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Sexton stepping down

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  • Originally posted by WstateU View Post
    Yes, looks like the petition failed 3 years ago, however it was mentioned again at last weeks 'diversity forum' and addressed by President Bardo...
    I thought we were beyond the point that someone gets hired by virtue of their race, gender or creed. I guess I was wrong. Discrimination is alive and well as long as those are factors.

    If Chick-fil-A is bounced from campus due to contributions the owner's foundation (NOT the company) makes, I will expect them to vet all businesses within the campus footprint and if any of them, their founders, board or executive team support any objectionable cause or organization. If any such donations are found, those businesses should also be banned from campus. Just for the heck of it, since logic, reason and common sense have disappeared from the university system, I define "objectionable" as anything that 5% or more of students would disagree with.


    • How about doing away with the SGA or impeach the SGA President? Too radical? I betcha some of the students would go for it. I've heard some criticism. Not everyone is in lock step with Shepherd. He sound like a real jewel just interested in stirring things up, and not for representing ALL students.


      • I'd be interested to see what sort of charitable contributions the SGA President makes. I bet there may be a few people offended by some of his charities.


        • I'm not a practicing Christian, I didn't like Truett Cathy's opinions on some things. That said, I think it's a dumb idea to boycott Chick-fil-a, I go there and eat occasionally, I think their food is generally healthy (if you don't buy the fried items) and reasonably priced. I like eating healthy. Some people grumble about Chick-fil-a being closed on Sunday, but it shouldn't make any difference in the student union, as there are no students on the campus on Sunday.

          I don't really see what the fuss here is about. The Supreme Court affirmed the rights for gays to marry, so where is the bone to pick here? Whether you are conservative or liberal, everyone has a right to their opinion and the last I checked the first amendment hasn't been suspended. I would bet that the rights to the restaurant run for a period certain and I'm thinking that Chick-fil-a won the bidding in a fair-and-square process.

          If they really want to 'change the world', why don't these kids develop some critical thinking skills, figure out how the bidding process works, and then try to dialogue with the board of regents to change the selection criteria.

          Anything else just makes them look like their a bunch of dummies wanting to push the 'easy' button.


          • Originally posted by shockmonster View Post
            How about doing away with the SGA or impeach the SGA President? Too radical? I betcha some of the students would go for it. I've heard some criticism. Not everyone is in lock step with Shepherd. He sound like a real jewel just interested in stirring things up, and not for representing ALL students.
            Here's what gets me about the guy. He says he wants someone in Bardo's cabinet who can represent him, which means someone who has the same "experiences" as a black man. What about the experiences of Hispanic women? Arabic men? Someone with a mental disability? Someone who is obese? Someone who is a Christian? Or a Hindu? Or short? Or ugly? Or poor? Where does it end? This is a place of higher education. You apply, pay your tuition, go to class, get your degree, get a job. Where is there anything in that equation that involves race, gender, nationality or any other grouping you want to list other than "student"?

            If you honestly feel like you are being discriminated against, then go through the proper channels to air your grievances. You don't need special "representation".

            Damn, this whole thing is frustrating. I need to find my happy place . . .


            • Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
              I thought we were beyond the point that someone gets hired by virtue of their race, gender or creed. I guess I was wrong. Discrimination is alive and well as long as those are factors.

              If Chick-fil-A is bounced from campus due to contributions the owner's foundation (NOT the company) makes, I will expect them to vet all businesses within the campus footprint and if any of them, their founders, board or executive team support any objectionable cause or organization. If any such donations are found, those businesses should also be banned from campus. Just for the heck of it, since logic, reason and common sense have disappeared from the university system, I define "objectionable" as anything that 5% or more of students would disagree with.
              There goes Charles Koch. I'm certain that 5% could be found that dsagreed with at least one of his policies/donations/statements.
              Last edited by im4wsu; November 19, 2015, 02:33 PM.
              "I not sure that I've ever been around a more competitive player or young man than Fred VanVleet. I like to win more than 99.9% of the people in this world, but he may top me." -- Gregg Marshall 12/23/13 :peaceful:
              Remember when Nancy Pelosi said about Obamacare:
              "We have to pass it, to find out what's in it".

