Here's the deal. Next week we leaf to begin Valley Time versus the Picks on the cold and lonely road at downtown Terre Haute. The Shocks don't need no eggs in their beer but rather will be reminded that a nice road win to start this Valley trek will be important. IMO, we could win this Race with 3 losses but no use getting a log-jam started from the get-go.
The Sycamores beat #16 Butler, Utah State and just beat Eastern Illinois in double overtime. Brenton Scott is the real deal and joined by Matt Van Scyoc and TJ Bell. The trees are 6-6 and should finish somewhere around the middle of the pack this Season in Valley play and will be tough on home games to beat. They are Coached by Greg Lansing.
The Shocks will stump them with our team-play and offense, tear them from limb to limb with our D-Fence, and then we will drain their sap with our quality depth. If we can keep our fouling to a mild road, clean glass, and establish our inside game and compliment it with outside makes, we will be finer than a frog-hair. Look for #11 to score 11 and lead us to a 11-3 overall record. Willis will snag 11 rebounds and our 4 guards will combine for 44 points as we win by 11.
Zacchaeus--Sycamore Trees, and 2-Birds------ 59
Chadrack, 2 Zachs, and A-Reaves-We-Know.--70
The Sycamores beat #16 Butler, Utah State and just beat Eastern Illinois in double overtime. Brenton Scott is the real deal and joined by Matt Van Scyoc and TJ Bell. The trees are 6-6 and should finish somewhere around the middle of the pack this Season in Valley play and will be tough on home games to beat. They are Coached by Greg Lansing.
The Shocks will stump them with our team-play and offense, tear them from limb to limb with our D-Fence, and then we will drain their sap with our quality depth. If we can keep our fouling to a mild road, clean glass, and establish our inside game and compliment it with outside makes, we will be finer than a frog-hair. Look for #11 to score 11 and lead us to a 11-3 overall record. Willis will snag 11 rebounds and our 4 guards will combine for 44 points as we win by 11.
Zacchaeus--Sycamore Trees, and 2-Birds------ 59
Chadrack, 2 Zachs, and A-Reaves-We-Know.--70