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Coronavirus 2019-nCoV

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  • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
    So now that it has come out that natural immunity is 6x stronger than the vaccines in preventing omicron, is Cold going to apologize for all of the trashing he did on people who didn’t think he was correct?

    Nope. Narcissists do not apologize. Narcissists do not admit mistakes.

    He’ll ignore this post and move on like it didn’t exist. And that’s why he thinks he’s right 100% of the time. Because he ignores the times when he’s been called out for being wrong.
    Posts like these further cement your status in the dum dum Hall of Fame. You are practically untouchable at this point.

    Exhibit A) on why Big Brother is necessary. Your average citizen is chronically clueless...


    • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

      Posts like these further cement your status in the dum dum Hall of Fame. You are practically untouchable at this point.

      Exhibit A) on why Big Brother is necessary. Your average citizen is chronically clueless...

      From the CDC, if that’s a reliable enough source.

      But see what I mean? He can’t do it.

      For months, he mocked people who said natural immunity was stronger than vaccine immunity. Constantly. At every turn.

      And then you put something in his face that he was proven wrong about, and he ignores it and calls you stupid.

      Called it lol.
      Deuces Valley.
      ... No really, deuces.
      "Enjoy the ride."

      - a smart man


      • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
        So now that it has come out that natural immunity is 6x stronger than the vaccines in preventing omicron, is Cold going to apologize for all of the trashing he did on people who didn’t think he was correct?

        Nope. Narcissists do not apologize. Narcissists do not admit mistakes.

        He’ll ignore this post and move on like it didn’t exist. And that’s why he thinks he’s right 100% of the time. Because he ignores the times when he’s been called out for being wrong.
        Now I see what you did. I was wondering why you didn't post a link on the above. Kudos.


        • Clod getting owned again!!


          • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post


            From the CDC, if that’s a reliable enough source.

            But see what I mean? He can’t do it.

            For months, he mocked people who said natural immunity was stronger than vaccine immunity. Constantly. At every turn.

            And then you put something in his face that he was proven wrong about, and he ignores it and calls you stupid.

            Called it lol.
            The only thing you called, is your own ass.

            You were wrong before you even got out of bed today. That's difficult to do.

            It's never been about which type of "immunity" is better junior... that's a moot point. Natural immunity requires infection, which opens the infected up to an entire smorgasbord of risk - PARTICULARLY if they weren't vaccinated.

            Pandemic Best Practices is as follows:


            1) Avoid public indoor settings.

            2) Social distance at all times.

            3) Wear the best mask you can obtain when around people outside your immediate household.


            1) Get vaccinated.

            2) Get boosted.

            If at any time one gets infected, then some immunity is gained. Vaccinating AFTER infection is still advised and greatly bolsters antibody count as well as persistence. Coronavirus immunity is historically (and currently) non-durable so reinfections will occur and subsequent vaccinations will be necessary until a point in time when the virus mutates down to a virulence that is less disruptive.

            I have said on MULTIPLE occasions that natural infection likely conveys a more broad protection (for a period of time). But what Covidiot Nation attempts to spin, is that vaccines are therefore, not necessary. It's political propaganda made by retards for retards.

            During America's last surge of the coronavirus driven by the Delta variant, people who were unvaccinated but survived Covid were better protected than those who were vaccinated and not previously infected, a new study said Wednesday.

            Natural Immunity More Potent Than Vaccines During Delta Wave In US: Study

            The authors of the paper warned, however, against depending on infection as a strategy, given the higher risks to unvaccinated persons of hospitalization, long term impacts, and death, compared to vaccinated people.


            • I don't know what's more sad, grown ass adults who are obsessed with a message board legend, endlessly attempting to score a single, measly point... or the fact that they're trying to do so on the wrong end of an unwinnable argument.

              You guys are truly the dregs (Drakes?) of the debate team. I can't call you the Evansville's, because they actually accidentally win sometimes.

              My Covid record remains unblemished. And I never even had to break a sweat.


              • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
                I don't know what's more sad, grown ass adults who are obsessed with a message board legend, endlessly attempting to score a single, measly point... or the fact that they're trying to do so on the wrong end of an unwinnable argument.

                You guys are truly the dregs (Drakes?) of the debate team. I can't call you the Evansville's, because they actually accidentally win sometimes.

                My Covid record remains unblemished. And I never even had to break a sweat.
                Great point Cold. Doc, I am sorry to put you on such a high pedestal. I will refrain in the future from holding your unmatched brilliant insight on all that is Shockers, COVID, humor, and politics. Please be my accountability partner and send me to Cold's parents basement if my actions mimic my previous obsessive behavior. You still da man however.


                • Coldblooded = Erik Stevenson.


                  • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

                    The only thing you called, is your own ass.

                    You were wrong before you even got out of bed today. That's difficult to do.

                    It's never been about which type of "immunity" is better junior... that's a moot point. Natural immunity requires infection, which opens the infected up to an entire smorgasbord of risk - PARTICULARLY if they weren't vaccinated.

