacation?


      • #93
        Originally posted by shockkansas View Post

        ShockerFever is nothing but a troll. Why do shockernetters continually try to engage in sensible discussion with someone who only wants to denigrate? Ignore him and he will go away. Or perhaps the MODS should give him a 30 day vacation?
        "Cotton scared me - I left him alone." - B4MSU (Bear Nation poster) in reference to heckling players


        • #94
          Originally posted by KC Shox View Post
          Issues with GS should be handled out of public's view - I get that.
          You are correct. So how would anybody know what has gone on? Maybe ADES has done almost nothing, maybe he's tried to do a lot, but been shot down by Krusty at every turn. I'm also going to guess that we probably will never know what all has or hasn't gone on.

          Overall, I'm very, very happy with the current state of WSU athletics. So....oh darn!! ADJS made a number of good hires. ADES has managed to not only not run coaches off, but appears to have most all of them quite happy with their situation. We are poised to set the point average record for the All Sports Trophy and we're complaining about our AD. Good grief people.


          • #95
            Originally posted by ABC View Post
            Shock fever, you really love straw men. I don't think Sexton is an AD God and I've never said so.

            In one of your posts above you wrote "And I mean ANY regime other than Sexton". Your words, not mine.

            As I have said before, I challenged unspecified criticism. You like giving unspecified criticism. Thus the conflict.

            Please don't try to say that saying Sexton maintaining the status quo is some kind if compliment.

            Regarding facilities- Sexton has more involvement in improved facilities outside of Schaus in the last 30 years. If you disagree, I would be interested to hear why

            You don't think Sexton is a good AD but can't really say why. OK.
            It's ShockERFever. You always fudge that up.

            Look at the context of that quote. Any regime under than Sexton has hired successful coaches. That's all that was said. You're trying to act like I made a comparison statement, which I did not.

            Remaining status quo is better than tanking it, I guess. As of right now, that's the only thing Sexton has going for him, so take it however you want.

            Sexton isn't a good AD because he doesn't speak very well. He's too gangily for my taste. He doesn't give out information well. He hasn't made one hire in any major sport but is reaping the rewards of them. That's not his fault necessarily, but let's not say it's all his credit either, which it isn't. He hasn't proven himself in quality hires yet.

            I'm not the only one with this way of thinking either. So get over it.
            Deuces Valley.
            ... No really, deuces.
            "Enjoy the ride."

            - a smart man


            • #96
              Originally posted by shockkansas View Post
              DO NOT FEED THE TROLL!

              ShockerFever is nothing but a troll. Why do shockernetters continually try to engage in sensible discussion with someone who only wants to denigrate? Ignore him and he will go away. Or perhaps the MODS should give him a 30 day vacation?
              Boy, isn't this the irony of all ironies?

              You're just mad kevkan for getting reamed by me so badly on the boards that now you're trying to rally up the troops against me. A valiant effort, if it weren't for the fact that you are an annoying, illogical, Kitten troll.
              Deuces Valley.
              ... No really, deuces.
              "Enjoy the ride."

              - a smart man


              • #97
                Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                It's ShockERFever. You always fudge that up.

                Look at the context of that quote. Any regime under than Sexton has hired successful coaches. That's all that was said. You're trying to act like I made a comparison statement, which I did not.

                Remaining status quo is better than tanking it, I guess. As of right now, that's the only thing Sexton has going for him, so take it however you want.

                Sexton isn't a good AD because he doesn't speak very well. He's too gangily for my taste. He doesn't give out information well. He hasn't made one hire in any major sport but is reaping the rewards of them. That's not his fault necessarily, but let's not say it's all his credit either, which it isn't. He hasn't proven himself in quality hires yet.

                I'm not the only one with this way of thinking either. So get over it.
                I really don't care who agrees with you. And your quote was your quote. What are your thoughts about the pre-Schaus regimes? Maybe I am not remembering correctly, but I don't recall they were so great. What do you remember?

                Just curious, if you can give me some examples what and how Jim Schaus gave you some good touchy-feelies about WSU athletics in his public or private comments.

                So your two major problems with Sexton are that he isn't a great public speaker and that he hasn't had the opportunity to hire coaches.

                Well okay.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                  Soggy is currently 43 wins clear of Gene and Gene is 65 ahead of Mike.

                  It would be interesting to see what the win totals look like if you counted only D-1 wins.
                  And since Gene is the youngest of the three I don't see him retiring before the other two. If WSU does decide to retire Gene this year or next year, then I see Gene taking a job somewhere else so that he can continue to build up the wins and eventually take over first place.

                  I think the goal of being the winningest ncaa coach ever is far more important to Gene than money or anything else that WSU can give him. And as long as his health holds out he isn't going to stop coaching until it happens.


                  • #99
                    Anyone that thinks ADES isn't about to make a change in baseball.....just watch.


