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  • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
    Senators press Kroger on digital price tags, implying price gouging

    Kroger comes under fire for use of electronic shelf labels

    Two U.S. senators have raised concerns about the technology leading to price gouging and invading consumer privacy.

    Imagine a scenario where you go pick up a bag of frozen blueberries, then an older man picks up the same bag an hour later and he pays $.50 more than you did. A response to supply chain balance? Lol! Likely not! It will be worth BILLIONS to Kroger. Wal-Mart is trying it too!

    And before you go to auto-screech mode because it's the famous "Indian" activist Elizabeth Warren leading the charge... the American consumer needs voices like hers to balance against powerful special interests. Every single time you go to buy food, shelter, clothing, automobiles, etc., there are consumer protection laws making your experience safer and saving you an incredible amount of money.

    Again Capitalism only works in the presence of a fairly honest market. If your market "opponent" has a large advantage over you and gained said advantage through dishonest means, then govermental regulations are required to rebalance the playing field. This is how it has to be and how it has always been. Property rights being numero uno.

    Warren is the consumer screecher. She fights many battles - some illadvised - but still... without a Warren or two out there shining a bleeding heart flashlight on anything and everything, your children would be eating bits of plastic/glass in their morning gerber.

    Open your eyes to reality. Moderate your kneejerk reactions to ANYTHING eminating outside of your tribal leader's cakehole.

    You wanna know what life would be like without robust consumer advocacy action in Washington?

    Read the following:

    Public outrage is mounting in China over allegations that a major state-owned food company has been cutting costs by using the same tankers to carry fuel and cooking oil – without cleaning them in between.

    Food safety scandal rocks China as report claims cooking oil carried in same trucks as fuel

    Oh ok, inflation really isn't a thing, and if it is, it's just -ahem- 'transitory.' Addressing skullduggery with a 5 trillion $$ bill will fix it. How stupid could one person possibly be? Hahahahahahahahah...

    RESIST II.jpg


    • The campaign claims she is going to give an interview but not solo - it will be w/Walz, her Emotional Support Governor.


      • She's supposed to give more details on her 'Opportunity Economy' bill tonight. Should be enlightening. Heck, she's the VP champion of the middle class now. And anyone remember how much damage President Trump's tariffs did several years ago? It took the Inflation Reduction Act to get us back on our feet. Oh, wait...

        All kidding aside though, here's to hoping VP harris is not slurring her words and giggling like a tipsy dingbat. She's obviously in the early stages of dipsomania, possibly rivaling that of the evil witch hillary. Seriously.
        Last edited by ShockingButTrue; 2 weeks ago.


        • She only laughs when she's unsure of a response.
          You will not see that in her interviews as I'm sure she has been given a heads up to the questions and had opportunity to assemble a response with her puppet masters.


          • Originally posted by Atxshoxfan View Post
            She only laughs when she's unsure of a response.
            Yes, which is always.

            She's full of joy.


            • Collin Rugg @CollinRugg

              BREAKING: Aurora, Colorado mayor suggests the federal government may have funded sending Venezuelan gangs to Aurora, Colorado. Mayor Mike Coffman said *multiple* apartment buildings have been taken over by the armed gangs. Coffman said the gangs are now collecting rents after they "pushed out" the property management. "We are a victim of a failed policy at the Southern Border." ............................Holy sh*t.​


              • Big endorsement for Kackala -- this should more than offset the endorsements Trump received from Elon Musk, Bobby Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard.


                • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                  Collin Rugg @CollinRugg

                  BREAKING: Aurora, Colorado mayor suggests the federal government may have funded sending Venezuelan gangs to Aurora, Colorado. Mayor Mike Coffman said *multiple* apartment buildings have been taken over by the armed gangs. Coffman said the gangs are now collecting rents after they "pushed out" the property management. "We are a victim of a failed policy at the Southern Border." ............................Holy sh*t.​
                  Won't be long before they go door to door in your neighborhood, selling protective services from their own gang.
                  Pay up our we will throw you on the streets or kill you. That will be $500 please, and thank you for your business.


