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  • Originally posted by tropicalshox View Post
    Trump up 2 points on Clinton in latest national poll.
    I went to Fox News to see their reaction to Cruz' withdrawl. There was quite a bit of hand-wringing over the lack of support for the conservative agenda.

    They mentioned this poll several times and pretty much downplayed it and gave valid reasons why it was not a scientific polling. One point they made was that the poll didn't allow for a "no opinion" or a "neither" option. Pollees were forced to choose an option. Another problem they mentioned was that it was a phone poll that did not include any cell phones.
    The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
    We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


    • Originally posted by shockmonster View Post

      You may be correct about getting run over. This story today, certainly isn't the way to pull Cruz supporters over to your side.LOL
      Maybe, he'll apologize and pull it back. LOL I don't think so.
      Wait 'til he runs with the National Enquirer story that explains that Bill Clinton's sexual escapades are due to being abducted by aliens and having a remote control sexual overdrive chip implanted in his hippocampus.
      Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


      • In my opinion, TvC polls are irrelevant until both T and C have won their respective primaries. Until then, they aren't running against each other. T will get a bounce in the shirt term because he's running against C, but until Sanders drops out, C can't focus on T.
        Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


        • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
          Wait 'til he runs with the National Enquirer story that explains that Bill Clinton's sexual escapades are due to being abducted by aliens and having a remote control sexual overdrive chip implanted in his hippocampus.
          Sorry, I know that there are those (maybe you) who choose to ignore but when Trump chooses to side with crazy people called Truthers when he accused Pres. Bush of being complicit with causing 911 and then he says that Cruz's father was involved in assassinating Pres. Kennedy, I think that he should not have access to the nuclear button. I think I am watching a soap opera. How any of you just ignore it, I have no idea. It's alarming, not funny.


          • I think the democrats are going to make a mistake if they choose Clinton to run against Trump. Everything that makes Trump a good choice to certain people (e.g., he says what he means, he is an "outsider," etc.) works doubly well against Clinton. She has never made a statement without calculating the political impacts of it. Bernie seems like Trump's kryptonite since most people also think he's truthful and trustworthy.

            If these three candidates are rock, paper, and scissors, Trump is scissors, Bernie is the rock, and Clinton is paper. Hillary might beat Bernie (and it might end up being by a lot), but my prediction is that she struggles more against Trump than Bernie would.


            • The Democrat Party = 2016 North Carolina Basketball
              The Republican Establishment = 2005 Kansas City Royals
              Donald Trump = Former NE Patriot Aaron Hernandez
              Those of you who think frustration at the ineptitude and corruption of the republican establishment is justification to cheer for Donald Trump are out of your mind. Replacing *bad* with *worse* is not an improvement. Trump is one of the most incredibly dishonest, immoral, self-serving scumbags to ever run for national office. I wouldn't even think of supporting him unless it was 1944 Hitler on the other side. 1934 Hitler? Hmm, that would be a tough call.

              Shame on all of you for the utter void of character that shows through your support of that man. Am I angry? You bet. Watching utter contempt for basic human decency gets me that way.


              • How bad are our countries politicians that a real estate mogul and an untrustworthy former first lady are the "best" candidates from which we have to choose? It's going to be a train wreck either way.


                • Originally posted by Dan View Post
                  How bad are our countries politicians that a real estate mogul and an untrustworthy former first lady are the "best" candidates from which we have to choose? It's going to be a train wreck either way.
                  A real estate mogul, in and of itself, is not necessarily a horrible description for a presidential candidate.

                  Compulsive liar
                  Promoter of violence
                  Opponent of free speech
                  Openly anti-family

                  It is those things that make me angry at Trump's supporters.


                  • I don't think we can trust either candidate. We've gotten to the point, including with Obama, that you don't have to be qualified to run our country.


                    • I disagree about being qualified. I think Trump, Obama, and Clinton are all "qualified" to be President. They just each lack the honesty, wisdom, integrity, and proper worldview necessary in order to be a good choice.


                      • So now there are three, a socialist, a felon, and a bigot...and that's the best we can do. I feel horribly sorry for our children.
                        "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


                        • Originally posted by Dan View Post
                          How bad are our countries politicians that a real estate mogul and an untrustworthy former first lady are the "best" candidates from which we have to choose? It's going to be a train wreck either way.
                          And how bad is our situation when Bernie Sanders is actually able to gain serious traction simply because he is the only person around who seems genuine. He's the only likable candidate in a lot of people's minds, so much so that many are willing to consider his policies seriously as an alternative.

                          I must say, I don't find much difference in integrity between Trump and Clinton so that would be a very interesting race to watch unfold. More like a case study, though. The problem is that one of them will probably become president at the end of all this. To me, it's important to point out for anyone who is mad about Trump, that Clinton has a very similar track record of dishonesty. It's not like she's any better than Trump in that regard, so nobody gets to argue "Trump is a bad guy, so I'm voting Clinton." If you say that, you are still just being partisan.

                          We really are in a pickle right now.

                          I'm hearing "write-in" a lot lately.


                          • I'm strongly considering voting for 3G as pres and 2G as his vice. Preside Angry
                            "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


                            • I started out thinking that this was a "can't lose" election. Then Trump never became presidential. If he becomes thoughtful, thinks before he talks, and quits being so shrill, I could get behind him. His policy, from what can be gathered, isn't far off from a Bush. He is a moderate. His shrillness is what turns people off. If he can fix that, he will gain the support of the establishment.
                              People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

                              Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                              Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


                              • So nice to see Cruz lose. The man who stabbed everyone in the back (John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, John McCain) finally gets it in the back in the end.

                                I will be interested to see if this changes Cruz any at all. He came into the Senate as a bomb-thrower, which greatly disappointed me. My observation is that unless he does a total make-over, this will be as close as he gets. He had everyone fooled at first, but after while, the discovered what they were getting and they did not like it.

                                Then he went and picked Fiorina, who is about as weak a vice-presidential candidate as I can think of. She's self-absorbed and a soclal climber. And despite Ted's insistence that he's against jobs being outsourced (remember his wife works for Goldman and they have offshored a BUNCH of jobs) it's pretty hard to convince me that he means it when his running mate outsourced tens of thousands of jobs when she ran HP.

                                My conclusion is that Cruz better get religion fast. If you read the comments against him in the Houston Chronicle, you might reach the same conclusion. There are consequences to voting against disaster aid bills for every state that comes up. Someday Texas will get clobbered by a hurricane again and he might have problems getting support for disaster aid lined up.

