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WSU vs UNI game thread

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  • My son pointed out to me today that Conner and Rauno have opposite haircuts! LOL!
    Rip em up, Tear em up, Give em HELL Shockers!


    • Half way through his freshman season, Reaves is shooting 55% from 3. Much like Conner's struggles confirmed for now he's no longer an elite shooter (in games at least) it's time to consider Austin one hell of a shooter.

      Landry is near 39% and Conner 35%. I certainly now expect Conner's % to rise rapidly, although admittedly I've been expecting that for about 12 months.


      • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
        Frankamp, Reaves and Shamet combined for 10-15 from 3. That's the kind of shooting I like from those 3.
        Shamet is becoming who I hoped and thought he would be. Steady and consistent. Dude is so talented that he quietly dropped 17. That's a leader emerging right there. Let's hope. I have no problem being led by a freshman. Stud!


        • Good stuff from Landry, Rauno and Conner today. Some very solid Shocker team defense down the stretch as well.

          Landry becoming Mr. Dependable for the Shocks. Hopefully, a few more guys will follow suit.

          Would like to see Markis let the game come to him a bit more organically and not force things quite so much.

          Good solid road win for the Shocks. Not all Valley teams will fare as well when visiting Cedar Falls.


          • I think that it is about time that the Shocker Locker Room Show be put out of its misery.


            • Originally posted by Stickboy46 View Post
              The valley has to want to rebuild first
              yeah, I know


              • Rauno has come a long, long way. No longer just a placeholder til we can get someone else in.
                Landry improving steadily. Still needs to close out better on three point shooters.
                Austin needs to use his arsenal of inside shots, which I'm sure he has, that avoid contact.
                Since early this season Willis has done a good job of not using his shoulder. Not today.
                CF is getting more aggressive with his shot. That will help down the line.
                15-16 free throws. Nuf said.
                EH, I can see what he could be but never will be.

                Keep it rolling guys. All is still possible.
                Where oh where is our T. Boone Pickens.


                • Suellentrop tweeted that Nurger has replaced Baker in the hearts of the UNI student section -- chanting about taking a selfie with him.


                  • Originally posted by Shocker Mama View Post
                    Suellentrop tweeted that Nurger has replaced Baker in the hearts of the UNI student section -- chanting about taking a selfie with him.
                    I have to think Rauno will eat it up with a smile to boot.
                    Where oh where is our T. Boone Pickens.


                    • He is on the all-haircut team.
                      For some the glass is half full and for others half empty. My glass is out of ice.
                      - said no one ever...


                      • it was a interesting game to watch. The Shoxs got their usual excessive fouls called on them. They didnt seem to get nervous or worried. I am seeing this team mature in front of our eyes, Nice win Shoxs.
                        I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


                        • Frankamp had a nice game.

                          CF played well, with 11 points in 20 minutes. I always like seeing him on the floor. He understands his role, is a good passer, and puts the team first.

                          He is a very important part of WSU this season.


                          • Originally posted by bunck View Post
                            I think that it is about time that the Shocker Locker Room Show be put out of its misery.
                            I can't listen to it. Ted is fine but the callers are AWFUL


                            • Originally posted by Kaneohe View Post
                              CF played well, with 11 points in 20 minutes. I always like seeing him on the floor. He understands his role, is a good passer, and puts the team first.

                              He is a very important part of WSU this season.
                              Some fine day, CF will get so hot that his confidence will stay strong the rest of this Season and That will be finer than a frog/hair. I'm hoping to see him get 7-12 shots every solitary game in the confines of our Offense even though he does look to pass a lot it seems. It might not show on the stat-sheet, but CF is still our best shooter and I loved the way he played on the road today.
                              Shocker basketball will forever be my favorite team in all of sports.


                              • Originally posted by Rosewood View Post
                                I can't listen to it. Ted is fine but the callers are AWFUL
                                Same with the callers pregame.

                                They need:

                                A) better call screeners
                                B) better callers
                                The Assman

