Originally posted by ShockerPhi
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The reason it appears people have more of a problem with NFL players than white supremacists is that one group is an insignificant and extreme outlier that 99.5% of the country couldn't care less about. While the other is part of the fabric of our society and culture and are plastered on our TVs and media for 4-5 months out of every year.
We should give the white supremacists exactly as much attention as they deserve, which is zero. Ignore them. Their beliefs are archaic and so far outside the mainstream (in spite of what the media would like us to think) that they aren't a threat unless we allow them to be. Was anyone actually talking about the credibility of what they had to say last month? Nope. The kneeling controversy has probably already had a more significant effect on our daily lives, with far more potential to influence and cause division.