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Trump Got The 'Rona

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  • Kel Varnsen
    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

    Nice spin, but you're being intentionally obtuse. Anybody with an IQ over 75 knows the inference and incoherency of Trump's comments upon arriving at the WH. And I am certain your IQ is well above 75.

    He leaves the hospital and informs (more like warns) us that he has "went to school" and now fully understands the virus. Never mind the fact that he is far from receiving a clean bill of health and is presently vomiting copious amounts of replicable virus everywhere he walks. I'm thinking Walter Reed hospital was happy to see him go. Imagine a guy like Trump adhering to hospital quarantine guidelines... LOL! I have every reason to believe he needlessly endangered many people while at that hospital. That's just the way he rolls.

    So his new found 'Rona wisdom was that this virus is no big deal and people need to "GET OUT THERE". However his subconscious momentarily overruled his irrational conscious and interjected, "but be safe" at the end.

    GET OUT THERE in the middle of an out-of-control pandemic, but BE SAFE is a completely contradictory (i.e. incoherent) statement in light of... well... REALITY.

    And in case you would like to question my interpretation of what is logical or coherent... just don't. I've explained why previously. I've been tested and verified as Spock-worthy. :P

    A proper response from a president with normal brain function would be this:

    I want to thank the American people for all their well-wishes. This virus has proven once again that nobody is out of its reach. Rest assured that we will prevail in this pandemic and many therapeutics and vaccines are on their way as we speak. In fact, I personally benefitted from them! My solemn oath to you is that I will not rest until this virus is defeated and America is back to the way it was. But for a little while longer, we need to remain vigilant! Listen to the doctors and don't needlessly put yourselves in harms way. Wear your masks, wash your hands, and be especially considerate of the elderly and those at higher risk. May God bless you all!

    A speech like that would receive praise from every networky in the nation. And half of the commentators would fall over dead. "Who the **** wrote this for him" would be the consensus. You see, it's gotten so bad with this president, that people would be in disbelief if he actually said something sane.
    Trump could give the Gettysburg Address and it would be deemed as racist/mysogynist by the MSM. GTFOH.

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  • WstateU
    Originally posted by WstateU View Post
    Gotta bump this one...

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  • MikeKennedyRulZ
    Sorry Libtards. Christmas doesn't come early. No soup for you!

    President Trump's physician, Dr. Sean Conley, announced Tuesday afternoon the president "reports no symptoms" of the novel coronavirus after doctors discharged Trump from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center the previous evening.

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  • MikeKennedyRulZ
    Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
    When he responds with over 300 characters, that means you zinged him good.

    Way to go KW.
    So true. Lol!

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  • ShockerFever
    When he responds with over 300 characters, that means you zinged him good.

    Way to go KW.

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  • C0|dB|00ded
    Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
    When you are driving a 1.5 ton vehicle, you should be careful but not afraid.
    When you are rock climbing, you should be careful but not afraid.
    When you are handling venomous reptiles, you should be careful but not afraid.
    When you are working with electricity, you should be careful but not afraid.

    But my gosh, it's incoherent to say: When there is an epidemic you should be careful, but not afraid. That's the babbling of a mad man.
    Nice spin, but you're being intentionally obtuse. Anybody with an IQ over 75 knows the inference and incoherency of Trump's comments upon arriving at the WH. And I am certain your IQ is well above 75.

    He leaves the hospital and informs (more like warns) us that he has "went to school" and now fully understands the virus. Never mind the fact that he is far from receiving a clean bill of health and is presently vomiting copious amounts of replicable virus everywhere he walks. I'm thinking Walter Reed hospital was happy to see him go. Imagine a guy like Trump adhering to hospital quarantine guidelines... LOL! I have every reason to believe he needlessly endangered many people while at that hospital. That's just the way he rolls.

    So his new found 'Rona wisdom was that this virus is no big deal and people need to "GET OUT THERE". However his subconscious momentarily overruled his irrational conscious and interjected, "but be safe" at the end.

