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So this begs the question....

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  • #31
    Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
    However, there is little doubt that ADES faces perhaps the biggest challenge of his tenure in dealing with end of Gene's tenure as head baseball coach and the transition to new leadership in the baseball program. I don't particularly envy him in that task but I do believe that it is time for a change in leadership of the baseball program going forward.

    I really have no clue how this will play out. Maybe it could have been handled better, but it is really tough from the cheap seats I occupy to know why it hasn't been handled differently from what has transpired to this point.
    Let us also reflect back on how ADJS handled Gene quitting. I think it was pretty clear that situation wasn't handled as well as it could have been. None of us are perfect and ADJS certainly wasn't. ADES isn't, but I believe it's hard to find serious fault with anything he's done to date.


    • #32
      Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
      Let us also reflect back on how ADJS handled Gene quitting. I think it was pretty clear that situation wasn't handled as well as it could have been. None of us are perfect and ADJS certainly wasn't. ADES isn't, but I believe it's hard to find serious fault with anything he's done to date.
      Again I really don't know the details of how that was handled. Some have posted that Gene went over ADJS' head or that ADJS was not available and went to President Beggs who approved Gene returning. I don't know if that is true or not but there was no reason to give Gene an immediate answer whether it was ADJS or PB making the decision. Perhaps a little more thought on how to have handled that situation was in order.

      While ADJS was not perfect, and to expect him to be would be unreasonable, the foundation for where we are today was certainly built during his oversight of the athletic department and I think ADJS should be nominated for induction into the WSU Hall of Fame once he becomes eligible.


      • #33
        Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
        Is this a fact or speculation. I have not heard Gene or Brent publicly state the recruiting budget is an issue although perhaps that's what Gene meant when he did publicly state he can no longer win at Wichita State.

        Do we know for a fact that no extension was offered? Perhaps an extension offer was made and turned down by Gene.

        Do you have any proof that ADES or any of his staff have leaked such information?

        Assuming that is the case, which may or may not be, that could just as easily been Gene's doing. In fact, knowing the personalities involved that's more likely the case.

        Like what? How can their be "other" examples when you haven't provided any examples that are based in fact. Just your black helicopter conspiracy theories. Give me a break.

        I can just as easily say that Gene terminated contract renewal negotiations in a fit of anger when ADES would not bow to his every demand and ADES insisted on compensation levels more in line with current economics of the baseball program and that Gene has decided that since he built it he has the right to break it as well and that is what he is going to do so that whoever does takeover will have a tougher job replacing him.

        Granted I have no basis in fact for making those allegations, but it sure is easy to make them. However, I certainly don't expect anyone to take me seriously either.
        -- Recruiting budget: Speculation. Has it grown to expand the geographic footprint of recruiting top notch players or has it remained the same the past 20 years and now we have a harder time recruiting against the Big XII andother area schools that have increased their program budgets and emphasis. Using the basketball model, you get what you're able to recruit. The "diamonds in the rough" are getting harder to mine if Gene is still recruiting with the same operating budget he had 10-20 years ago

        -- I didn't say that no contract extension was offered. I don't know. However, if ADES offered an insulting contract to Gene, it might be in his best interests to not accept it. Is that setting Gene up for failure? This is one of the strategic moves an AD can force on a coach. Did this happen?

        -- Information Leak: I only reported what WuDrWu reported in that someone well connected to the baseball program advised him that there is a CiW ready to take over the program. If so, this is not a good reflection on ADES and the manner in which to treat a 30+ year coach at WSU.

        -- Other examples: 1/3 Kansas Rule, future reduction of OoC travel expenditures, halting of raising money by the athletic department on the finishes of Eck Stadium, reduction of school marketing regarding baseball games. I'm sure there are more.... Is this going on?

        It's not "Black Helicopter consipiracy theories." There just might be more to the struggles of the baseball program than HCGS.

        Instead, I ask for a dialogue in UNDERSTANDING what is happening to the baseball program. As I noted earlier in my previous post. Gene has been coach for 30+ years and has a pretty damn impressive resume. Recently, that resume has been tarnished. I ask ..... WHY?



