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So this begs the question....

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Veritas View Post
    Gene will not be fired nor should he...

    I predict the Shox win the MoVal tournament and reach a Super Regional. Gene signs an extension.
    Assuming the second part does not happen, just what would need to happen (or not happen) for you to change your mind about the first part.

    I figure Gene expects to out last Soggy and out live Gillispie (non D-1, overall wins leader). Only problem is, once he does that, takes the lead and retires, Martin passes him, assuming Martin doesn't pass him before then.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Veritas View Post
      Gene will not be fired nor should he...

      I predict the Shox win the MoVal tournament and reach a Super Regional. Gene signs an extension.
      I would prefer that Gene not be fired and I kind of think he will be allowed to complete his current contract through next season if he so desires. I don't know if a HCIW can be arranged but that can't be an open ended deal. 2 years (maybe 3) at the most and it should include reworking Gene's current pay structure. Gene will make the call as to whether JT stays around or not. If Brent decides he wants to move on ot ohter opportunities the HCIW should determine who Brent's replacement will be. Who knows whether or not any of this will transpire.

      Yeah the Shocks could win the Valley Tournament, but there chances of doing so are about the same as MSU, ILS or CU and maybe even EU so that is going to be a difficult chore especially considering that right now we only have maybe 2 dependable starting pitchers.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Veritas View Post
        Gene will not be fired nor should he...

        I predict the Shox win the MoVal tournament and reach a Super Regional. Gene signs an extension.
        "Denial ain't just a river in Egypt."


        • #19
          Originally posted by ShockTalk View Post
          Assuming the second part does not happen, just what would need to happen (or not happen) for you to change your mind about the first part.

          I figure Gene expects to out last Soggy and out live Gillispie (non D-1, overall wins leader). Only problem is, once he does that, takes the lead and retires, Martin passes him, assuming Martin doesn't pass him before then.
          I don't know about that one. It will take awhile to outlast Soggy. Soggy just signed a 3 year extension on his over $1 million a year contract. I don't think Soggy is going to retire any time soon in spite of Texas being in LAST PLACE in the big 12.
          Last edited by shox1989; May 6, 2013, 12:49 AM.


          • #20
            Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
            There is ZERO chance of this happening. The only thing I believe that will save Gene after May this year is a run to the CWS. If by some miracle they could get to Omaha, I believe there COULD be a ground swell of support allowing him to have a retirement party all next season. COULD, not a certainty.

            There is absolutely no chance Gene is leading this program during the 14-15 season.
            Careful with those ZERO percent chances, Doc. Weren't you not too long ago expecting the Shocks to be the sweepees against MoState instead of the sweepers?


            • #21
              Originally posted by WSUwatcher View Post
              Careful with those ZERO percent chances, Doc. Weren't you not too long ago expecting the Shocks to be the sweepees against MoState instead of the sweepers?
              I must've missed your predictions of a WSU sweep over MSU.
              Deuces Valley.
              ... No really, deuces.
              "Enjoy the ride."

              - a smart man


              • #22
                Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                "Denial ain't just a river in Egypt."
                Granted, I'm not as close to the program as probably nearly all of you experts.
                However, I do know that Gene has been HC a lot longer than Sexton has been AD.
                Until recently, Gene has proven himself as HC for what~ 30+ years?
                ADES hasn't gained my confidence yet during his role as athletic director.

                The question that no one can answer is whether ADES is setting Gene and the program up for failure through a number of strategic moves including:
                -- Lousy recruiting budget
                -- No contract extension which makes it challenging to recruit
                -- Undermining the coach by leaking a replacement (as reported by WuDrWu I believe)
                -- Cutting off communication between the HC and ADES
                -- Probably numerous other examples.

                Granted, the program has not performed recently to the level that any of us like. However, I do believe there is more to the story.
                It's not denial that the program has slipped, but rather my lack of understanding of what exactly is contributing to that downturn.
                And until I understand the cause, I support Gene 100%


                • #23
                  Lousy recruiting budget
                  Is this a fact or speculation. I have not heard Gene or Brent publicly state the recruiting budget is an issue although perhaps that's what Gene meant when he did publicly state he can no longer win at Wichita State.

                  No contract extension which makes it challenging to recruit
                  Do we know for a fact that no extension was offered? Perhaps an extension offer was made and turned down by Gene.

                  Undermining the coach by leaking a replacement
                  Do you have any proof that ADES or any of his staff have leaked such information?

                  Cutting off communication between the HC and ADES
                  Assuming that is the case, which may or may not be, that could just as easily been Gene's doing. In fact, knowing the personalities involved that's more likely the case.

                  Probably numerous other examples.
                  Like what? How can their be "other" examples when you haven't provided any examples that are based in fact. Just your black helicopter conspiracy theories. Give me a break.

                  I can just as easily say that Gene terminated contract renewal negotiations in a fit of anger when ADES would not bow to his every demand and ADES insisted on compensation levels more in line with current economics of the baseball program and that Gene has decided that since he built it he has the right to break it as well and that is what he is going to do so that whoever does takeover will have a tougher job replacing him.

