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  • After having read all this, I think it is much about little to nothing.

    We usually have 10,500 fans at a game, who, for the first 18 games of the season, were fed a diet of great success, followed by a few games of up and down performance, and lastly have received 4 (or at least 3 of 4) games of very weak play and low energy. To not have a smattering, if that much, of boos at the end of a series of very poor plays, that gave up a decent lead against EVANSVILLE, would be pretty unrealistic for that large of crowd. Yes, I'm sure there were a few boneheads, there always are. However, most were probably very emotional fans who got caught up in the moment and later, not only regretted what they had done, but were loudly cheering their team on late in the game. Some of us may have better restraint, some of us may not be as emotional. I'm not condoning the booing, but I can have some understanding. We all can hope for some of that from others when we screw up at something.

    To call them out and ask they not come back was over the top. I'm going to chalk up the comments by HCGM to the same kind of emotion he was ridiculing. I hope he understands that not everyone can be so controlled with they become emotionally frustrated about something they may be very passionate about. I didn't boo, but I'm sure he wouldn't like what was going through my, (and most likely many others), mind during that game either. I would have much rather had him say, "I want to congratulate the fans for their vocal support, particularly over the last part of the game, given the frustration they must have felt during much of this, and past few games". Take the high road.



    • i can see understand why the home crowd was frustrated. does the team really think its enough to go undefeated at home? when i look at our schedule and see wins against Texas Tech, Northern Iowa, Illinois State, Creighton, Missouri State all I can think is, "So what? Why haven't we beat KU or Kentucky yet?"

      sure they've yet to lose a game in wichita this year...but some of them were really close games! and everybody knows that it's not a legitimate win unless the scrubs get in before the 3 minute mark. our players basketball iq is so low...they think the point of the game is to score more points than the other team. lol, college kids are so stupid.

      and while we're terrible at home, it doesn't compare to our gross performance on the road this year. 5-5?? might as well be 0-10 because you know the teams we beat weren't even trying those games.

      i hope this bunch of losers realizes they're lucky to be nit bound. we're probably still a CBI caliber squad that played an easy schedule and got lucky in a few games. win in st. louis? yeah right...most of our players have already had one chance to make it to the finals. if you can't do it your first time then you might as well not even go next year cause nothings gonna change. and what makes them think they can beat teams like northern iowa, illinois state, creighton anyways? can anyone remember the last time we beat those guys? i sure can't...

      we're so bad i'm predicting a 100+ point loss at utah state. i will boo the television set.


      • A technical foul can sometimes inspire a team during a game.
        Backing your players (just like family to a coach) against the press and a few boo birds could likely inspire a team during a season, especially after they appear to have "hit a wall."

        Don't think for a minute that the players don't appreciate Coach Marshall going to war for them.

        To a coach, the players are like family. When told they just performed the worst game in 40 years (who's to judge that), and to have your family boo'd in front of 10K people does not sit too well.

        This could be what is needed to get back on track - it's now the players getting the coach's back and all of them against the world. Next home game, hopefully we can show them that we also have their backs - all 100% of us.

        Yeah, you can say I'm being to positive if you want, but this can be a turning point (in what is already a good season); it can still be a great season.

        :wsu_posters: :clap: :wsu_posters: :clap: :wsu_posters: :clap: :wsu_posters:


        • That's an interesting point, the concept that he "staged it" to inspire the players. Not impossible.


          • Fever, please elaborate on why you think Eric Sexton is lacking as an AD. Is it because SASO has raised the most money ever this year? Is it because he is on his way to winning his third straight MVC all sports trophy? Is it because he appears to have hired a good girls tennis coach? Is it because he locked up Chris Lamb? Is it because his bread and butter sport is 21-6? Is it because he is a warm and caring human being who cares as much about the $100 donor as the $$$ donor (unlike Schaus)? Is it because he is short? Does he not bleed Shocker sufficiently? What's your problem with him? Is it because he didn't slug some one in St. Louis last year? I don't mind you being a contrarian, but on this issue, you are stupid. Get off it.

            :yahoo: :yahoo:
            "Two dribbles and a ham sandwich" ~ Gregg Marshall
            Wichita State, a team long on grit, made everything it shot. ~ Normal, Ill. newspaper 2/19/13


            • Fever, we eagerly await your insight and knowledge into all of Sexton's shortcomings.


              • Originally posted by ShockTalk
                After having read all this, I think it is much about little to nothing.

