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  • #16
    Originally posted by MoValley John View Post

    "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


    • #17
      I like Bernie Sanders. I like that he gets the fact that our political system is manipulated by large multinational corporations and that people who work for a living aren't getting a fair shake. I know that some people would call him a socialist, but I would consider him more a populist. He's also a gun owner and sympathetic to second amendment issues.

      But what really got my attention was this:
      There was a group of executives who ran an op-ed in the WSJ criticizing him. He investigated this group of execs and outed many of them for directing investment to foreign countries, outsourcing business operations and supporting H1B visa increases. He listed their compensation, the number of jobs they had sent overseas and the amount of foreign investment these executives had made during their tenures.

      The problem with our country nowadays is that people like Mitt Romney, who destroyed a lot of jobs at Bain Capital and was rewarded with bonuses that he stashed in to offshore tax havens in an attempt to escape taxes, do not care about Americans or America. They're just interested in lining their own pockets. And I agree with Aargh's point regarding Obama.

      The fact that Obama won a second term tells you how screwed up the republican party is. And instead of fixing themselves after losing a very winnable election, they have doubled down on the crazy and are circling the drain at an even faster rate. Whoever gets the nomination will have the impossible task of uniting a splintered party that will be in the minority in a national election and trying to find a way to reach out to independents to somehow gain enough votes to win.


      • #18
        I'd vote for Hilary Duff before I voted for Hillary Clinton

        "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
        -John Wooden


        • #19
          Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
          I like Bernie Sanders. I like that he gets the fact that our political system is manipulated by large multinational corporations and that people who work for a living aren't getting a fair shake. I know that some people would call him a socialist, but I would consider him more a populist. He's also a gun owner and sympathetic to second amendment issues.

          But what really got my attention was this:
          There was a group of executives who ran an op-ed in the WSJ criticizing him. He investigated this group of execs and outed many of them for directing investment to foreign countries, outsourcing business operations and supporting H1B visa increases. He listed their compensation, the number of jobs they had sent overseas and the amount of foreign investment these executives had made during their tenures.

          The problem with our country nowadays is that people like Mitt Romney, who destroyed a lot of jobs at Bain Capital and was rewarded with bonuses that he stashed in to offshore tax havens in an attempt to escape taxes, do not care about Americans or America. They're just interested in lining their own pockets. And I agree with Aargh's point regarding Obama.

          The fact that Obama won a second term tells you how screwed up the republican party is. And instead of fixing themselves after losing a very winnable election, they have doubled down on the crazy and are circling the drain at an even faster rate. Whoever gets the nomination will have the impossible task of uniting a splintered party that will be in the minority in a national election and trying to find a way to reach out to independents to somehow gain enough votes to win.
          Of course you do. Bernie Sanders IS a nutball and is insanely left. The fact that you even said this speaks to your delusion.


          • #20
            The amazing thing to me is how easy it would be for a compelling candidate to ascend. Everyone in both parties is saying the same thing about being frustrated with weak candidates all the time. To me, it says something else is wrong if many people could do the job, but we never see anyone but the same old people or types of people. The job has become something that a lot of people don't want or maybe getting to that level tends to require compromises and character flaws that most people aren't willing to participate in.

            Is it possible that we have created a political system that only monsters want to be involved in and in the rare case that the right person gets involved, they get turned into one soon enough? I am one of those people who believes that a lot of political positions could be held down very effectively by MANY regular folks if the barriers were removed. Barriers such as the money it takes to win an election or the whole thing where you have to fake half of who you really are to get elected (a classic case is the fact that if Mitt Romney wanted to get elected, he had to not be Mormon...that was garbage).

            We still don't know who Obama is after this many years. That's why he was perfect and had no trouble getting elected. He is an actor. That's what America wants now. The average American who knows a lot about our culture, values, work-ethic, religions, etc. could never get elected it seems even though they would probably do just fine. Whether or not you look good, speak well, cater to every civil rights issue, or never hurt anyone's feelings is the criterion we are looking for now. Being a classic hot-blooded, strong American will never get you elected even though that's what we desperately need. Whether or not you can win a debate with style and flowery words trumps actual values. It's not enough to think like 80% of America, you have to also be able to perform it on tv.
            Last edited by Dave Stalwart; June 12, 2015, 11:39 AM.


            • #21
              Both sides lack charismatic candidates at the moment. It's happened many, many times in our county's history.

              It sucks and is very uninspiring, but the pendulum will eventually swing to the other side and folks will fill the vacuum we are experiencing at the top of both parties' leadership.