        • #34
          Originally posted by Veritas View Post
          -- Recruiting budget: Speculation. Has it grown to expand the geographic footprint of recruiting top notch players or has it remained the same the past 20 years and now we have a harder time recruiting against the Big XII andother area schools that have increased their program budgets and emphasis. Using the basketball model, you get what you're able to recruit. The "diamonds in the rough" are getting harder to mine if Gene is still recruiting with the same operating budget he had 10-20 years ago

          -- I didn't say that no contract extension was offered. I don't know. However, if ADES offered an insulting contract to Gene, it might be in his best interests to not accept it. Is that setting Gene up for failure? This is one of the strategic moves an AD can force on a coach. Did this happen?

          -- Information Leak: I only reported what WuDrWu reported in that someone well connected to the baseball program advised him that there is a CiW ready to take over the program. If so, this is not a good reflection on ADES and the manner in which to treat a 30+ year coach at WSU.

          -- Other examples: 1/3 Kansas Rule, future reduction of OoC travel expenditures, halting of raising money by the athletic department on the finishes of Eck Stadium, reduction of school marketing regarding baseball games. I'm sure there are more.... Is this going on?

          It's not "Black Helicopter consipiracy theories." There just might be more to the struggles of the baseball program than HCGS.

          Instead, I ask for a dialogue in UNDERSTANDING what is happening to the baseball program. As I noted earlier in my previous post. Gene has been coach for 30+ years and has a pretty damn impressive resume. Recently, that resume has been tarnished. I ask ..... WHY?

          Recruiting Budget: Don't forget about that $800,000 coach staff salary. That probably takes up a pretty good chunk of budget.

          Contract Extention: I think paying for a coaching staff the level of what a should be an annual NCAA qualifier but regularly has to win the post season Valley tourney to get in as insulting.

          1/3 Kansas Rule: I don't like this. Serious question: Has Gene publicly attact this rule by WSU. I'd think he'd get a lot of fan backing on this.

          Reduction of OoC travel: Just how many times since our lack of NCAA qualifying has our team gone to Hawaii?


          • #35

            ADES is doing a terrible job [tongue in cheek]


            • #36
              Originally posted by ShockTalk View Post
              1/3 Kansas Rule: I don't like this. Serious question: Has Gene publicly attact this rule by WSU. I'd think he'd get a lot of fan backing on this.
              I don't care for the 1/3rd from Kansas rule either although I do like having as many local area and Kansas kids as possibe on the roster. But only if they are the best players we can get.

              However, that rule was put in Gene's contact under the Bill Belknap and Gene Hughes administrations and putting the blame for that on ADES just shows how totally biased some posters are towards ADES.

              To answer your question, no I have never heard Gene or Brent complain about that rule, but that does'nt mean they haven't.


              • #37
                Originally posted by SB Shock View Post

                ADES is doing a terrible job [tongue in cheek]
                A lot of the hires for the current sports that are putting up those numbers are the result of Schaus or earlier hirings, not Sexton ones.

                Sexton may be maintaining order but I still don't think he has that AD "feel" to him.

                We'll see how well or terrible a job he's doing in the next year or two in the baseball department..
                Last edited by ShockerFever; May 6, 2013, 10:16 PM.
                Deuces Valley.
                ... No really, deuces.
                "Enjoy the ride."

                - a smart man


                • #38
                  Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                  A lot of the hires for the current sports that are putting up those numbers are the result of Schaus or earlier hirings, not Sexton ones.

                  Sexton may be maintaining order but I still don't think he has that AD "feel" to him.

                  We'll see how well or terrible a job he's doing in the next year or two in the baseball department..
                  True - that will be real test how he handles baseball and potentially basketball in the future. But still he has to get some credit for success that the Athletic department is having.


                  • #39
                    I've never heard Gene publicly criticize the 1/3 Kansas requirement. I really do wonder how much that crimps him, if at all.

