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  • #16
    Originally posted by Shocker-maniac View Post
    Your Dayton University fan base appears to be the largest collection of a-holes and idiots. Otherwise, best regards.
    Only because we play each other this week. Guys start trash talking but it's all in support of their team, not really meant as a slight to WSU. Otherwise we have great respect for your program and coach. Only exception to this is _avier. We hate them so much and have zero respect for them we dont even type their whole name. We would love to play WSU every year we can during the regular season. 2 great programs. It will be one of the best first round games in the tourney. Should be a huge tv audience. Great for both programs.

    And I wholeheartedly expected every WSU fan to pick up and use the Dayton University tip I gave you in future posts. All part of the fun. Post on.


    • #17
      A good frame of reference when judging another board and it's members would be to turn that process around and visit Shockernet as if you were a Flyer...or Saluki...or Sooner...or whomever...would you come to the conclusion of what the fanbase was like any differently? Maybe yes...maybe no...every board has an idiot or two. Would not get real worked up over it...


      • #18
        Dayton...........home of DJ Boston......


        • #19
          Originally posted by molly jabali View Post
          A good frame of reference when judging another board and it's members would be to turn that process around and visit Shockernet as if you were a Flyer...or Saluki...or Sooner...or whomever...would you come to the conclusion of what the fanbase was like any differently? Maybe yes...maybe no...every board has an idiot or two. Would not get real worked up over it...
          Maybe I'm missing it, but I'm not seeing much dissing of Dayton on Shockernet, but whatever.
          ShockerNet is a rat infested cess pool.


          • #20
            This "they havent played anyone" is getting old. No we havent. But past teams have, and there is little doubt that this team is at least as good if not better than any marshall team, and there were some great ones. We know the caliber this team is because we can compare them. Other people cant. This is going to be a fun dance.
            People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

            Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
            Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


            • #21
              Originally posted by shock View Post
              This "they havent played anyone" is getting old. No we havent. But past teams have, and there is little doubt that this team is at least as good if not better than any marshall team, and there were some great ones. We know the caliber this team is because we can compare them. Other people cant. This is going to be a fun dance.
              If we are being honest.. They really haven't either. They have no statement wins.


              • #22
                Originally posted by molly jabali View Post
                A good frame of reference when judging another board and it's members would be to turn that process around and visit Shockernet as if you were a Flyer...or Saluki...or Sooner...or whomever...would you come to the conclusion of what the fanbase was like any differently? Maybe yes...maybe no...every board has an idiot or two. Would not get real worked up over it...
                That is exactly how I see it. I always think it's funny when people on here get worked up about what is on KU, Creighton, Ill. St, etc. boards. If you look at it unbiased, very similar types of things are said on shockernet. It is all part of sports and fandom though. The most hypocritical people in the world are sports fans.

                This was supposed to be a reply to the post directly above. Not sure what happened.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by GottliebHater View Post
                  That is exactly how I see it. I always think it's funny when people on here get worked up about what is on KU, Creighton, Ill. St, etc. boards. If you look at it unbiased, very similar types of things are said on shockernet. It is all part of sports and fandom though. The most hypocritical people in the world are sports fans.
                  Yes, but we are right. So there's a difference.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by GottliebHater View Post
                    That is exactly how I see it. I always think it's funny when people on here get worked up about what is on KU, Creighton, Ill. St, etc. boards. If you look at it unbiased, very similar types of things are said on shockernet. It is all part of sports and fandom though. The most hypocritical people in the world are sports fans.
                    One thing these two fan bases have in common is we hate Gottlieb too. We are all shocked he is picking Dayton, because he never has anything good to say about Dayton. We don't really consider it a compliment. We think this game could go either way depending on what Flyer team shows up on both offense and defense and how we play in the first half.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Flyer Visitor View Post
                      One thing these two fan bases have in common is we hate Gottlieb too. We are all shocked he is picking Dayton, because he never has anything good to say about Dayton. We don't really consider it a compliment. We think this game could go either way depending on what Flyer team shows up on both offense and defense and how we play in the first half.
                      If you think he doesn't like Dayton, consider how much he must dislike WSU. This program has been making him look like the giant idiot he is for going on 5 years.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Cdizzle View Post
                        Yes, but we are right. So there's a difference.
                        It's basically Dayton saying "they haven't played anyone" = we don't know how good they are, so they must not be good = confident of a Dayton win

                        WSU saying "all analytical rankings including ones that account for quality of opponent say we are a better team by a pretty large margin" = confident of a WSU win

                        You can decide for yourself which is a more reasonable approach.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Flyer Visitor View Post
                          One thing these two fan bases have in common is we hate Gottlieb too. We are all shocked he is picking Dayton, because he never has anything good to say about Dayton. We don't really consider it a compliment. We think this game could go either way depending on what Flyer team shows up on both offense and defense and how we play in the first half.
                          Yeah. I think it will be close the whole way. Excited to see how it all plays out.

                          Quick question: what's the deal with Kostas Antetokounmpo? Sitting out a year? Injured? Could be interesting to see what he accomplishes...but it looks like his ceiling may not be as high as Giannis' (which is insanely high of course) that correct?
                          "In God we trust, all others must bring data." - W. Edwards Deming


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Cdizzle View Post
                            If you think he doesn't like Dayton, consider how much he must dislike WSU. This program has been making him look like the giant idiot he is for going on 5 years.
                            Most Flyer fans agree with you on this. That's why we don't consider it a compliment. We think we just found another team that Gottlieb hates more than the Flyers and never take what comes out of his mouth as anything but what an idiot would say.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Flyer Visitor View Post
                              Most Flyer fans agree with you on this. That's why we don't consider it a compliment. We think we just found another team that Gottlieb hates more than the Flyers and never take what comes out of his mouth as anything but what an idiot would say.
                              The quickest way to get on Gottleib's bad side is to ask him what happened with the criminal case related to the theft of credit cards (to buy his girlfriend some bling at Things Remembered) when he attended Notre Dame. I have a friend who was one of Gottleib's victims.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Kel Varnsen View Post
                                Yeah. I think it will be close the whole way. Excited to see how it all plays out.

                                Quick question: what's the deal with Kostas Antetokounmpo? Sitting out a year? Injured? Could be interesting to see what he accomplishes...but it looks like his ceiling may not be as high as Giannis' (which is insanely high of course) that correct?
                                Of course you never know for sure what came down from the NCAA ruling because it's confidential, but it's very common for players that have part of their high school academic record come from overseas and finish in the US to have some issues academically. Not necessarily grades, but more so type of classes and credits. That's what most people think caused the partial qualifier designation.

                                As far as his upside, zero comments since the season started from the coaching staff on this, but the fans don't necessarily think it's a bad thing he's sitting out this year so he can't work on bulking up and his skills. We could have really used him with the death of our big guy, but he would have been a developing freshman. All that said, there are fans who are worried he may only play one year and jump to the NBA. I have not seen him play, but that would surprise me. He wasn't just available late in the recruiting cycle, but very late. Could be the academic piece of the puzzle, but it also had to be the development also. His upside is huge, just like his older brothers was at the same age. His brother has said he can be better. That's exciting because his brother is awesome.