                We usually have 10,500 fans at a game, who, for the first 18 games of the season, were fed a diet of great success, followed by a few games of up and down performance, and lastly have received 4 (or at least 3 of 4) games of very weak play and low energy. To not have a smattering, if that much, of boos at the end of a series of very poor plays, that gave up a decent lead against EVANSVILLE, would be pretty unrealistic for that large of crowd. Yes, I'm sure there were a few boneheads, there always are. However, most were probably very emotional fans who got caught up in the moment and later, not only regretted what they had done, but were loudly cheering their team on late in the game. Some of us may have better restraint, some of us may not be as emotional. I'm not condoning the booing, but I can have some understanding. We all can hope for some of that from others when we screw up at something.

                To call them out and ask they not come back was over the top. I'm going to chalk up the comments by HCGM to the same kind of emotion he was ridiculing. I hope he understands that not everyone can be so controlled with they become emotionally frustrated about something they may be very passionate about. I didn't boo, but I'm sure he wouldn't like what was going through my, (and most likely many others), mind during that game either. I would have much rather had him say, "I want to congratulate the fans for their vocal support, particularly over the last part of the game, given the frustration they must have felt during much of this, and past few games". Take the high road.

                Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                • I was shocked myself at the boos at the last game. I admit I felt like booing them at that point, but I didn't. Those kids don't deserve that. As shocking as it was, though, I didn't think the booing deserved center stage treatment after the game.

                  I think there were a couple of reasons HCGM may have gone off about this after the game. For one, he was steaming mad about the team's performance and Lutz was a prime target sitting right in front of him, and it went downhill from there.

                  This may also have been a way of HCGM taking the heat off of his team after an awful performance and getting everyone to talk about Lutz and a supposedly-negative article that was written a week ago. Now, the talk of the town is Lutz, Marshall, and some boobirds -- not the slumping play of the team.

                  Just my 2 cents.


                  • Originally posted by ShockerGorilla
                    I was shocked myself at the boos at the last game. I admit I felt like booing them at that point, but I didn't. Those kids don't deserve that. As shocking as it was, though, I didn't think the booing deserved center stage treatment after the game.
                    Actually it does. It's a behavior that's rude and intolerable (which is why your parents taught you that). And it's a behavior that compounds on itself and gets worse over time if not addressed. Again, see any sport in Philadelphia. Who'd want to take their kids to a Philly game?
                    Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                    • Originally posted by Fredster
                      Fever, please elaborate on why you think Eric Sexton is lacking as an AD. Is it because SASO has raised the most money ever this year? Is it because he is on his way to winning his third straight MVC all sports trophy? Is it because he appears to have hired a good girls tennis coach? Is it because he locked up Chris Lamb? Is it because his bread and butter sport is 21-6? Is it because he is a warm and caring human being who cares as much about the $100 donor as the $$$ donor (unlike Schaus)? Is it because he is short? Does he not bleed Shocker sufficiently? What's your problem with him? Is it because he didn't slug some one in St. Louis last year? I don't mind you being a contrarian, but on this issue, you are stupid. Get off it.

                      :yahoo: :yahoo:

                      Is it not a sign that you have a good Athletic Director in place if things in the athletic program haven't skipped a beat in the two years that ES has been in charge? I just don't know what some of you expect from the guy.


                      • I will say this about Eric, he gets out to everyone and shows his face. For example before every single game Eric is there to greet the student and shake our hands and talk to us a little bit. Do not take this as me dogging Schaus, because he did alot of great things at WSU, im just saying there are good things about Eric as well.
                        Follow me on twitter:


                        • First- I did not hear the boos and I sit very close to the floor. Second- my concern at the end of the half is why we put CH and JT back in with 30 seconds left, I felt they had been ineffective and would have rather finished with the five we had out there.


                          • Hmmm ???? 8 pages on Booing ,, instead of 3 or 4 threads about a Woefully pitiful performance by our Shocks. ,,, Just sayin ..
                            From the road I listen (Tune In radio) at home I watch ( season Ticks )


                            • My uncle brought up something interesting yesterday.

                              He wondered if HCGM might just be using this as a way to get the guys motivated again. I'm sure a coach would never do that.

                              HCGM "Lutz doesn't think you can do it. Some fans don't think you can do it. I think you can do it. Let's go out and prove them all wrong."


                              • Originally posted by SubGod22
                                If recruits are swayed by a few boos that says more about them than us. Some of you act like it was a huge portion of fans involved.
                                I agree. The recruits were probably far more affected by how the team played than how the fans reacted. And if the smattering of boos bothered any recruits than the response of the fans at the end of the game and into OT should have really impressed them.

                                Heck, who knows maybe recruits were among those booing! (Just Kidding)

