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Israel and friends....foes

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  • Israel and friends....foes

    Iran Officials Recommend Preemtive Strike Against Israel

    Personally, I think Israel will beat them to the punch and do it fairly soon.
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  • #2
    Oh boy. I'm afraid that this is really gonna happen one way or the other.


    • #3
      Sounds to me like a combination of posturing and fear-mongering in an effort to influence our election.


      • #4
        Originally posted by RoyalShock
        Sounds to me like a combination of posturing and fear-mongering in an effort to influence our election.
        I figure something will happen the day after the elections. Just a guess.


        • #5
          Originally posted by rrshock
          Originally posted by RoyalShock
          Sounds to me like a combination of posturing and fear-mongering in an effort to influence our election.
          I figure something will happen the day after the elections. Just a guess.
          That's what Biden says, too. Maybe not the day after the election, but some time during the next president's term.


          • #6
            Israel isn't someone to mess with.

            "The king also passed to Saddam a message from Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak: "We have been gassed once and we are not going to be gassed again. If unconventional weapons are used on us, look at your watch and 40 minutes later an Iraqi city will be reduced to ashes.""


            • #7
              Preemtive strike no one in their right minds would do that! 8)
              I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


              • #8
                Originally posted by kcshocker11
                Preemtive strike no one in their right minds would do that! 8)
                Pre-emptive strike = all out attack in this scenario.

                It doesn't matter who wins the election in the US, Iran will attack or Israel will attack. Israel isn't going to listen to the US when we say "Don't do that or else". Iran doesn't care about the rest of the world either.

                One, well read, history book talks about all the fighting that has been going on over there for years and years. There was never peace then, there hasn't been peace since, and there will never be peace ever in that region.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by rrshock
                  Originally posted by kcshocker11
                  Preemtive strike no one in their right minds would do that! 8)
                  Pre-emptive strike = all out attack in this scenario.

                  It doesn't matter who wins the election in the US, Iran will attack or Israel will attack. Israel isn't going to listen to the US when we say "Don't do that or else". Iran doesn't care about the rest of the world either.

                  One, well read, history book talks about all the fighting that has been going on over there for years and years. There was never peace then, there hasn't been peace since, and there will never be peace ever in that region.
                  I’m not sure we agree on a lot politically but I do agree with you, in part, in this case – with this exception: I don’t think a pre-emptive strike means an all out attack – by either Israel or Iran.

                  My gut tells me Iran is blowing smoke – to an extent (I am no expert on Iran’s military capabilities but I would wager they would not want to risk an all out war with Israel); however, I think a surgical strike by Israel on Iran’s nuclear facilities is a very real possibility (it has happened before).

                  Whether you support Israel or not – I don’t blame them – but a larger conflict is not in the best interests of either Country.

                  You are right that Israel would not “listen” to us and if I were them – I wouldn’t either. What would probably happen is this: (1) Israel tells us when the planes are in the air; (2) it happens and the US government says “Bad Israel” publicly; and (3) the US does basically nothing to Israel (nor should they) thereby tacitly approving the action.

                  P.S. I forgot one thing – the United Nations would get all in a tizzy eventually condemning Israel in the General Assembly.


                  • #10
                    ...I don’t think a pre-emptive strike means an all out attack – by either Israel or Iran.
                    I would agree with that, it would seem almost impossible for a direct all out attack by either side on the other without going through Iraq. But who knows?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by rayc
                      ...I don’t think a pre-emptive strike means an all out attack – by either Israel or Iran.
                      I would agree with that, it would seem almost impossible for a direct all out attack by either side on the other without going through Iraq. But who knows?
                      Your putting to many boundaries on your thinking. Israel has been working real close with Georgia (the country). Why? Basing rights?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by SB Shock
                        Originally posted by rayc
                        ...I don’t think a pre-emptive strike means an all out attack – by either Israel or Iran.
                        I would agree with that, it would seem almost impossible for a direct all out attack by either side on the other without going through Iraq. But who knows?
                        Your putting to many boundaries on your thinking. Israel has been working real close with Georgia (the country). Why? Basing rights?
                        I don’t think a base in Georgia would provide a significant geographical advantage – unless you are envisioning a massive airborne invasion – and even then you would have to airspace issues to deal with – provided the Israel cares, of course. For a seaborne invasion Israel would need direct access to the Caspian Sea or the Persian Gulf – I don’t think Georgia helps them with either.


                        • #13
                          Iraq is just stepping stone for airplanes. All out attacks can be simply through the air. And by the time either side realized that the other was coming it would be too late because Iraq just isn't a very big buffer.

                          Iran might be bluffing, but Israel isn't. They're gonna do something whether or not Iran does before them is the real question.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Maggie
                            Your putting to many boundaries on your thinking. Israel has been working real close with Georgia (the country). Why? Basing rights?
                            I don’t think a base in Georgia would provide a significant geographical advantage
                            If Israel would launch their raid from Israel, they will need either Iraq (basically the U.S.) or Jordan/Saudi Arabia to give their permission to access their airspace (which I don't think they are going to get).

                            From Georgia they would need either Turkey, Armenia or Azerbaijan. Are they any more willing? Not sure. Do they the infrastructure to provide early warning? Probably, but probably less than U.S./Jordan/Saudi Arabia.

                            Now Turkey might be their best option for basing. This would give them direct access to Iranian airspace and would have infiltrations routes that would be harder to detect due to the mountains. Question is Turkey disturbed enough to allow them to work from their territory? You would think not.

                            – unless you are envisioning a massive airborne invasion – and even then you would have to airspace issues to deal with – provided the Israel cares, of course. For a seaborne invasion Israel would need direct access to the Caspian Sea or the Persian Gulf – I don’t think Georgia helps them with either.
                            I think it is highly unlikely Israel would contemplate "invading" Iran to take their nukes sites out.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by SB Shock
                              Originally posted by Maggie
                              Your putting to many boundaries on your thinking. Israel has been working real close with Georgia (the country). Why? Basing rights?
                              I don’t think a base in Georgia would provide a significant geographical advantage
                              If Israel would launch their raid from Israel, they will need either Iraq (basically the U.S.) or Jordan/Saudi Arabia to give their permission to access their airspace (which I don't think they are going to get).

                              From Georgia they would need either Turkey, Armenia or Azerbaijan. Are they any more willing? Not sure. Do they the infrastructure to provide early warning? Probably, but probably less than U.S./Jordan/Saudi Arabia.

                              Now Turkey might be their best option for basing. This would give them direct access to Iranian airspace and would have infiltrations routes that would be harder to detect due to the mountains. Question is Turkey disturbed enough to allow them to work from their territory? You would think not.

                              – unless you are envisioning a massive airborne invasion – and even then you would have to airspace issues to deal with – provided the Israel cares, of course. For a seaborne invasion Israel would need direct access to the Caspian Sea or the Persian Gulf – I don’t think Georgia helps them with either.
                              I think it is highly unlikely Israel would contemplate "invading" Iran to take their nukes sites out.
                              I have already stated that I believe any action by Israel would be surgical in nature. Also, I believe Israel would have serious airspace issues regardless of where the strike might originate from; however, I don’t think they really care.

                              P.S. I agree that Turkey is unlikely to cooperate with Israel.