              • #22
                Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                Of course you do. Bernie Sanders IS a nutball and is insanely left. The fact that you even said this speaks to your delusion.
                I think you're deluded, too. Anyone who supports the current clown car of republicans (or Hillary) is deluded.

                Ted Cruz - nutball. Jeb Bush - oligarch. Hillary Clinton - see jeb bush. Scott Walker - blowhard who's voters and fellow republicans are turning on him in his own state. Bobby Jindal - Sam Brownback wannabe (he'll leave Louisiana with just as big a problem as Brownback has created for Kansas). Donald Trump - celebrity candidate who's running to get attention. Mike Huckabee - hypocrite who criticizes media stars for their lack of morals while looking the other way at Josh Duggar's molesting antics. Carly Fiorina - ran HP into the ground but thinks she can run our country. Ben Carson - extremist nutcase who has lost all his campaign management and fundraising staff (if he can't manage his staff, how will he manage a cabinet?). Lindsey Graham - might have a chance if the republicans forgive his gayness. Rand Paul - good protest candidate, but not presidential enough. Rick Perry - currently under indictment (indictment was obtained by a republican party prosecutor and issued by a republican judge - any questions)? Rick Santorum - retreaded loser. Marco Rubio - wet foot/dry foot Cuban who talks out of both sides of his mouth regards immigration under the mistaken assumption that other latinos are stupid enough to overlook he'll do whatever the party tells him to do.

                So, Wu, if you're going to vote for any of those listed above, they all have warts too. You don't want to admit you're deluded, but the bottom line is going to be that we're going to get Hillary no matter what either of us think, primarily because republicans can't get enough white people out to vote, no self-respecting minority will vote for them (If you don't believe me, just look at the data analytics surrounding Mitt Romney's failure) and Hillary will win the women's vote by a wide margin.

                The republicans need to develop a more multi-cultural stance, reach out to minorities and women and tack to the center. Until then, they may win in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and most southern states, but won't win nationally.

                Oh, and Bernie isn't my first choice, but he is the one person who's public statements make the most sense. Call me deluded, but unless you're a millionaire, anyone who isn't concerned about corporate outsourcing and foreign investments (as well as H1B visas) or is a multi-millionaire owning their own business (that they can pass to their kids) you're voting against their own economic self-interests.
                Last edited by shocka khan; June 12, 2015, 12:22 PM.


                • #23
                  H is a lock, as a famous rwinger said "just lay back and enjoy it".
                  For some the glass is half full and for others half empty. My glass is out of ice.
                  - said no one ever...


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
                    I like Bernie Sanders...
                    Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
                    Rand Paul - good protest candidate, but not presidential enough.
                    I pretty much disagree with every word of your commentary, but this one is laughable.

                    Bernie Sanders might be the least "Presidential" candidate of my lifetime.
                    "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
                    -John Wooden


                    • #25
                      So........ Some people would call Bernie Sanders a socialist,eh shocka? Is that possibly because Bernie Sanders is a socialist?
                      There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by MoValley John View Post
                        So........ Some people would call Bernie Sanders a socialist,eh shocka? Is that possibly because Bernie Sanders is a socialist?
                        I'm afraid the people who won't call him socialist are probaby...socialists...

                        Because they know the word itself is taboo, but they aren't in touch with the fact that BEING socialist is really the part that is taboo.
                        Last edited by Dave Stalwart; June 12, 2015, 02:59 PM.


                        • #27
                          "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Dave Stalwart View Post
                            I'm afraid the people who won't call him socialist are probaby...socialists...

                            Because they know the word itself is taboo, but they aren't in touch with the fact that BEING socialist is really the part that is taboo.
                            I don't really know enough about his past pronouncements to say whether he is clearly a socialist or not. While I do not like Obama, there are commenters today who say he's a socialist. I know Obama's not a socialist.

                            BTW, people's panties are in a wad because they think Bernie's a socialist, yet I have not seen any criticism here regarding his public statements as they apply to outsourcing and foreign investment. These activities destroy the middle class in general and American jobs in particular, yet it appears as if the biggest problem they have is not that they don't disagree with those opinions, just that they 'think' he's a socialist.


                            • #29
                              By the way, I think it was great that the Trans Pacific treaty was rejected. I can't understand why our leaders feel they must be 'bold' and leave a 'legacy' like this.

                              I don't think any treaty we've entered into in the last 20 years created jobs for Americans, but they do give the countries that are parties to them an opportunity to dump products here in the US, which causes American job losses.


                              • #30
                                I just bought a copy of her book, entitled, "Hard Choices." They tell me it originally was called, "Arrogant Biotch"

