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The Annual HCGM's WSU Future

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  • Originally posted by shoxlax View Post
    There are compensation packages waiting in the wings here once the season is over, you can bank it. The war chest runs real deep
    I was just going to post something similar; pay the man, he's worth every penny. A once in a lifetime coach deserves whatever it takes. You can't put a number on what his program means to our great university.
    "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


    • Coach doesn't just leave for Texas or Alabama. He doesn't just leave for a football school. If they make an offer that he can't ignore, he tells Sexton, Sexton gets to work, and a few days later Marshall tells whoever, "Thanks, but I'm good."


      • The national commentary is changing. It used to be that all we heard this time of year was where Marshall would be next year. In opinion pieces in national media, everything has been about why there's no point in going after Marshall unless you're Duke or UNC.

        Jim Rome had about a 5-minute running schtick on what it would take for Alabama to even talk to Matshall...."You've got to give him a jet. And not just any jet will do. You've got to give him the jet that requires two pilots. And a flight attendant".

        Koch Industries has shown they think advertising just for PR - not to increase revenues - is a worthwhile investment. I think Charles Koch likes having the arena named after him on national TV and likes having a winner inside that building. It's a pretty decent investment in PR.

        You gotta know there's a pretty good relationship between Charles Koch and the basketball program when Marshall can challenge Charles Koch to the Alzheimer's ice bucket challenge, and Koch shows up at Marshall;'s house and the players dump a bucket of ice water on his head and then throw him in the pool, while he's grinning and laughing all the way.
        The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
        We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


        • Originally posted by HockeyShock View Post
          Coach doesn't just leave for Texas or Alabama. He doesn't just leave for a football school. If they make an offer that he can't ignore, he tells Sexton, Sexton gets to work, and a few days later Marshall tells whoever, "Thanks, but I'm good."
          STEP UP CHUCK!!!!!!!

          The Assman


          • Originally posted by HockeyShock View Post
            Coach doesn't just leave for Texas or Alabama. He doesn't just leave for a football school. If they make an offer that he can't ignore, he tells Sexton, Sexton gets to work, sees the name on the arena, makes a phone call, and a few days later Marshall tells whoever, "Thanks, but I'm good."

            Also, the people say that 3G will get an offer he can't refuse clearly don't understand what Marshall values. It's refreshingly different than most coaches and those folks should read the article in the other thread.


            • Isn't Grant good friends with Marshall?

              Maybe he would tell him not to go there; based off his experience.
              The Assman


              • Originally posted by SHURTZtheHERTZ View Post
                Isn't Grant good friends with Marshall?

                Maybe he would tell him not to go there; based off his experience.
                I think this is an excellent point that is being overlooked by a lot of "experts" and people in general.
                "It's amazing to watch Ron slide into that open area, Fred will find him and it's straight cash homie."--HCGM


                • Originally posted by Alabamafan View Post
                  Hey all, Bama fan here. Not here to troll or flame just here to give a little insight into what we are hearing here.

                  Those reports you guys are reading are coming from a msg board admin as the source, so don't put much stock in them. I have friend that is closer to the situation and he says he hasn't heard any names mentioned although, he does think Bill Battle is shooting for the moon and Marshall is at the top of the list. He seems to think the number for Marshall will be $4m+/yr and total control of basketball operations. Nick Saban is also in on this because he sees the value a top flite basketball program adds to the whole A Dept.

                  My opinion:

                  Our AD, Bill Battle, is going about this hire the right way. He is gonna make offers that make anybody but the top 5-7 take a long, hard look. He is out to get his man, like Mal Moore did to get Saban. I don't think we land Marshall although, I hope we do. I love his style. If we can't get Marshall, I am hoping he goes straight Archie Miller.
                  I'm replying before reading the entire thread. I don't [think / know] that Gregg would want total control. He likes to teach basketball, the administrative aspects are not what he likes to do.

                  Edit: If WSu hits the limit on Charles Koch's willingness to contribute, maybe we can turn to his brother. LOL
                  Last edited by im4wsu; March 23, 2015, 05:54 PM.
                  "I not sure that I've ever been around a more competitive player or young man than Fred VanVleet. I like to win more than 99.9% of the people in this world, but he may top me." -- Gregg Marshall 12/23/13 :peaceful:
                  Remember when Nancy Pelosi said about Obamacare:
                  "We have to pass it, to find out what's in it".

                  A physician called into a radio show and said:
                  "That's the definition of a stool sample."


                  • What is the list of P5 schools 3G has turned down so far? Don't know if I've ever seen a compilation on SN.

                    My recollection:

                    USF (meh... big deal)
                    NC State

                    Any more?

                    The Missouri job last year was reported as up to $3.2M if he wanted it. The $3.2M ceiling was due to the fact that Pinkel earns that figure, and the MU admin didn't want to stir up an in-house PR fiasco. He earns $1.75M here with up to around $750K of incentives. He'll be well over $2M after he goes home for the last time this season.


                    • Originally posted by Alabamafan View Post
                      Nick Saban is also in on this because he sees the value a top flite basketball program adds to the whole A Dept.
                      We've looked at having football as a negative for the most part. I do think HCGM probably doesn't want to be second fiddle to anyone. Do you think Saban's logic is more common or do you think most coach's prefer to work at an institution with a relatively weak counter-sport? Saban knows there is absolutely zero possibility that basketball becomes a bigger deal than football. I just wonder if schools like Florida have benefited from having both strong football and basketball. Did the football team actually see any benefit because of Joakim Noah and did basketball see any benefit from Tebow?


                      • If one's logic for why Gregg will take said job consists of he cant refuse the amount of money.

                        1. You are ignorant.
                        2. You are insulting Marshall.
                        "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                        • Originally posted by DJ06Shocker View Post
                          Here's the thing to remember. If Marshall goes to Texas, will we WSU fans not be happy to know that the team who will end the decade long title streak for KU will be Marshall's team in his first year on duty? :)
                          Self will probably send a huge check to Sexton.. every year...
                          Kansas is Flat. The Earth is Not!!


                          • Marshall needs to look no further than the previous coach at Alabama on how things can go. Anthony Grant had built up a solid program at VCU and was the top dog there. Several years later, he is now jobless and has nothing to show for himself at a mediocre basketball program in Tuscaloosa. Sure he may have a few extra benjamins in his pocket, but I think Gregg is on record saying it's not always about the benjamins and there's plenty of hamburgers he can buy in Wichita with what he makes. And he's going to be able to buy a few more after this year ends.

                            Don't mess with happy.
                            Last edited by ShockerFever; March 23, 2015, 06:17 PM.
                            Deuces Valley.
                            ... No really, deuces.
                            "Enjoy the ride."

                            - a smart man


                            • And another thing: Bama fan needs to realize that they just effed up. They could offer him ten million a year now and he'd turn it down because of that leak. If there's one thing Coach hates, it's somebody effing with his team while the season is still going. Ask UCLA how that tactic worked out for them.


                              • I'm constantly hearing the Koch Bros. being mentioned as to why GM is staying at WSU. Someone help me out here, I'm under the belief that Koch is responsible for having donating funds to improve facilities, but I did not think he has provided money solely devoted to GM's salary. Correct?