                  Granted I have no basis in fact for making those allegations, but it sure is easy to make them. However, I certainly don't expect anyone to take me seriously either.
                  Last edited by 1972Shocker; May 6, 2013, 01:16 PM.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by shox1989 View Post
                    I don't know about that one. It will take awhile to outlast Soggy. Soggy just signed a 3 year extension on his over $1 million a year contract. I don't think Soggy is going to retire any time soon in spite of Texas being in LAST PLACE in the big 12.
                    The same might be said for Gene.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by WSUwatcher View Post
                      Careful with those ZERO percent chances, Doc. Weren't you not too long ago expecting the Shocks to be the sweepees against MoState instead of the sweepers?
                      I wasn't clear at all, and that's my fault. My 0% referred to Gene signing an extension, not the likelihood of the team winning the post season conference tourney or advancing in the NCAAs. There is no chance Gene signs an extension.

                      I don't know, did I expect a sweep? I certainly thought MSU would win if not sweep the series and I am pleasantly surprised with a 14-4 conference record, although I believe that record to be more of a reflection of how bad the MVC is (and it is bad) then how good WSU is (and I will give credit where credit is due, the team is performing better of late and I chronicled that last week in a statistics related post).


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Veritas View Post
                        Granted, I'm not as close to the program as probably nearly all of you experts.
                        However, I do know that Gene has been HC a lot longer than Sexton has been AD.
                        Until recently, Gene has proven himself as HC for what~ 30+ years?
                        ADES hasn't gained my confidence yet during his role as athletic director.

                        The question that no one can answer is whether ADES is setting Gene and the program up for failure through a number of strategic moves including:
                        -- Lousy recruiting budget
                        -- No contract extension which makes it challenging to recruit
                        -- Undermining the coach by leaking a replacement (as reported by WuDrWu I believe)
                        -- Cutting off communication between the HC and ADES
                        -- Probably numerous other examples.

                        Granted, the program has not performed recently to the level that any of us like. However, I do believe there is more to the story.
                        It's not denial that the program has slipped, but rather my lack of understanding of what exactly is contributing to that downturn.
                        And until I understand the cause, I support Gene 100%
                        @1972Shocker: made some excellent points, and I would just like to expound on a couple of others.

                        You're very fair with your thoughts and ideas, but I am curious why ADES hasn't gained your confidence yet. I'm not sure the Athletic Program has EVER been on more solid ground, when looking at everything. What does he need to do?

                        The no contract extension is a vicious circle. If you know someone needs to go, you really hate to be in a position to have to pay him 5 years. If Gene were to have a 18-32 season, I would suspect someone like you would scream bloody murder if ADES was rolling over his contract at 4+1 all the time.

                        I know nothing of a replacement nor did I report such. I have heard rumors only but have no idea to their validity. I have said that Gene's contract will NOT be renewed, and I stand by that. He absolutely will not be the Head Coach at WSU beyond next year, and I now believe that will be accelerated by 1 calendar year, but that's just my belief, not something I know.

                        I do not believe ADES does not communicate with HCGS. If there is a breakdown there, I am blaming HCGS. That is not how I think ADES would handle it. Again, that's my speculation, not something I know.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                          You're very fair with your thoughts and ideas, but I am curious why ADES hasn't gained your confidence yet. I'm not sure the Athletic Program has EVER been on more solid ground, when looking at everything. What does he need to do?
                          I agree, ADES has been the AD for 5 years. We have had been represented in every NCAA championship this year except Baseball, Softball and Women's Golf.

                          Even within those three, Women's golf missed out because Illinois State shot a 3rd round 10 shots better than any other team and we still only lost out by 3 strokes. Baseball, even though this has been the worst season, we are in first and have a chance to win the Valley. Softball is the only one that we can say would be a long shot at making the tourney.

                          What more does he need to do?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by jdmee View Post
                            I agree, ADES has been the AD for 5 years. We have had been represented in every NCAA championship this year except Baseball, Softball and Women's Golf.

                            Even within those three, Women's golf missed out because Illinois State shot a 3rd round 10 shots better than any other team and we still only lost out by 3 strokes. Baseball, even though this has been the worst season, we are in first and have a chance to win the Valley. Softball is the only one that we can say would be a long shot at making the tourney.

                            What more does he need to do?
                            I don't know how much of the success can be directly attributable to ADES, but he certainly deserves some credit I would think. If ADES was really as incompetent as numerous posters seem to believe you would have thought that 5 years would have been more than enough time totally destroy the athletic department. It seems to have held together pretty well to this point.

                            However, there is little doubt that ADES faces perhaps the biggest challenge of his tenure in dealing with end of Gene's tenure as head baseball coach and the transition to new leadership in the baseball program. I don't particularly envy him in that task but I do believe that it is time for a change in leadership of the baseball program going forward.

                            I really have no clue how this will play out. Maybe it could have been handled better, but it is really tough from the cheap seats I occupy to know why it hasn't been handled differently from what has transpired to this point.


                            • #29

                              I've been told that WSU baseball sold 800 season tickets for the 2013 season. I think those folks are voting with their wallets, i.e. season ticket sales are following off dramatically.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by xazshox View Post
                                I've been told that WSU baseball sold 800 season tickets for the 2013 season. I think those folks are voting with their wallets, i.e. season ticket sales are following off dramatically.
                                On the face of things that number seems low to me. I say that because the Shocks are reporting average (paid) attendance of around 2,500 so far this year. If they have only sold 800 season tickets that means we are averaging walk-up sales of 1,700 fans per game. Considering the weather we have had this spring that kind of walk-up number would seem pretty darn good, but it also sounds pretty darn high. Perhaps one of the hard care baseball fans that attend most of the games could opine on that.

