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  • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
    By the way, I never voted for Biden, I didn't vote for Trump this time either; but let me be the first lifetime Republican on this board to say... Biden is my president.

    Let's bring peace back to this land and continue the experiment called America. Let's compromise with the global warmers and lets not threaten the dudes in the jacked up trucks, working on oil rigs all day.

    Let's find some tiny victories for all in the legislature, continue to bring back the jobs, and beat this ******* virus into submission in the process.

    Good to see you reach out Cold. There's a heart in there somewhere after all.

    I'm trying to be optimistic, but when the coming spike in energy prices arrives, sooner rather than later, in the middle of Winter no less, I will attempt to do my very best to refrain from "See, I told ya so, but noooo, you just had to resist the Bad Orange Man..." May God bless us all, including the atheists.


    • Comment

      • Biden is a racist POS.
        "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


        • Check out the second tweet...

          "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


          • I listened to 5 mins. of Ben Shapiro the other night knowing that's all the time I needed to gauge his tone. This is a summary of what he said: So Biden is talking all about us coming together - he's the candidate that will unite us - that's B.S. - Biden will talk unity while he is ramming the left wing agenda down our throats.

            Same old ****.

            So... I've learned a lot during Trump's tenure and more specifically, the last couple weeks because everything has been so magnified. I've learned that there is a political machinery beyond the politicians and the American government itself that will do anything and everything to thrive. This loosely organized media machine has a monopoly on what the "truth" will be and has an iron-clad grasp around the throats of anyone that decides to enter politics. It looks like the MSM works for Biden, but it's the exact opposite. Biden works for them. He's afraid of them. Same with any Republican candidate and Fox News.

            We need to dismantle and rebuild the entire free press industry in America. We need to get back to reality. The way it is now, you hear folks on this board scream about racism, Communism, corruption. But they didn't generate those opinions on their own; they came from Sean Hannity. Then these people raise their fists and go to the polls and vote. This isn't reality making them vote, it's Sean Hannity. Of course the candidates can manipulate the press to a point, but when push comes to shove, the media will have the final say, and they always do what's best for their bottom line. And what is best for their bottom line is scandal and conspiracy.

            Don't believe me? Well I say the MSM was instrumental in electing Donald Trump. They absolutely carried him through the Republican primary with non-stop coverage that was pretty tame. They knew that a Trump/Clinton election would be the best for ratings and that's what they got. I even believe the bean counters in the MSM wanted Trump to win the whole thing. I mean... Trump singlehandedly brought the New York Times out of bankruptcy. He's had a massive effect on ratings across the board.

            I'm going to unplug. I would recommend that you do too. The news needs to get back to the news. If you're getting rich in the news business, something is wrong. Limbaugh and Hannity together have almost a billion dollar net worth. These are entertainers and manipulators first, and news people a distant second. The only difference between them and a movie star is they have a massive influence on who gets elected in this country. That is dangerous. People need to learn to think for themselves again.

            This isn't going to be easy. You're going to have to get your news from press conferences. Then you're going to have to remember what they said and wait to see what they do. If you will follow this simple prescription, you will be closer to political reality than you've been in a really long time.


            • But, if you can't handle a total weaning from news sources, at least pick the ones in the middle column of the following graphic. And even on those sources, avoid reading any article that is labeled "opinion". The entire point of this whole exercise is for you to create your own political opinion... for perhaps the first time in your adult lives.


              • Oh, and stop reading/discussing political news on Facebook and Twitter as well. The only thing worse than the original authors of the propaganda are their lemmings that come to you clothed as sheep with sincere pleas of rebellion. It could be your granny. Just react with amazement and change the subject to cookies. It's like a Coronavirus outbreak, you've got to break the infection chain.


                • Why are the big bad guys you called out polluting the news cycle are only from the right? You have got to be kidding me if you think the problem lies with the two or three networks that have a conservative or neutral tilt lol
                  Deuces Valley.
                  ... No really, deuces.
                  "Enjoy the ride."

                  - a smart man


                  • It's comments like yours above, Cold, that are the most infuriating. It's the talk that there was Russian interference in the last election (there was) but that no one that voted for President Trump is capable of making up their own mind. The attempt to invalidate one side of the pollical spectrum because of influence, perceived or real, is both insulting and obscene. We are offended, and we have every right to be.

                    If only it wasn't for Russian interference then people would be smart enough to vote for Hillary.

                    It is offensive.

                    As if you, or Hillary, or Sleepy Joe, or President Trump or ANYONE is capable of free and informed thought, but the rest of us must be told, properly, what to think.

                    I bet that I watch or read or listen to something from each of those columns practically every day. It is possible for multiple points of view to be right.

                    Also, I don't know where that grading scale came from, but OAN as FAR right as a news organization is patently wrong. As opinion, hell yes. Not as news. And Axios centrist? lol ok


                    • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                      Why are the big bad guys you called out polluting the news cycle are only from the right? You have got to be kidding me if you think the problem lies with the two or three networks that have a conservative or neutral tilt lol
                      Because there's nobody even close to as successful on the left. I mean, Mad Cow is the leader of the Libtards right? She probably pulls as many viewers as a Laura Ingraham who's like 9th string conservative talk show host/propagandist.

