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  • Looks like the Biden administration is finally starting to get it together if the announcement by Kamalala of new national strategy is any indication, I feel much better about things now. BEtter late than never I guess.

    Vice President Kamala Harris

    United States government official
    President Biden and I released the first ever National Gender Strategy. This is our vision for the future of our nation—one that is bold in strategy and one that this moment calls for.
    Fact Sheet: National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality | The White House
    The Biden-Harris Administration issues first-ever national gender strategy to advance the full participation of all people - including women and girls -
    3:02 PM · Oct 23, 2021


    • Email Looks Like the Smoking Gun Against Biden on Kabul Evacuation Debacle

      Let's Go Brandon!

      We'll see. I doubt anything will come of this.


      • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
        Email Looks Like the Smoking Gun Against Biden on Kabul Evacuation Debacle

        Let's Go Brandon!

        We'll see. I doubt anything will come of this.
        Nothing will come of it. There are three options:

        1. Understand that our betters are fallible and grant them mercy.
        2. Hold out politicians accountable for their crimes and unleash political prosecutions.
        3. Reject the mandate that we are ruled by elites.

        2 would unleash a hellish battle and 3 seems too far fetched to be conceivable. Best to stick to 1 and keep the status quo.
        Livin the dream


        • As the country faces an unprecedented murder spike, President Joe Biden is claiming that eliminating cash bail for violent criminals is critical to promoting "gender equity and equality."

          Biden proposes elimination of cash bail for violent offenders


          • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post

            Biden proposes elimination of cash bail for violent offenders
            Here’s my (one of my) problems with the justice system: After the incident has occurred, they come running on to take a report. They arrest the alleged defender, and if guilty, they are punished. The victim is still a victim. The guilty is serving no societal good. What’s the point? A vendetta? How about if a branch of government who’s motto is “to serve and protect” actually protects people that are being victimized?

            We saw all during the summer of 2020 that the police (or at least the beurocrats running the police) will neither protect nor seek justice when it doesn’t serve THEIR interest.

            When it comes to those accused of violent offense, they should receive cash bail, and the police should PROTECT the alleged victim until their date in court. They have policies that prevent protection, and in some location laws that prevent self-protection. How is this a government by the people, of the people, and for the people?
            Livin the dream


            • I wish I could be specific, but it was either on MSNBC or meet the Press, and the discussion (of course) turned to blaming Trump for the current hatred and animosity (only on the right of course) towards people, especially (and in this case) politicians.

              Apparently a member of Congress, Jeff Duncan (R-SC) wore a "Let's Go Brandon" mask into Congress the other day. How have we gotten to where this is acceptable (of course, Trump) and that someone in Congress no less could say F the President.

              He didn't say F the President. His mask didn't say F the President. It said "Let's Go Brandon".

              And yes, I understand the nuances. But it's the media LYING. And they do it all the time (and yes the right leaning media does it too) but it's still widely believed there is media, and there is right wing media, and THAT is a LIE.
              Last edited by WuDrWu; October 31, 2021, 09:57 AM.


              • I have come to the point where I don't really care about decorum. Washington is nothing more than a corrupt orgi of payoffs with other people's money. They contribute nothing. It is showbiz for the ugly. I pay attention, but I try not to let their actions have any influence on the status of my happiness. It's all about money, power and popularity. They have managed to ever increasingly convince a majority of weak minded fools that they are their only hope for happiness and existence. So be it. If you rely on the government to provide for your happiness and subsistence. You are doing it wrong. If you believe any media outlet that is pro government, you are a fool. If you believe media that is anti-government, just remember that they are still motivated by money.

                At least find one that is entertaining. May as well be in a good mood. Watching angry, bitter douches without at least a bit of humor is the worst thing you could do.

                You have a few on the left that can pull it off (Jon Stewart, Jimmy Dore is great), but for the most part, entertainment news is found on the right. The left has become so cringe, it just....

                Let's go Ron Barker!
                "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                • "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                  • From the Wall Street Journal (emphasis added):
                    The Biden administration is in talks to offer immigrant families that were separated during the Trump administration around $450,000 a person in compensation, according to people familiar with the matter, as several agencies work to resolve lawsuits filed on behalf of parents and children who say the government subjected them to lasting psychological trauma.