                    • Dr. Wu, I agree with you and I think WSU will attract a top coach from another Division 1 program.

                      Back to the subject of what hires Sexton has been able to make vs other ADs;

                      As far as I could tell, Schaus hired Rainbolt, Marshall, Lamb, Albright and Louderback, the men's tennis coach. That's five. (He did have to fire some of his own hires too, such as the women's basketball coach and softball coach)

                      I am not certain who hired the women's golf coach.

                      Sexton has been involved in three hires (Cross Country, women's tennis and softball). Not a huge difference. Clearly Schaus did a great job with his hires.

                      Grier Jones and Stephenson were hired pre-Schaus obviously.
                      Last edited by ABC; May 12, 2013, 11:05 AM.


                      • Originally posted by shox1989 View Post
                        And since Gene is the youngest of the three I don't see him retiring before the other two. If WSU does decide to retire Gene this year or next year, then I see Gene taking a job somewhere else so that he can continue to build up the wins and eventually take over first place.

                        I think the goal of being the winningest ncaa coach ever is far more important to Gene than money or anything else that WSU can give him. And as long as his health holds out he isn't going to stop coaching until it happens.
                        While I'll agree with him wanting to be the "winningest NCAA coach", I'm not sure about the rest. First, given the direction things are headed, Gene could have gone to ADES (or ADES may have already gone to him about it) and averted his WSU "retirement" by having a new, more performance rewarded, contract. A lot less base with very good performance rewards. I think most here would view Gene in a different light had he accepted such.

                        So, I also believe the money is important, too. I'm guessing Gene has taken a pretty good hit in the pocketbook in recent years. Will a quality, but currently down program invest big bucks in Krusty with his recent performance history and laundry? If he has to go for lesser money, can he turn around a lesser program who has had a problem winning in the past? Even if he takes half the money he's getting at WSU, a new school will expect fairly immediate results for that kind of money a well.


                        • In softball Schaus has made 3 hires. He hired Judy Favor to replace Jim Maynard who "resigned". Favor proved to be a poor hire and only lasted 3 years before she was fired. Jim hired Tim Walton to replace Favor. Tim was a great hire but only lasted 3 of our most successful softball years ever before Florida hired him away from us. Jim hired Mike Perniciaro to prelace Walton. Mike had two good years with Walton's recruits before a 3 year decline brought us back to the level of the Favor years.

                          Sexton fired Perniciaro and hired current softball coach Kristy Bredbenner two years ago.

                          Jim Schaus also hired Jody Adams after hiring and firing Jane Ablright. And, of course, Schaus also hired Mark Turgeon as well as Greg Marshall.

                          Schaus also hired Chris Young as Head Women's Tennis Coach in 2004. Chris left WSU to take the same position at Okie State after 5 good years at WSU.

                          Schaus also hired current Women's Head Golf Coach Tom McCurdy in 2007, perhaps his last hire at WSU. I can't even tell you who McCurdy's predecessor was.

                          I question how much Sexton had to do, if anything, with hiring Kirk Hunter the head XC coach. That is really an assistant coach to Coach Rainbolt who is the Director of Track & Field and Cross Country. Hunter was hired to replace Marc Burns who left for Bradley IIRC.

                          By my count I have Schaus with 12 hires, 9 hits and 3 misses. I give credit to Sexton for 2 hires. 1 hit and 1 too soon to tell. So it is a pretty big difference. Furthermore, it is not just how many hires/fires you make but there is a big difference in hiring a men's basketball coach than there is in hiring a Wome's tennis coach or a softball coach. There is no question Jim was more much more expereienced in general then Eric is and he certainly did sigificantly more hiring and firing of coaches tham Eric has (or hopefully will have to).

                          Of our 10 head coaches (excluding XC who reports to Rainbolt) 2 are pre-Schaus, 6 are Schaus hires and 2 are Sexton hires. Sexton hires are in Women's tennis and softball.

                          How Eric handles the baseball situation will go a long way, rightly or wrongly, towards how he is viewed by Shocker fans.

                          This is not to suggest Eric won't make good hires during his career. We just don't have that much to go on at this point.
                          Last edited by 1972Shocker; May 12, 2013, 12:37 PM.


                          • Originally posted by ABC View Post
                            I really don't care who agrees with you. And your quote was your quote. What are your thoughts about the pre-Schaus regimes? Maybe I am not remembering correctly, but I don't recall they were so great. What do you remember?

                            Just curious, if you can give me some examples what and how Jim Schaus gave you some good touchy-feelies about WSU athletics in his public or private comments.

                            So your two major problems with Sexton are that he isn't a great public speaker and that he hasn't had the opportunity to hire coaches.

