Originally posted by Maggie
TMH does make some good points. But I'm more impressed with the spin factor being applied.
There is zero doubt that TMH is a true Shocker to the bone. No question about it.
But you can only put so much lipstick on the pig.
If JA is making comments about "Letting a white girl drive by you" and "Don't let the white girl do that again" it's a tad bit more than Southern culture influence.
The overall issue still rings back to recruiting.
'Perception is reality' is a common thread today and it applies.
I've worked a number of Girls AAU Tournaments and guess what - the white girls can play.
Lots of them too.
If JA is labeled as a 'white girls should just get married and have babies' type, she is screwed, blued, BBQed and tattooed.
Which leads back to my original post, the good Dr. should have smothered this long ago. Now that it's out, he needs to jump on it with both feet! 8)