Having tornoadoes in 8 different counties is hardly wussie weather.
And there's this:
The Associated Press, 5:22 p.m. Wakeeney
Two elephants from a traveling circus that had set up in the Trego County fairgrounds got loose in the storm and rampaged through town. The elephants were apparently spooked by the tornado sirens and storm, but the department had no immediate reports of damage as handlers tried to corral them, a Trego County dispatcher said.
And there's this:
The Associated Press, 5:22 p.m. Wakeeney
Two elephants from a traveling circus that had set up in the Trego County fairgrounds got loose in the storm and rampaged through town. The elephants were apparently spooked by the tornado sirens and storm, but the department had no immediate reports of damage as handlers tried to corral them, a Trego County dispatcher said.