                      I'm not saying a right-wing nutjob is any worse than a left-wing wacko. Both are extremes. Both destabilize society. I just think that neither would exist without potent propagandist machinery in place. I think this country would be a big melting pot of Moderates (some religious, some not) without the Rush Limbaugh's of the world.

                      And I've already stated before that I believe Rush Limbaugh started this entire movement (for both parties) in the late 80's, and more specifically when Clinton got into office. Rush's continual attacks on the Democrats inspired a response of their own. Prior to that, Republicans and Democrats would sit together in the cafeteria. They were friends. They crossed the aisle. That all stopped at one point.


                      • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                        It's comments like yours above, Cold, that are the most infuriating. It's the talk that there was Russian interference in the last election (there was) but that no one that voted for President Trump is capable of making up their own mind. The attempt to invalidate one side of the pollical spectrum because of influence, perceived or real, is both insulting and obscene. We are offended, and we have every right to be.

                        If only it wasn't for Russian interference then people would be smart enough to vote for Hillary.

                        It is offensive.

                        As if you, or Hillary, or Sleepy Joe, or President Trump or ANYONE is capable of free and informed thought, but the rest of us must be told, properly, what to think.

                        I bet that I watch or read or listen to something from each of those columns practically every day. It is possible for multiple points of view to be right.

                        Also, I don't know where that grading scale came from, but OAN as FAR right as a news organization is patently wrong. As opinion, hell yes. Not as news. And Axios centrist? lol ok
                        The left doesn’t believe that everyone has/should have agency. That’s why they believe in certain conspiracy theories and ban others.
                        Livin the dream


                        • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                          It's comments like yours above, Cold, that are the most infuriating. It's the talk that there was Russian interference in the last election (there was) but that no one that voted for President Trump is capable of making up their own mind. The attempt to invalidate one side of the pollical spectrum because of influence, perceived or real, is both insulting and obscene. We are offended, and we have every right to be.

                          If only it wasn't for Russian interference then people would be smart enough to vote for Hillary.

                          It is offensive.

                          As if you, or Hillary, or Sleepy Joe, or President Trump or ANYONE is capable of free and informed thought, but the rest of us must be told, properly, what to think.

                          I bet that I watch or read or listen to something from each of those columns practically every day. It is possible for multiple points of view to be right.

                          Also, I don't know where that grading scale came from, but OAN as FAR right as a news organization is patently wrong. As opinion, hell yes. Not as news. And Axios centrist? lol ok
                          My comments should be the most infuriating.

                          Of course there are people with independent thoughts, but they are few and far between. I would like to consider myself in that category. But even I am infected by propaganda. Who else do you know has been able to break away from Trump after strongly supporting him for 3+ years... and having consumed basically ZERO Left-Wing media in the process? And I did it after giving him many chances to prove he wasn't unhinged. I was very patient and consistent. Eventually I couldn't make any more excuses after Tulsa. I am a rare bird though; I am literally immune to peer pressure.

                          Back to me...

                          I am starting to question everything I've learned and have been told since my days as a youth after my epiphany. I am even questioning some of my ingrained economic principles from college. There is a truth that likely exists beyond what we've been told. And it may be more "liberal" than what most conservatives would like.

                          I'm doing all this contemplative work without the aid of drugs also. :P


                          • Originally posted by wufan View Post

                            The left doesn’t believe that everyone has/should have agency. That’s why they believe in certain conspiracy theories and ban others.
                            Expound on that theory - respectfully leaving behind any arcane political/philosophical vernacular (I believe you call it word salading). :P


                            • Another interesting point about reality:

                              I've talked to many Republicans who will admit today that Bill Clinton was a great president. In fact, Bill Clinton may be the greatest president next to Ronald Reagan over the last 40 years. If you take Bill's balanced budget and Reagan's deficit spending, Bill might be a better Republican than Ronnie too. But I digress...

                              What did we end up doing to Bill Clinton? We impeached him for lying about a blowjob. Then those same people that burned Clinton at the stake, turned around and unanimously voted for Donald Trump; a legendary philanderer who pays off porn stars to keep them quiet. I mean... reality folks. This is what I'm talking about. It was the Rush Limbaugh's that told us to burn Clinton at the stake, but to elect Trump. Did you know that Rush has been friends with Trump for like 20 years?

                              Everything is not, as it seems...


                              • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

                                Expound on that theory - respectfully leaving behind any arcane political/philosophical vernacular (I believe you call it word salading). :P
                                Left wing conspiracy theory: Russia manipulated voters - promoted
                                Right wing conspiracy theory: left blamed right for their misdeeds-banned

                                left: Trump was dog whistling racists-promoted
                                right: the left wing are the racists-dismissed

                                left: fake news isn’t real-promoted
                                right: you’re gaslighting-fact checked

                                Livin the dream