                    I am simply not buying the whining about recruiting budget. WSU pays top dollar for the head coach and assistants, top 10 facilities, but the recruiting budget isn't there? I simply don't buy it.

                    ShockerFever, we've been over this before. Sexton hired more than a few head coaches, and everyone seems to be doing well with a few exceptions. Boy that he just doesn't have the AD "feel" is a very thoughtful and substantive criticism.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by shoxlax View Post
                      ...(not including people caught in scandals like Petrino)?
                      I have a Harley I'd be glad to let him borrow - not sure his riding mate would be able to get a leg up over it, unlike Petrino's "Assistant".
                      If you take the high road, you won't find much traffic there . . .


                      • #41
                        Actually I think Eric has only hired two head coaches so far. He hired Head women's tennis coach Colin Foster, a pretty young guy, which appears to be working very well after 4 years. How long we will be able to hang on to Coach Foster remains to be seen.

                        He aso hired Head softball coach Kristi Bredbenner from Emporia State, also another pretty young coach. Too early to say how Coach B will do. Softball has been a tough nut to build consistent success with at WSU. The one guy who had immediate success was Tim Walton and he only lasted 3 years before Florida scooped him up.

                        I believe Kirk Hunter was hired as Head XC coach during ADES tenure but I'm sure that hire was made by Steve Rainbolt as part of his Track and Field staff with little involvement from ADES.

                        There is no question ADES was inexperienced and has been and will continue to learn his job on the go, but it has been 5 years know and things have not collapsed as expected by those critical of his hiring. President Beggs apparently believed Eric could get the job done and so far it seems to be working out. Whether that is due to dumb luck or good insight on the part of President Beggs I can't say for sure, but President Beggs seemed to have pretty good luck with most of his decisions as WSU President. However, it is clear there are those that will never give ADES the benefit of the doubt and seem almost anxious to criticize him at every opportunity.

                        Personally I don't think our baseball program is ADES biggest challenge. To me his biggest challenge (and I know this is also on Presdent Bardo as well) is conference realignment and can he (and Dr. Bardo) position Wichita State in a manner that will improve and secure the futre of Shocker athletics as a whole. I have no particular timetable for this to be resolved.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by ABC View Post
                          I've never heard Gene publicly criticize the 1/3 Kansas requirement. I really do wonder how much that crimps him, if at all.

                          I am simply not buying the whining about recruiting budget. WSU pays top dollar for the head coach and assistants, top 10 facilities, but the recruiting budget isn't there? I simply don't buy it.

                          ShockerFever, we've been over this before. Sexton hired more than a few head coaches, and everyone seems to be doing well with a few exceptions. Boy that he just doesn't have the AD "feel" is a very thoughtful and substantive criticism.
                          I don't buy it either. As I mentioned earlier, we've made a trip to Hawaii for 3 years running. I'm sure those trips are more expensive than most and for the pleasure of going, we've gone 3-9 to a very average Hawaii team. I wonder how valuable the money spent on just one of those trips would have been to the recruiting budget.


                          • #43
                            Season Tickets

                            1972 Shocker, since you questioned the number of season tickets WSU sold this spring at 800, I went back to check my source. I realize I'm getting this 2nd hand, but the course is the WSU Baseball booster club. One of the members told me this. You are free to ask a Booster club member to review the number, of course.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by xazshox View Post
                              1972 Shocker, since you questioned the number of season tickets WSU sold this spring at 800, I went back to check my source. I realize I'm getting this 2nd hand, but the course is the WSU Baseball booster club. One of the members told me this. You are free to ask a Booster club member to review the number, of course.
                              my estimates have season tickets at ~2187 (down from 2958 in 2008). This is a conservative estimate based on the lowest attendance of any game of the year - so season tickets are probably lower. Maybe your source meant they have lost ~800 season ticket holders? Or maybe things are alot worse than I am estimating.



                              • #45
                                There also could be a large difference between "sold" tickets and tickets distributed as part of agreements (advertising etc).

