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OT...Getting Sick of this Spit

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  • #31
    This is what they need to do. Moderate muslims have often not spoken out enough against these ideas as Americans.


    • #32
      Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
      could be work related, rage related or mental issue - but we don't really know
      Or it could be what it is, an act terror/war. Make no mistake we are at war with IS or they are at war with us/west. I am a live and let live kinda guy but these acts make it very hard not to profile....Looks like a husband and wife team. If this were a work place act we would be hearing from co-workers about how crazy or normal the guy was. Im 99% sure this was an act of terror.


      • #33
        Originally posted by shockmonster View Post
        This is what they need to do. Moderate muslims have often not spoken out enough against these ideas as Americans.
        CAIR is not moderate. They were created by the Muslim Brotherhood. Outside the U.S. - Muslim Brotherhood (and CAIR) is considered a terrorist organization by some countries.


        • #34
          Joint Terrorism Task Force is now involved in investigation.....still searching for a motive.


          • #35
            Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
            could be work related, rage related or mental issue - but we don't really know
            It could be an act of a disgruntled employee or a mental issue, but I say these clowns were terrorists and mental. So the killer attends the company gala in the early morning hours, something happened that set him off and he left. He comes back an hour or two later and starts shooting up the joint at around 11 pacific time. Around 4 pacific time, the Police are engaged with the killers in a car chase where they are subsequently deep sixed.

            Now here's the if this guy simply had a mental break down, you mean to tell me he had time to purchase assault rifles, ammo, tactical gear, body armor and the supplies needed to construct pipe bombs all within 2 - 4 hours? Assuming he had no help, it was just he and his wife involved. There is no way in God's green earth that these two could gather all that equipment in that amount of time.

            I'm of the mind this mofo has owned this equipment for some time and had it at the ready to start killing folks when he determined the time was right. If he had help, then our law enforcement will soon find that out too. Although they have discovered one of his guns was legally purchased by him. This guy and his ***** ass ho of a wife/girlfriend are domestic terrorists who just so happen to be insane in the membrane. We'll wait and see what the FBI and Police determine.


            • #36
              Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
              Joint Terrorism Task Force is now involved in investigation.....still searching for a motive.
              Motive? We already know. It was outrage over an obscure movie released on the Internet by an unknown person from San Diego. That caused the whole thing. We need to turn in our guns and forfeit some of our rights to free speech.
              There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


              • #37
                Evidently they gopro their attack...


                • #38
                  Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                  Evidently they gopro their attack...
                  Yeah it wasn't planned at all....I got a feeling they (Obama) are going to white wash this as some random act...let the spin begin..


                  • #39
                    At the house they had remote-controlled toy cars with bombs in them. What was the name of that movie with Gene Simmons?


                    • #40
                      My understanding is that the family said the couple left their child with his grandmother saying that they had a doctor's appointment. They apparently had no knowledge of the function that the father attended. An attendee sitting at the same table as the father said the man left his jacket over a chair when he left while group pictures were being taken.

                      From the AP:

                      HOW DID THE SUSPECTS MEET?

                      Farook, who was born in the United States, traveled to Saudi Arabia earlier this year and returned with a wife, said co-worker Patrick Baccari, who attended the holiday party Wednesday but was in the bathroom when the shooting started. Baccari says Farook was gone for about a month in the spring, and when he returned word got around Farook had been married. The woman he described as a pharmacist joined him in the U.S. shortly afterward, and they soon had a baby. Police described Malik as Farook's wife or fiancee.


                      HOW DID IT HAPPEN?

                      Baccari, who was sitting at the same table as Farook, said employees at the holiday party were taking a break before snapping group photos when Farook suddenly disappeared, leaving a jacket draped over his chair. Baccari stepped out to the bathroom when he heard explosions.

                      "I'm getting pelted by shrapnel coming through the walls," he said. "We hit the ground."

                      The shooting lasted about five minutes, he said, and when he looked in the mirror he realized he was bleeding. He was hit by fragments in the body, face and arms.

                      "If I hadn't been in the bathroom, I'd probably be laying dead on the floor," he said.

                      HOW DID THE FAMILY REACT?

                      The suspects Farook and Malik left their 6-month-old baby girl with Farook's mother early Wednesday morning, saying they had a doctor's appointment, said Hussam Ayloush, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. Ayloush based his comments on conversations he had with Syed Rizwan Farook's brother-in-law Farhan Khan, who appeared at a news conference late Wednesday as a family representative.

                      The young parents did not return to get their daughter for several hours, however, and their family became worried when they could not reach them after seeing reports on the news about the shooting. The family at first was concerned that Farook might be a victim of the shooting because they knew he worked as an environmental inspector at the county's health department and sometimes worked at the Inland Regional Center, Ayloush said.

                      The family only began to piece together the events around 2 p.m. — three hours after the shooting — when a reporter called with questions, Ayloush said. Family members were being questioned by police late Wednesday.

                      "We don't know the motives. Is it work, race-related, is it mental illness, is it extreme ideology? At this point, it's really unknown to us and at this point it's too soon to speculate," Ayloush said.

                      To me, this makes it appear as a planned attack.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by ShockTalk View Post
                        To me, this makes it appear as a planned attack.
                        Of course it was planned. Just like the incident last week and the one before that.


                        • #42
                          No doubt both incidents were planned. On the one hand you have a semi-illiterate white guy who doesn't have much grey matter, and on the other, you have a well-educated muslim with a well-educated wife.

                          The white guy can't plan as well because he's stupid. If he had the snap that the muslims did, the death toll would have been higher.

                          And one other thing.....I'm sure PP has an incident response plan, around which tabletop exercises are performed, drills are performed and the learnings are funneled into a master document. The learnings help PP fortify their defenses - i.e. defense in depth.

                          So one dumb white Christian guy attacked a fortified target. The other plotted and waited until his quarry was in a situation where there was no fortification and defenses were down.


                          • #43
                            One more thing we should not forget if San Bernardino turns out to be fundamentalist religious terrorism: Most of the 9/11 hijackers (I believe all but one) same from Saudi Arabia.

                            Al Quaida was provided material support and sympathy from Saudi Arabia.

                            ISIS was provided material support and sympathy from Saudi Arabia.

                            The muslim's wife who helped him with the attack yesterday was from Saudi Arabia.

                            Anyone see a pattern here?


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
                              One more thing we should not forget if San Bernardino turns out to be fundamentalist religious terrorism: Most of the 9/11 hijackers (I believe all but one) same from Saudi Arabia.

                              Al Quaida was provided material support and sympathy from Saudi Arabia.

                              ISIS was provided material support and sympathy from Saudi Arabia.

                              The muslim's wife who helped him with the attack yesterday was from Saudi Arabia.

                              Anyone see a pattern here?
                              Well heck lets invade SA take the oil and be done with it....JK I agree and OBL was also a Saudi.....I hate to stereo type but they are all f'd up and won't stop until all christians are dead or converted to Islam..


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by WillieJeffJeffries View Post
                                Well heck lets invade SA take the oil and be done with it....JK I agree and OBL was also a Saudi.....I hate to stereo type but they are all f'd up and won't stop until all christians are dead or converted to Islam..
                                I am not anti-Islam, but we have a problem with the Wahabists (sorry if the spelling is not exact - I'm referring to the followers of Wahabi). Unfortunately, the house of Saud is connected to this and their oil money goes to support these types of activities.

                                We guard their oil fields and sell their armies guns and armaments, they take the oil money and funnel it to radicals and revolutionaries who want to attack our homeland.

