Originally posted by Aargh
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2. Modern day striker fired pistol (Glock or say Springfield XD/XDM) don't have firing safety. The trigger safety does not slow anything down, as it just there to protect against something pulling on the trigger in an inadvertent manner. It is engaged as soon as you finger is engaged on the tripper. If you go to Glock site, they have some nice pictures of how their "safe action" works. Now I guess if you were going old school and carrying a 1911 or Beretta you would have all the safety accoutrements.
If you have a carry/conceal type pistol, say the Springfield XDS, which has the trigger and grip safety - they don't slow things down. If you have S&W Shield, it does have a safety - but if you train with it properly, the safety should be coming off as it coming out of holster (if you are using the safety).
There is virtually no defense against an assault rifle in an urban terrorism situation.