              A physician called into a radio show and said:
              "That's the definition of a stool sample."


              • Originally posted by im4wsu View Post
                Their goes Charles Kock. I'm certain that 5% could be found that dsagreed with at least one of his policies/donations/statements.
                Heck, I'd bet 50% or more despise Charles Koch.

                I'm talking about businesses, like the fast food places in RSC. If anyone in leadership gives to objectionable organizations, kick 'em out. It's only fair.


                • Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
                  Here's what gets me about the guy. He says he wants someone in Bardo's cabinet who can represent him, which means someone who has the same "experiences" as a black man. What about the experiences of Hispanic women? Arabic men? Someone with a mental disability? Someone who is obese? Someone who is a Christian? Or a Hindu? Or short? Or ugly? Or poor? Where does it end? This is a place of higher education. You apply, pay your tuition, go to class, get your degree, get a job. Where is there anything in that equation that involves race, gender, nationality or any other grouping you want to list other than "student"?

                  If you honestly feel like you are being discriminated against, then go through the proper channels to air your grievances. You don't need special "representation".

                  Damn, this whole thing is frustrating. I need to find my happy place . . .
                  THIS! This is the problem with Millenials. He wants someone to represent HIM. Not African-americans, not males, not students. Just HIM. Just another entitled young jackass who spent too much time growing up playing on his playstation while his helicopter parents hovered over him, catering to his every need.

                  If he had half a brain, he would have told Bardo he wants someone in his cabinet to represent the students. ALL the students. BTW, if that's what he meant, I don't have a problem with that. But this needs to be created by the student body, and more of an ombudsman, so that some entitled young jackass doesn't hijack the process for his own selfish ends.


                  • Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
                    Heck, I'd bet 50% or more despise Charles Koch.

                    I'm talking about businesses, like the fast food places in RSC. If anyone in leadership gives to objectionable organizations, kick 'em out. It's only fair.
                    I thought I didn't like Charles Koch and I liked Warren Buffet until I saw what Warren did to the mobile home industry. That guy's a slumlord in a suit. I don't or can't recall Charles Koch ever investing money into business ventures that fleece poor people. And for those of you who say that being in the oil industry does that, my response to you is that the price of oil is established by worldwide supply and demand, so that dog doesn't hunt.

                    I may disagree with his political views, but he's honest, sincere and he puts his money where his mouth is.


                    • Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
                      I thought we were beyond the point that someone gets hired by virtue of their race, gender or creed. I guess I was wrong. Discrimination is alive and well as long as those are factors.

                      If Chick-fil-A is bounced from campus due to contributions the owner's foundation (NOT the company) makes, I will expect them to vet all businesses within the campus footprint and if any of them, their founders, board or executive team support any objectionable cause or organization. If any such donations are found, those businesses should also be banned from campus. Just for the heck of it, since logic, reason and common sense have disappeared from the university system, I define "objectionable" as anything that 5% or more of students would disagree with.
                      Oh, but according to them, it's not discrimination when they're trying to do what they perceive as the right thing.

                      That whole thing is so dumb.. If you don't agree with their views, then don't spend money there. Banning them from campus feels more like they're trying to take away the voice of anyone who disagrees with them.


                      • Here is where Shepherd could very well be. Most students would not be there.

                        Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


                        • Originally posted by ShockerEngineer View Post
                          Oh, but according to them, it's not discrimination when they're trying to do what they perceive as the right thing.

                          That whole thing is so dumb.. If you don't agree with their views, then don't spend money there. Banning them from campus feels more like they're trying to take away the voice of anyone who disagrees with them.
                          I guess that rules Subway out after the Jared Fogle mess :)


                          • Shockmonster, just remember you get the government you vote for. I would bet that nobody showed up for the election and the axe-grinder turned out his supporters.

                            This is a perfect example of how apathy about who's governing can end up with you getting the village idiot as mayor. Happens in Texas, happens at WSU.


                            • Originally posted by WstateU View Post
                              Hmmm, maybe he had important t-times on those days?
                              Check the lack of wind on those days.


                              • Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
                                I guess that rules Subway out after the Jared Fogle mess :)
                                Haha.. Well.. Maybe if the company defended what he did in any way, but then they'd probably have a lot more problems than some college students protesting them. :P

