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2024 Presidential Election

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  • Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post
    Trump just needs to say on every topic: you suck on this issue, it's a disaster, everyone knows it. Vote for me, I'll make everything great again.

    And Biden will look old, demented and stupid.
    On Israel for example ...

    Biden: blah blah blah we stand with everybody blah blah blah

    Trump: you suck on this issue, it's a disaster, everyone knows it

    Biden: Well what's your stance on the issue?

    Trump: That you suck on this issue, it's a disaster, everyone knows it

    Yeah, that does work!
    Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


    • I heard Joes looking to hand out $25,000 to first time home buyers to be used for down payments on their homes.
      It must be nice to buy votes with taxpayers money. It won't be long before $50,000 income will be taxed at 50% and inflation will take an additional $15,000 out of their pockets.
      Young folks need to be taught the effects of these government give aways. Even those who benefit from the giveaways will pay the price + down the road.


      • Could be AI generated, but looks legit… patriots!

        "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


        • First Post-Verdict Poll Is Out - Watch Dems Tear Their Hair Out Over This

          J.L. Partners has taken a poll of likely voters for the Daily Mail.​

          Of those who said the 34 guilty counts had changed their view of Donald Trump, 22 percent said they now had a more favorable rating compared with 16 percent who said they viewed him more negatively.

          That six-point net positive result is another sign of the way the businessman-turned-politician seems able to ride out crises that would sink anyone else. [....]

          In particular, the numbers show a four-point net positive impact among independent voters, the group that could decide who is the next president in November.
          It's a small sample of 400 voters, so we'll have to see more polls as they come out.

          James Johnson, who conducted the poll, said Trump might be waking up as convicted felon but he was winning over the voters who matter.

          Our snap poll of a representative sample of likely voters shows that for most Americans the trial has not changed their deep-set views of Trump,' he said.

          'But amongst those who are open to changing their mind, people feel more positive by a margin of 6 points. That is outside of the margin of the error of the poll and we are saying that is significant.

          'It extends to Independent voters too. Look at the explanations and it is clear why: people feel it was a politically motivated trial and view Trump as a "fighter" against what they see as injustice.


          • The Presidential election this fall will be interesting. The Republicans wish they could find a candidate to run who would bring back Trump's policies without being such a jackass, and the Democrats wish they could run a pedophile who is younger than Biden.......


            • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
              First Post-Verdict Poll Is Out - Watch Dems Tear Their Hair Out Over This

              J.L. Partners has taken a poll of likely voters for the Daily Mail.​

              It's a small sample of 400 voters, so we'll have to see more polls as they come out.

              I looked at the raw data from the polling because the results were oddly stated. What I found was not encouraging to Trump

              Republicans 83% FOR Trump still being the nominee (2020 - 93%)
              Republicans 15% AGAINST Trump as being the nominee (2020 - 6%)

              Independents 45% FOR Trump still being the nominee (2020 - 54%)
              Independents 46% AGAINST Trump still being the nominee (2020 - 41%)
              Independents 9% Undecided

              The raw poll results are here

              Reuters polling

              11% Republicans less likely to vote for Trump
              26% Independents less likely to vote for Trump

              What makes me scratch my head is
              38% Democrats less likely to vote for Trump - They seem to be virtue signaling because they were never voting for him.

              Analysis: Majorities agree with the verdict against Trump, but early national polling doesn’t find that the race against Biden has been transformed.

              The good news for Trump is the election is still 5 months away.


              • National polling, in this day and age, is kind of a waste. It really isn't relevant and it can be terribly misleading. IF it's accurate (and it rarely is) remember that an even race is disaster for the Dems. They would typically need a 3-5% advantage to secure an electoral win.

                Trump is already catching hell for it (hypocrisy) but he's doing the right thing, at least in this election cycle, going after the early vote via mail in and absentee where it's available.

                The May number for the RNC comes in at a staggering $141 million. That's a huge number. That's on the heels of a fundraising announcement that Trump will host a 300K per plate (500K per couple discount) fundraiser in CA hosted by tech billionaire David Sacks, a person with mainstream conservative views but not (previously) a huge Trump supporter. The money is shifting. Will it last?

                Follow the money. Always.

