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2024 Presidential Election

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  • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
    I am still not convinced that Biden will be the Democrat party nominee come November.


    • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post

      I am still not convinced that Biden will be the Democrat party nominee come November.
      I'm with you. He may be, but he may not be. In 2020 we had hidden Biden. What better way to avoid vetting than not announce a candidate (puppet) until late in the game.


      • I saw a story that suggested they dixie the VP and replace her with Killary


        • I do not believe HR2 will pass, or if it somehow does, it won't survive the test of time.

          The Trump team is seeing the writing on the walls....the part of the electorate that rarely votes or is not terribly politically active is obliterating Biden right now. Trump needs to get them to the polls anyway he can. By hook or by crook.

          I am starting to believe full on that the early debate is set as the Alamo for Biden. If he craters, he'll be replaced at the convention.

          I also believe that Trump has handled the run up to the debate poorly and I'm concerned about his performance, not Biden's. Trump can lose or seriously damage his chances in 8 days. Tapper and Bash will be relentless on Jan6. If he takes the bait, he'll be in terrible trouble. He's going to have to fight the urge and you KNOW those 2 clowns are going to prod him mercilessly in an attempt to break him.

          The Biden bar is basically don't die or **** yourself massively before the first TV break. He will not be asked anything terribly difficult at all. Just don't die. I'm serious. Look it....

          I saw Peter Doocy on Hannity (which is painful to watch these days) last night for about a minute. I didn't care for the Doocy hire, it's a text book case of nepotism, but I think we may look back in 20 or 30 years and applaud the job he did. He made a great point about how there aren't many people in the world that are around Biden as much as he is, and the WH has made extended efforts to limit contact with Biden and everyone (including the press) and those efforts have been accelerated recently. Also, if they don't like the "fake" videos and "misinformation" they could fix it...instead of refute and attack a cell phone video that shows Biden freezing up, they could easily have multiple cameras at these events and show how Biden is interacting and "with it". BUT, the WH chooses not to do that. I thought his point was simple but profound and while he was not at all critical, his point was crystal clear. He's becoming a fantastic WH reporter. Maybe the best one in today's group. And I never thought I would say that.


          • "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


            • "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


              • White House Asks Migrants To Hold Off On Raping And Murdering Any More Americans Until After Election



                • Comment

                  • Former President Trump told reporters Saturday he’s made up his mind about who will be his running mate in November, but he has yet to tell anyone who it is. Trump told NBC News ahead of a rally in Philadelphia that he’s settled on a vice presidential choice. “In my mind, yeah,” Trump said when…


                    • "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                      • "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                        • "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                          • Unfortunately the sheep are mostly focused on the MSM's perception / spin of performance rather than policy and their pocket books and freedoms


                            • Originally posted by WstateU View Post
                              You're on fire lately!

                              Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                              • Originally posted by WstateU View Post

