Originally posted by BCSCat
2)I take others opinions of everything and hold almost no weight with them....I make up my own mind (for good or bad).
3)I think Coach Marshall respects the hard nosed approach of Coach Martin. However, just to play devil's advocate, do you hear a lot of coaches speak poorly of other coaches? I doubt Gregg likes Dana, for instance, but he only speaks well of him. Regardless of what is posted on message boards, I do not believe they are anywhere close to being "good friends".
4) I am not from KC, but have much family that have lived and currently do live in KC. I am sure you know the city better than I, but I base my opinion on facts and history, not hope and promise.
5)I have paid attention to Ksu recruiting. Coach Martin has recruited well of late....however, to ignore the shortcomings of the athletic program as whole, and the activities of some in the basketball program in particular, is nothing but good old homerism at it's finest.
But then I am sure that Catbackers.com is talking about a Big12 Championship appearance after the beat down of A&M last night too.