Originally posted by ShockerFever
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If you hang out on this chatroom and you're a little left of center, you constantly read insults spewed about democrats, liberals, etc. So could we ask you if you think that's OK, too? Or is this a one-way street. Most people like me have a pretty thick skin, but I believe this merits asking.
Note most of the time, I just shake my head, but I think you're being a little whiny here, so that's the reason for the question.
Note my comments are directed to your specific political party comment, not the one dealing with police. I'm a law and order guy, our police need to be supported. Support of the police is not and should not be confined to a political party. We should all support them. My thought is that they may need additional training in some areas (to address some of the specific issues that have been aired), but if we don't have police we don't have a democracy.