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Trump Got The 'Rona

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  • ShockerPrez
    Has Biden denounced his friendship with Robert Byrd? I hear the going penance is 25 denouncements, 15 woke virtual signals, and 100 #BLM tweets.

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  • ShockerPrez
    I think the federal government can probably make due with, what is it? 4 trillion? 5 trillion?

    It's never the spending, it's always the citizens, isn't it?

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  • WuDrWu
    Originally posted by revenge_of_shocka_khan View Post

    I'd rather see the money go to people who are disaffected by this pandemic.....either through mental health crises, job loss, or other hardships introduced as part of the pandemic. I'm not disaffected. My girlfriend is similarly disaffected, but is always asking where her money is (since she does qualify), which I think is wrong. I think it's bad karma to not consider people who are on the bottom rungs of society through no fault of their own.

    I've been criticized on this board by a number of people for stating that I would gladly pay more in taxes to address our structural long-term deficit issues, I said that before the Trump tax cuts, and I believe it is even more important now.

    It's time for the billionaire class in this country to pay their fair share, too.
    You sir are a humanitarian to beat all other humanitarians. If just more Americans had your heart, your gift of giving and your incredible generous nature, the world would be a far better place. Thank you for being you.

    May I humbly ask what the "fair share" is for the 800 or so billionaires in this country? I'm sure since they represent less than 0.000232% of the population they should pay what...all the FIT? Just looking for the answer, from such a generous, humble and thoughtful (and fair too!) humanitarian. Thank you for your most valuable time.

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  • Kung Wu
    Originally posted by revenge_of_shocka_khan View Post
    I've been criticized on this board by a number of people for stating that I would gladly pay more in taxes to address our structural long-term deficit issues, I said that before the Trump tax cuts, and I believe it is even more important now.
    It's completely legal to pay more than you are, if you want to.

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  • revenge_of_shocka_khan
    Originally posted by Kel Varnsen View Post

    Trump could give the Gettysburg Address and it would be deemed as racist/mysogynist by the MSM. GTFOH.
    Given Trump's track record, why would you think anything different would happen? 26 women have filed complaints against him. That's even more than Bill Clinton and that's a fact.

    Trump said horrible things about latin people (I would like to see what you think about this) "...some of them are rapists, some of them are murders.....", horrible things about people from Africa (the $h#thole comment), horrible things about white supremacists "...and some were very good people."

    So, Trump has made his own mess that he's lying in.

    By the way, and if you work for a fairly large company, what does your employer think about a 'typical' employee making these kinds of comments in exercising their official duties? Do you think they might be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination for making these comments? What do you think would happen to you if you did that (note, I had a co-worker about 15 years ago who asked a Vietnamese immigrant we worked with if she'd ever eaten cat. He got sent to sensitivity training for that stunt).

    Not only that, what your employer do if you started groping and making unwanted sexual advances to women on your staff? Again, I would be sympathetic if there were, say, the number of cases I could count on one hand. This is all your hands and toes with items left over.

    Note I got confronted by my g/f's relatives in Mexico about those comments because I was dumb enough to vote for Trump in 2016. I don't think most Latinx's did not appreciate those remarks.

    Complaining about MSM's treatment of Trump is akin to raising a red herring. If there wasn't so much evidence out there regards his boorish behavior, I might agree, but sinde the evidence is overwhelming, just about the only thing that would change the optics would be a brain transplant or a religious conversion (the third would be a firing). Guess what is about to happen?

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  • revenge_of_shocka_khan
    Originally posted by wufan View Post

    It is likely there will be short term and possibly long term airline layoffs due to Covid.

    Kudos to you for making so much money.
    I'd rather see the money go to people who are disaffected by this pandemic.....either through mental health crises, job loss, or other hardships introduced as part of the pandemic. I'm not disaffected. My girlfriend is similarly disaffected, but is always asking where her money is (since she does qualify), which I think is wrong. I think it's bad karma to not consider people who are on the bottom rungs of society through no fault of their own.

    I've been criticized on this board by a number of people for stating that I would gladly pay more in taxes to address our structural long-term deficit issues, I said that before the Trump tax cuts, and I believe it is even more important now.

    It's time for the billionaire class in this country to pay their fair share, too.

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  • wufan
    Originally posted by revenge_of_shocka_khan View Post

    I'm surprised he took this long. His final gift to everyone, him and B#tch crash the economy because he is a sore loser and B#tch is a compliant butt-kisser. The final death rattle from the worst president ever. Y'all know he wouldn't be doing this if he didn't know he was going to lose. If he thought he could win, he'd be firing up the printing presses.

    Ironically, I make too much to get the free stuff, but too little to get much benefit from those budget-busting tax cuts, but I'm happy anyway (I don't need free stuff). Hope most of the rest of you benefited IF you needed the help.

    I will ask the question again.....given that the major airlines are now in the process of shedding tens of thousands of jobs, what is your take on the impact of the local economy, given its dependence on commercial aviation? I'm thinking further contraction of capital budgets and more layoffs from local companies, but how much?
    It is likely there will be short term and possibly long term airline layoffs due to Covid.

    Kudos to you for making so much money.

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  • revenge_of_shocka_khan
    "Will be remembered as President SuperSpreader, he's spread it all the way to the Pentagon....."

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  • revenge_of_shocka_khan
    I'm surprised he took this long. His final gift to everyone, him and B#tch crash the economy because he is a sore loser and B#tch is a compliant butt-kisser. The final death rattle from the worst president ever. Y'all know he wouldn't be doing this if he didn't know he was going to lose. If he thought he could win, he'd be firing up the printing presses.

    Ironically, I make too much to get the free stuff, but too little to get much benefit from those budget-busting tax cuts, but I'm happy anyway (I don't need free stuff). Hope most of the rest of you benefited IF you needed the help.

    I will ask the question again.....given that the major airlines are now in the process of shedding tens of thousands of jobs, what is your take on the impact of the local economy, given its dependence on commercial aviation? I'm thinking further contraction of capital budgets and more layoffs from local companies, but how much?
    Last edited by revenge_of_shocka_khan; October 7, 2020, 06:27 AM.

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  • MikeKennedyRulZ

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  • 1979Shocker
    Trump reverses course on coronavirus relief talks, dangles new $1,200 stimulus checks

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  • MikeKennedyRulZ
    Liberal rag piece. No sources cited, only complete speculation. And they complain about there being no staff at the WH or those that are there are in PPE. Umm, isn't that what they are supposed to do with Rona? So, let me get this straight, they complain when they perceive he isn't protecting himself and others, then they say it's "chaos" when he does protect himself and others? MSM hypocrisy.

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  • MikeKennedyRulZ
    I got news for you. Plastic Pelosi is the one who should be called out for this. She's been holding up this latest stimulus for her own political reasons. She's just simply run out of time because it is time for a SCOTUS confirmation party.

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  • 1979Shocker
    'Roid rage' Trump crashes markets by tweeting that there will be NO stimulus until after election - as doctor voices fear his COVID medication causes mania, aggression and psychosis

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  • 1979Shocker
    Trump’s Return Leaves White House in Disarray as Infections Jolt West Wing

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