                    The U.S. Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services are considering payments that could amount to close to $1 million a family, though the final numbers could shift, the people familiar with the matter said. Most of the families that crossed the border illegally from Mexico to seek asylum in the U.S. included one parent and one child, the people said. Many families would likely get smaller payouts, depending on their circumstances, the people said.

                    Although the numbers aren’t final, the payout could reach the staggering amount of more than $1 billion.

                    As RedState covered yesterday, the Biden administration is looking to pay every illegal immigrant who had their families separated from them at the border around $450,000 each for their trouble.

                    To be clear, the Democrats are in talks to pay people nearly half a million dollars for breaking the law.

                    This is the same administration that decided to hand you $2,000 and tell you to like it while they locked you down, destroyed your livelihood, stopped you from attending funerals of loved ones or visiting them in the hospital, over a virus with a 99-plus percent survival rate.

                    It gets worse.

                    As Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas pointed out, if you’re in the military and you die while serving your country, the government gives your next of kin $400,000. That’s $50,000 less than what Biden wants to give illegal immigrants for breaking the law.


                    • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                      From the Wall Street Journal (emphasis added):
                      The Biden administration is in talks to offer immigrant families that were separated during the Trump administration around $450,000 a person in compensation, according to people familiar with the matter, as several agencies work to resolve lawsuits filed on behalf of parents and children who say the government subjected them to lasting psychological trauma.

                      The U.S. Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services are considering payments that could amount to close to $1 million a family, though the final numbers could shift, the people familiar with the matter said. Most of the families that crossed the border illegally from Mexico to seek asylum in the U.S. included one parent and one child, the people said. Many families would likely get smaller payouts, depending on their circumstances, the people said.

                      Although the numbers aren’t final, the payout could reach the staggering amount of more than $1 billion.

                      As RedState covered yesterday, the Biden administration is looking to pay every illegal immigrant who had their families separated from them at the border around $450,000 each for their trouble.

                      To be clear, the Democrats are in talks to pay people nearly half a million dollars for breaking the law.

                      This is the same administration that decided to hand you $2,000 and tell you to like it while they locked you down, destroyed your livelihood, stopped you from attending funerals of loved ones or visiting them in the hospital, over a virus with a 99-plus percent survival rate.

                      It gets worse.

                      As Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas pointed out, if you’re in the military and you die while serving your country, the government gives your next of kin $400,000. That’s $50,000 less than what Biden wants to give illegal immigrants for breaking the law.
                      Totally in line with their post modern-neomatxist agenda.

                      This isn’t about money. It is much more nefarious than that.
                      Livin the dream


                      • This is so ridiculous! Not surprised coming from Anti-American Joe.

                        This is akin to the government paying someone who breaks in to your home $450,000 because they "suffered" while breaking in.


                        • Originally posted by MikeKennedyRulZ View Post
                          This is so ridiculous! Not surprised coming from Anti-American Joe.

                          This is akin to the government paying someone who breaks in to your home $450,000 because they "suffered" while breaking in.
                          Or because they couldn’t afford cash bail.
                          Livin the dream


                          • Originally posted by wufan View Post

                            Or because they couldn’t afford cash bail.
                            Is cash bail still a thing? Anyone who recieves this money should be immediately deported back to their home country in order use that wealth to address the root causes. The amount of foreign aid paid to any such country should reduced by the amount paid to their returing citizens. That way Joe could say this costs zero and not be lying. Although I think telling the truth may be against Biden's core pinciples.

                            Let's Go Branden!


                            • John Cardillo @johncardillo
                              37% of truckers say they would resign or retire before being forced to take the jab.
                              Losing 5% of them would be devastating.
                              37% is catastrophic and would grind the supply chain to a halt.
                              Biden is destroying this nation on purpose.


                              • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post

                                Is cash bail still a thing? Anyone who recieves this money should be immediately deported back to their home country in order use that wealth to address the root causes. The amount of foreign aid paid to any such country should reduced by the amount paid to their returing citizens. That way Joe could say this costs zero and not be lying. Although I think telling the truth may be against Biden's core pinciples.

                                Let's Go Branden!
                                Sorry. I was referencing the “similar” crime of breaking into a house.
                                Livin the dream