                    Pandemic Best Practices is as follows:


                    1) Avoid public indoor settings.

                    2) Social distance at all times.

                    3) Wear the best mask you can obtain when around people outside your immediate household.


                    1) Get vaccinated.

                    2) Get boosted.

                    If at any time one gets infected, then some immunity is gained. Vaccinating AFTER infection is still advised and greatly bolsters antibody count as well as persistence. Coronavirus immunity is historically (and currently) non-durable so reinfections will occur and subsequent vaccinations will be necessary until a point in time when the virus mutates down to a virulence that is less disruptive.

                    I have said on MULTIPLE occasions that natural infection likely conveys a more broad protection (for a period of time). But what Covidiot Nation attempts to spin, is that vaccines are therefore, not necessary. It's political propaganda made by retards for retards.

                    During America's last surge of the coronavirus driven by the Delta variant, people who were unvaccinated but survived Covid were better protected than those who were vaccinated and not previously infected, a new study said Wednesday.

                    Natural Immunity More Potent Than Vaccines During Delta Wave In US: Study

                    The authors of the paper warned, however, against depending on infection as a strategy, given the higher risks to unvaccinated persons of hospitalization, long term impacts, and death, compared to vaccinated people.
                    Goal posts moved. You absolutely said that natural immunity wasn’t as protective as vaccine immunity. Only a person who has amnesia or some other sort of mental illness would state something, have it proven wrong, state that they never denied original statement, call everybody stupid, claim they’re unblemished.

                    A legend in his own mind for sure.

                    Sucks to eat the L’s doesn’t it? Lots of defensive edginess today. And it got you to post on a weekend, something you’re normally too busy to do.

                    Deuces Valley.
                    ... No really, deuces.
                    "Enjoy the ride."

                    - a smart man


                    • Lisa Boothe @LisaMarieBoothe

                      Why do all of these triple-vaxxed, mask-wearing folks not feel safe? If they don’t feel safe with what they are trying to force upon others, doesn’t that say it all?


                      • Omicron appears to have peaked on Jan 15 and is now in its tailspin:

                        Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                        • Peak deaths from Delta occurred 19 days after peak new cases. If that holds for Omicron, peak deaths will occur around February 3rd.
                          Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                          • Peak cases in Kansas for Delta occurred Sept 06.
                            Peak covid ICU usage in Sedgwick County for Delta occurred Sept 20.

                            If those things hold true for Omicron then ...

                            Peak cases in Kansas for Omicron occurred Jan 17.
                            So, peak Covid ICU usage in Sedgwick County for Omicron will occur around Jan 31 (one week from today).

                            Great news for Sedgwick County hospitals ... one week until they are descending the mountain!
                            Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                            • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                              Lisa Boothe @LisaMarieBoothe

                              Why do all of these triple-vaxxed, mask-wearing folks not feel safe? If they don’t feel safe with what they are trying to force upon others, doesn’t that say it all?
                              Beautiful and smart. I like it a lot.


                              • Just wanted to add some real life data, fwiw. Covid survivor here. Was infected sometime around the 1st of the month. Been almost completely in isolation since. Double jabbed since last spring, boosted in the late fall. To say I've socially distanced would be a huge understatement. I have attended WSU games (not this month) but it's, sadly, pretty easy to socially distance there as well. 50+ at least 3 co-morbidities. If I ever had a fever, I didn't know it. Breathing was labored at times. Fatigue was and remains to some extent, unreal. Lost taste and smell for a day. It was not fun. I was prepared to escalate treatment if needed but struggled to get prescribed MA due to time between symptoms/probable infection date and visit with doctor. I did spend time prior to infection trying to educate myself on what and where options would be available. It was as bad as I've felt since a life threatening illness 9 years ago which was admittedly much much worse.

                                I'm not a doctor so I'm not giving medical advice and nothing I'm about to say is groundbreaking. Visit with your doctor. The older you are, the worse shape you are in, like with ALL illnesses, the worse it's likely to be if you get this and don't have antibodies. I have received a lot of peace of mind from getting the antibody tests. I realize they aren't free, but it's hard to put a price on knowing where you stand. Take that for what it's worth. Ask your Doctor if they will prescribe MA if you are positive. If they won't, I would suggest finding a new doctor that will. Just my opinion. I will tell you the same thing I've told everyone in my family and friends that have asked. Visit with your doctor. If you have the age and problems I have, any risks of the jab are likely far outweighed by the benefit. BUT get with your doctor.

                                This should never have been politicized. But it has been, and continues to be, mostly, almost exclusively by the left. And if you disagree, just look at who is trying to mandate it. There should never have been mandates. We have failed ourselves, and mostly our children. And I pray they will forgive us, but I won't be surprised if they do not. So many have been brainwashed.

                                As with most things in life, few are black and white. Most things lie in shades of gray. We need to stop Hospitals from being primary care givers. One of the biggest reasons they are being overrun is because so many people use them that way because they know they can't be turned away. This must change. Not saying I have the answers, but it must change.

                                I hope all of you are healthy, happy and safe.