    GET OUT THERE in the middle of an out-of-control pandemic, but BE SAFE is a completely contradictory (i.e. incoherent) statement in light of... well... REALITY.

    And in case you would like to question my interpretation of what is logical or coherent... just don't. I've explained why previously. I've been tested and verified as Spock-worthy. :P

    A proper response from a president with normal brain function would be this:

    I want to thank the American people for all their well-wishes. This virus has proven once again that nobody is out of its reach. Rest assured that we will prevail in this pandemic and many therapeutics and vaccines are on their way as we speak. In fact, I personally benefitted from them! My solemn oath to you is that I will not rest until this virus is defeated and America is back to the way it was. But for a little while longer, we need to remain vigilant! Listen to the doctors and don't needlessly put yourselves in harms way. Wear your masks, wash your hands, and be especially considerate of the elderly and those at higher risk. May God bless you all!

    A speech like that would receive praise from every network in the nation. And half of the commentators would fall over dead. "Who the **** wrote this for him" would be the consensus. You see, it's gotten so bad with this president, that people would be in disbelief if he actually said something sane.

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  • Kung Wu
    When you are driving a 1.5 ton vehicle, you should be careful but not afraid.
    When you are rock climbing, you should be careful but not afraid.
    When you are handling venomous reptiles, you should be careful but not afraid.
    When you are working with electricity, you should be careful but not afraid.

    But my gosh, it's incoherent to say: When there is an epidemic you should be careful, but not afraid. That's the babbling of a mad man.

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  • Shockm
    If it wasn't Donald with the virus, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, Coldblooded, etc. would find other things to hammer him on. They just "hate" him and many, if honest, wish he would have died. That's why I can't follow them anymore, they aren't honest, everything they say and do is against Donald Trump.

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  • ShockerPrez
    How dare people not let Covid dominate their lives!! I've heard some crazy **** from the Donald, but.... (GASP)

    I NEVER!

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  • ShockingButTrue
    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

    "Don't let it dominate your lives. Get out there, be careful..."

    I couldn't even make this **** up. He's not even coherent at this point.

    He just unofficially abrogated the guidance of the CDC because he's high on 'roids.

    25th Amendment time?
    Be careful is wrong? And I'm the stupid one you 1/2 a Snowflake? You wish Tool ; D

    Was steltzer crying on cnn tonight because his President just whipped corona's ass like you getting your ass whipped in a bar? I'm guessing you'd know. Don't lie cold.

    Last edited by ShockingButTrue; October 6, 2020, 12:51 PM.

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  • WuDrWu
    Originally posted by WstateU View Post
    If I could, I’d ‘cue up’ James Brown’s “I Feel Good”...
    you cannot make this **** up.

    Kudos to KSN for at least including the fact that the Gift shop has no affiliation with the White House. In fact, today, it's nothing more than an online store, and frankly, not a very well run one. Somebody probably made a reasonable deal around 1998 to buy the rights to the name, and now sells whatever they can get away with online. CBD oil is likes 12 steps above this place.

    That being said, I'm seriously considering a couple of those coins....badass. And one of the North Korea peace talk coins too

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  • wufan
    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

    It actually has been shown to not be beneficial (and even harmful) in minor Covid cases. The science says only severe cases (requiring oxygen or mechanical ventilation) benefit from glucocorticoids.

    Most of the patients in that study suffered psychotic episodes and began ripping curls 24/7.

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  • wufan
    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

    Read and learn my friend.

    Grandiosity .... lol

    P.S. What if the person taking it already HAS or is predisposed to psychological side effects?
    they didn’t inject it in his celiac plexus.

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  • ShockerFever
    Originally posted by wichshock65 View Post

    Why is it all you Libtards are always scared? You can't live life quivering in the corner of your mother's basement. Not only that but you feel everyone else needs to be scared, huddled with you. Bad gene pool, I'm guessing. Pathetic. We almost feel sorry for you. Almost.
    Nailed it.

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  • WstateU
    If I could, I’d ‘cue up’ James Brown’s “I Feel Good”...
    you cannot make this **** up.

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