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The Annual HCGM's WSU Future

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  • Originally posted by shockerfan View Post
    Ok I am gonna kick his ass lol. Thanks
    Do that.


    • HeGone is gone!?
      ShockerNet is a rat infested cess pool.


      • Originally posted by Shocker-maniac View Post
        HeGone is gone!?


        • Originally posted by shoxlax View Post
          Why would you do that if gives you leverage for a raise here and more job security.
          Did you say "more job security?" My God man, how much "more job security" could the man have? You want Bardo to sign the University over to Marshall -- he practically has already. Marshall gets what he wants (as long as it's not out in left field) and he makes great money here. Could he make more -- sure, but Wichita State does have its limits -- what those limits are I really don't know.


          • Here's a suggestion to deal with the rumors:

            Set up a google alert (to alert you immediately) whenever an article is published about Gregg Marshall. I found it works pretty well, funny thing, I guess all the national magazines must refresh about the same time.

            The funniest story on my feed this morning was one from, where they were speculating that ASU might offer Marshall.

            I thought that was REAL funny. Arizona, perhaps, but ASU has never had any long-term success in their program, so I don't know how some drunk sportswriter came up with that little factoid.


            • Originally posted by KCShockerFan View Post
              I had a KU alum come racing up to my desk saying "Mashalls gone dude!" I had just scanned Shockernet and told him was wrong...he was insistent that Marshall was gone. I wonder if the KU folks are trying to freak us all out as revenge for the pounding in Omaha.
              That's exactly what they're doing. Every Facebook post about Marshall, there's always someone stirring the pot. When I click their profile, a picture of Allen Fieldhouse always shows up on there somewhere.


              • Originally posted by Shox21 View Post
                Did you say "more job security?" My God man, how much "more job security" could the man have? You want Bardo to sign the University over to Marshall -- he practically has already. Marshall gets what he wants (as long as it's not out in left field) and he makes great money here. Could he make more -- sure, but Wichita State does have its limits -- what those limits are I really don't know.
                I don't think Marshall is interested in the any of the baseball players, much less the left-fielder. Not a very strong talent pool.


                • Originally posted by shockerfan View Post
                  Hey someone check all their stuff. Did KAKE just announce Marshall is leaving for Alabama? I have a driving job and got to keep moving.

                  Some KU fan told me they said that. I think maybe they are pulling my leg. KU fan would be one to do that lol
                  Was this your "source" from yesterday?
                  Deuces Valley.
                  ... No really, deuces.
                  "Enjoy the ride."

                  - a smart man


                  • Originally posted by shockerfan View Post
                    Hey someone check all their stuff. Did KAKE just announce Marshall is leaving for Alabama? I have a driving job and got to keep moving.

                    Some KU fan told me they said that. I think maybe they are pulling my leg. KU fan would be one to do that lol
                    So, your KU friend told you that he heard Marshall is gone from KAKE10...and you thought maybe you were breaking that news to us here? lol

                    There are so many people on here refreshing every media outlet in the country, calling everyone they know who might know something, monitoring every tweet in the me, your KU friend won't randomly hear about it before it's posted here.


                    • Take my info with a grain of salt, but I've heard that the offer Alabama came up here with puts Gregg in the top 5 coaches if he takes it.
             - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


                      • Originally posted by _kai_ View Post
                        Take my info with a grain of salt, but I've heard that the offer Alabama came up here with puts Gregg in the top 5 coaches if he takes it.
                        The number I've seen on some other forums is 31.5 for 6 years. Is that what you heard?


                        • Originally posted by _kai_ View Post
                          Take my info with a grain of salt, but I've heard that the offer Alabama came up here with puts Gregg in the top 5 coaches if he takes it.
                          So, right at $3.9M - $4M per year?


                          • Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
                            Here's a suggestion to deal with the rumors:

                            Set up a google alert (to alert you immediately) whenever an article is published about Gregg Marshall. I found it works pretty well, funny thing, I guess all the national magazines must refresh about the same time.

                            The funniest story on my feed this morning was one from, where they were speculating that ASU might offer Marshall.

                            I thought that was REAL funny. Arizona, perhaps, but ASU has never had any long-term success in their program, so I don't know how some drunk sportswriter came up with that little factoid.
                            Thanks , I just set one up.


                            • Originally posted by TheYeti
                              Yikes! Good for him to have those kinds of decisions to make I guess.
                              Originally posted by ShoxRoxMySox View Post
                              So, right at $3.9M - $4M per year?
                              Originally posted by jdshock View Post
                              The number I've seen on some other forums is 31.5 for 6 years. Is that what you heard?
                              Originally posted by _kai_ View Post
                              Take my info with a grain of salt, but I've heard that the offer Alabama came up here with puts Gregg in the top 5 coaches if he takes it.
                              STRAIGHT CASH HOMIE. Now, for the first time, I am willing to admit that's an offer I could not refuse. If that is true, we need to send him flowers and bake him things and dedicate buildings in his name if he stays. Good grief, Bama. Paging Charles Koch.

                              It would take an extreme love for Wichita and his players to keep him here, but I do believe it's possible.


                              • Originally posted by _kai_ View Post
                                Take my info with a grain of salt, but I've heard that the offer Alabama came up here with puts Gregg in the top 5 coaches if he takes it.
                                I think this is where WSU needs to step up. Say ... You have made WSU a consistent Top 10 team, we want to pay you as a Top 10 Coach. 2.6 - 2.7 mil would put him there.