                            Well okay.
                            What are my thoughts on the pre-Schaus regimes? What does that have t do with ANYTHING? Are you that obtuse to understand what I have previously stated? This is the last time I'm going to try to explain this to you since obviously you are having major comprehension issues. You have clearly taken remarks I have made out of context and it's making you look incoherent. I NEVER said let's compare an AD regime to another AD regime. I freaking said the current sports that are having success have been hires from AD's OTHER than Eric Sexton. This includes Schaus and others. Stephenson was hired under a former AD, not Sexton, etc. That's it. I have stated there is not a single successful hire Sexton can lay claim to that has led to current athletic successes. Simple as freaking that. If you can't understand that point, then there is no hope for you.

                            Well, I think Jim Schaus' resume speaks for itself. The big sports are all continuing to reap benefits thanks to him and HIS hires...a men's basketball Sweet 16 and Final 4, a first-ever women's basketball NCAA appearance, a volleyball mainstay with Sweet 16, etc. We are still swimming in what Mr. Schaus fed us. Who again has Eric Sexton put in charge that has garnered such honors? Thought so.

                            Well, considering he is a pretty important public official and representative of the school, you would think a pretty basic trait to have would be to do well in public speaking. It may not be a big deal to you for whatever reason but it kinda is important to have as an athletic director of a major institution. He hasn't had the opportunity to hire coaches so the credit you want everyone to bow down and give him with is not there. That's not my fault. I've stated he's unproven in that department, while you seem to wanna argue the contrary.

                            Well okay, keep firing back in defense mode.
                            Deuces Valley.
                            ... No really, deuces.
                            "Enjoy the ride."

                            - a smart man


                            • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                              In softball Schaus has made 3 hires. He hired Judy Favor to replace Jim Maynard who "resigned". Favor proved to be a poor hire and only lasted 3 years before she was fired. Jim hired Tim Walton to replace Favor. Tim was a great hire but only lasted 3 of our most successful softball years ever before Florida hired him away from us. Jim hired Mike Perniciaro to prelace Walton. Mike had two good years with Walton's recruits before a 3 year decline brought us back to the level of the Favor years.

                              Sexton fired Perniciaro and hired current softball coach Kristy Bredbenner two years ago.

                              Jim Schaus also hired Jody Adams after hiring and firing Jane Ablright. And, of course, Schaus also hired Mark Turgeon as well as Greg Marshall.

                              Schaus also hired Chris Young as Head Women's Tennis Coach in 2004. Chris left WSU to take the same position at Okie State after 5 good years at WSU.

                              Schaus also hired current Women's Head Golf Coach Tom McCurdy in 2007, perhaps his last hire at WSU. I can't even tell you who McCurdy's predecessor was.

                              I question how much Sexton had to do, if anything, with hiring Kirk Hunter the head XC coach. That is really an assistant coach to Coach Rainbolt who is the Director of Track & Field and Cross Country. Hunter was hired to replace Marc Burns who left for Bradley IIRC.

                              By my count I have Schaus with 12 hires, 9 hits and 3 misses. I give credit to Sexton for 2 hires. 1 hit and 1 too soon to tell. So it is a pretty big difference. Furthermore, it is not just how many hires/fires you make but there is a big difference in hiring a men's basketball coach than there is in hiring a Wome's tennis coach or a softball coach. There is no question Jim was more much more expereienced in general then Eric is and he certainly did sigificantly more hiring and firing of coaches tham Eric has (or hopefully will have to).

                              Of our 10 head coaches (excluding XC who reports to Rainbolt) 2 are pre-Schaus, 6 are Schaus hires and 2 are Sexton hires. Sexton hires are in Women's tennis and softball.

                              How Eric handles the baseball situation will go a long way, rightly or wrongly, towards how he is viewed by Shocker fans.

                              This is not to suggest Eric won't make good hires during his career. We just don't have that much to go on at this point.
                              Thank you for the overview 72 as ABC seems to still struggle with who Sexton has hired and who previous AD's have hired. Maybe your analysis will better infiltrate the mind of an obviously biased individual.
                              Deuces Valley.
                              ... No really, deuces.
                              "Enjoy the ride."

                              - a smart man


                              • Seems to be the same as I had, Shockfever except the XC coach was hired under Sexton. I guess I just disagree with 72 that that hire doesn't go to Sexton - good or bad in the long run.

                                I wasn't sure who hired the women's golf coach and now an enlightened.

                                This shows bias? You have some kind of weird anti-Sexton point of view that seems to be narrowed down to not liking how he speaks publicly. I thought Sexton did very well with the multiple interviews during the Final Four run.

                                And weirdly, you seem to criticize him b/c of the success of the current coaches who were hired by Schaus. That is just plain odd.

                                At least we've narrowed down your unspecified, vague criticism to those two things. The bias seems to pretty fairly well exposed here.

                                And let me repeat that you brought up the issue of previous regimes, not me. You wanted to compare to Sexton and then you didn't. Oh well.
                                Last edited by ABC; May 13, 2013, 10:43 AM.