                  • How is this allowed in the United States of America?

                    National Guard coordinating with the best high tech and Hamas these mfers. Send a message. A violent, bloody, and loud message.


                    • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                      Collin Rugg @CollinRugg

                      BREAKING: Aurora, Colorado mayor suggests the federal government may have funded sending Venezuelan gangs to Aurora, Colorado. Mayor Mike Coffman said *multiple* apartment buildings have been taken over by the armed gangs. Coffman said the gangs are now collecting rents after they "pushed out" the property management. "We are a victim of a failed policy at the Southern Border." ............................Holy sh*t.​
                      Shouldn't the ATF or FBI be initiating some sort of raid on these shenanigans?

                      These thugs must not be Christians.
                      "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                      • Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post

                        Shouldn't the ATF or FBI be initiating some sort of raid on these shenanigans?

                        These thugs must not be Christians.
                        Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                        • Estranged Brother Warns Whacked-Out Walz Is 'Not the Type of Character You Want' in Power

                          What can be said about super-creepy Tim Walz that hasn't already been said?

                          A lot. And there will be, between now and the November 5 election. There's just something wrong with the guy. In addition to the serial lying, I mean. He's just not right. Even one of Walz's siblings is warning that Kamala Harris's vice presidential running mate should be nowhere near the reins of power.

                          Jeff Walz, who hasn't spoken to Tim in eight years, said on Facebook that his brother is "not the type of character you want making decisions about your future." Think that through. Hell, one might think that even some Democrat voters might think through that warning — but I doubt it.

                          In response to a follower who encouraged Jeff to "Help save this country," Walz said he'd thought about doing it: I’ve thought hard about doing something like that. I’m torn between that and just keeping my family out of it. The stories I could tell. Not the type of character you want making decisions about your future.

                          ​Whether or not Jeff Walz decides to take his story about brother Tim beyond Facebook is his business. But now that it's back out there, it seems to me that he'll be pressured in various ways to do so.


                          • Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post

                            Shouldn't the ATF or FBI be initiating some sort of raid on these shenanigans?

                            These thugs must not be Christians.
                            Connect the dots. These are Venezuelan gangs in America. Is Meduro (Venezuelan leader) a Marxist?

                            Can a Marxist be a Christian? Marx said that Christianity preached cowardice, self contempt, submission, and humility (among other things). He said that POWER is what is important. The state at first, would hold the power, and later the state would wither away, and allow the masses to hold power. Did the Soviet Union ever allow the masses to control their lives? NO. No freedom in that.

                            I have a friend who was a 5 or 6 yr. old boy in Ukraine in 1945. After the war, Stalin gave his father an order to submit to the Russian state, and denounce his allegiance to Christianity. He refused and was taken from his family to Siberia to work camps. My friend never saw his father again. His mother and he became refugees and after long travels, they came to America. Today, that friend is a retired Christian Medical Doctor.



                            • Originally posted by Shockm View Post

                              Connect the dots. These are Venezuelan gangs in America. Is Meduro (Venezuelan leader) a Marxist?

                              Can a Marxist be a Christian? Marx said that Christianity preached cowardice, self contempt, submission, and humility (among other things). He said that POWER is what is important. The state at first, would hold the power, and later the state would wither away, and allow the masses to hold power. Did the Soviet Union ever allow the masses to control their lives? NO. No freedom in that.

                              I have a friend who was a 5 or 6 yr. old boy in Ukraine in 1945. After the war, Stalin gave his father an order to submit to the Russian state, and denounce his allegiance to Christianity. He refused and was taken from his family to Siberia to work camps. My friend never saw his father again. His mother and he became refugees and after long travels, they came to America. Today, that friend is a retired Christian Medical Doctor.

                              Of the two candidates running for office, one does share certain characteristics to Stalin.

                              Neither is or will be Stalin. Just adding important facts to the discussion.

                              From the beginning of Donald Trump's presidency I have rejected the idea that he is, or could become, a dictator such as the world experienc...


                              • Both Dimocrat candidates are communist. So was Stalin.