                I don't know what to think about the House and Senate. I've felt for some time that the Senate will almost certainly be in the hands of the GOP after this cycle. The money being raised specifically for the Senate is a big advantage for the GOP, which is a bit surprising. That suggests (and ONLY suggests) that battleground areas are being won by the GOP. We'll see. Polling doesn't look good at all. I think the GOP is in real trouble in the House, if only because the magnifying glass has focused on the Republicans ineptness there for some time. And the Dems are outraising the GOP when it's divided up for just the House.
                Last edited by WuDrWu; June 5, 2024, 08:18 AM.


                • Biden Acuity Report by his own DOJ and inner circle (those who talk) shows a decline. Biden displays signs of decline in private meetings with congressional leaders: report

                  President Biden has shown signs of poor cognitive performance in private meetings with congressional lawmakers, as his age and mental acuity continue to come into question ahead of November's presidential election.

                  Biden, 81, is the oldest person to hold the presidency and has faced skepticism from voters and Republican lawmakers about his ability to do his job. Many Republicans and even some Democrats said the president showed his age in private meetings, according to The Wall Street Journal, which spoke with 45 lawmakers and administration officials about the president's mental performance.

                  Most of the people interviewed by the outlet who were critical of Biden's performance were Republicans, although some Democrats said the president showed his age in several exchanges. These interviewees participated in meetings with Biden or were briefed on them contemporaneously, including administration officials and other Democrats who did not express concerns about how the president handled the meetings.

                  When meeting with congressional leaders in January to negotiate a deal to send additional funding to Ukraine, Biden spoke so softly at times that some people struggled to hear him, five people familiar with the meeting told The Wall Street Journal. The president read from notes to make obvious points, paused for extended periods of time and even closed his eyes for so long that some people in the meeting wondered if he had tuned out.


                  In February, when Biden met one-on-one with House Speaker Mike Johnson, the president said a recent policy change by his administration that jeopardizes some big energy projects was just a study, according to six people who were told at the time about what Johnson recalled from the meeting. Johnson was concerned the president had forgotten about the details of his own policy.

                  READ ON THE FOX NEWS APP

                  Last year, when Biden was negotiating with House Republicans to lift the debt ceiling, his demeanor and command of the details appeared to change from one day to the next, then-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and two others familiar with the talks said. He appeared sharp with loose and spontaneous exchanges with Republicans on one day, and mumbled and seemed to rely on notes on other days.

                  "I used to meet with him when he was vice president. I’d go to his house. He's not the same person," McCarthy said.

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                  • First sign that the Dems are going to 86 Biden.
                    "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                    • Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post
                      First sign that the Dems are going to 86 Biden.

                      I considered the idea of replacing Biden at the last minute just a conspiracy level idea until this article. I mean, why are the Dems worried? Everyone knows he's not running the country anyway (the ACTUAL end of democracy, but I digress). No big deal to have unelected people in DC run things for another 4 years.

                      But this story, from the WSJ, hardly a bastion of conservatives (but more fair than the Times or Post for sure) signals real problems and an uncertain future, politically.

                      Next 3 months could be interesting, on so many levels.


                      • Well, as bad as the WSJ story was, and it was bad, the Time interview may be worse. Yikes.


                        • Democrats 'fear' this possible Trump VP pick who 'could spell the end for Biden': Insiders

                          Political insiders say Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is the name Democrats "fear" most when it comes to who Donald Trump will pick as his running mate.


                          • Little Marco!


                            • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                              Democrats 'fear' this possible Trump VP pick who 'could spell the end for Biden': Insiders

                              Political insiders say Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is the name Democrats "fear" most when it comes to who Donald Trump will pick as his running mate.

                              Heyyyyy. Thank you for posting this. I had been meaning to make a post for a couple days now, just with this story in mind.

                              Ya'll will remember the questionairre we did back in 2016 that matched our beliefs with a comparable candidate. I was graded full Marco.

                              Imagine how much better condition the Republic would be in Today had he been the Republican nominee, AND won. I don't know if he could have beaten Hillary. But if he had, it would have been smooth sailing through Covid and likely a second term. Instead, we got the rapey brat.

                              The above article proves that Marco has character, a functioning brain, and passes CB's Covidiot smell test.

                              There's a 10% chance I vote for Trump. But with Marco at his side, it moves to 20%. Still not good unfortunately. I'm guessing if Marco is his running mate, he'll abuse him at every opportunity, the same way he did a good man like Pence - leaving him unelectable in 2028. Sad.


                              • I think we need to stop putting Senators in the executive branch. Governors or non-politicians.
                                "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!

