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The Annual HCGM's WSU Future

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  • Originally posted by ShockTalk View Post
    So are we talking intrigue? MM takes the Shocks off his facebook, then quickly puts it back. Does seem odd to do this unless he now knows HCGM is staying, because it would certainly blow any chance if he wanted to otherwise follow him. Gossip, gossip, gossip. Yeah, I'm stirring the pot.
    I think MM reads shockernet (hey MM!) and he saw we freaked out so he put it back up


    • Originally posted by BostonWu View Post
      I'm really hoping the ball is in our (Sexton's) court and it's taking some time to convene a sweetened package. If Gregg has a firm AL offer in hand then one might think it's our turn to counter by upping Gregg's current package. At least that's the way a leveraged deal on Gregg's part would seem to play out to this uninformed fan.
      So you're saying money is a bigger factor than most of us thought, because Alabama is a lot of things that we have been given the impression HCGM didn't want?


      • Originally posted by jdshock View Post
        I think MM reads shockernet (hey MM!) and he saw we freaked out so he put it back up
        But why take it down in the first place?


        • Most of us are all putting the FAN in FANATIC. I too am getting caught up, time to walk away.

          All the best to Coach.

          Go Shocks!
          “Losers Average Losers.” ― Paul Tudor Jones


          • Kids change their social media stuff like Tennessee changes coaches. Nothing to see here.
   - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


            • Originally posted by DUShock View Post
              Most of us are all putting the FAN in FANATIC. I too am getting caught up, time to walk away.

              All the best to Coach.

              Go Shocks!
              Probably true. I'm posting questionable stuff just to kill time.


              • Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
                My alphabet cereal this morning swirled around in the bowl and then amazingly, it settled down and spelled out "I am more trustworthy than twitter". Even more amazingly, it then started swirling around again, and this time it spelled out "but I'm still just stupid cereal".

                Take it for what its worth. In the meantime, wake me up when there is some actual news.
                What's even more amazing is that the same letters could spell out those two phrases.
                "I not sure that I've ever been around a more competitive player or young man than Fred VanVleet. I like to win more than 99.9% of the people in this world, but he may top me." -- Gregg Marshall 12/23/13 :peaceful:
                Remember when Nancy Pelosi said about Obamacare:
                "We have to pass it, to find out what's in it".

                A physician called into a radio show and said:
                "That's the definition of a stool sample."


                • Interesting. There are almost as many "guests" lurking on Shockernet as there are total registered members. 476 guests online now...we only have about 600 registered users.


                  • I recall reading that Mrs. Marshall said they had consulted with a CPA about prior offers, how different tax rates, cost of living, and other factors affected the comparison between what they have here and what they were being offered. I am sure it would take some time to do that analysis.


                    • Originally posted by The Cat View Post
                      This yearly campaign to keep gregg marshall is reminding me of the save the wings campaigns.
                      Yep. And just as tiresome.
                      Wichita State, home of the All-Americans.


                      • Originally posted by _kai_ View Post
                        Kids change their social media stuff like Tennessee changes coaches. Nothing to see here.
                        Really, that often!


                        • I'm trying really hard not to make a "you can only eat so many watermelons and fried chicken" joke about their "crazy offer," but I'm doing good so far. I still haven't made the joke yet.



                          • Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post
                            If at the end of today there has been no news I think you can pretty much figure 3G's not going to Alabama. He's not going to make a public statement unless he's going; he's never commented publicly on ANY of the prior job offers (other than to bring them up in media interviews months after turning them down).

                            The more I think about it the more I believe DJ06Shocker has figured it out: Marshall turned both UA and UT down; one took him at face value and moved on, the other flew to Wichita in desperation and made an 8 hour sales pitch.

                            Still crickets, in spite of the fact that Bama a full week ago screamed from the rooftops they wanted him, and has had five days now to make it happen since Marshall's season ended. If it takes that long to make a sale, one party is trying a lot harder than the other. That's a fact.
                            To me the fact that the AD from Bama came to Wichita and Marshall did not go to Tuscaloosa speaks volumes.


                            • Alabama created this media circus. Don't blame Marshall.

                              IMO this situation is similar to what happened with Missouri last year, except most of that happened without the media spotlight shining brightly.
                              "It's amazing to watch Ron slide into that open area, Fred will find him and it's straight cash homie."--HCGM


                              • Wichita fans, as a Winthrop alum and student when Gregg was here, I still follow him closely. I have no idea if Gregg will take the job at Alabama, Texas, wherever. One thing to keep in mind with him is he is very picky. It took a lot for him to leave Winthrop. He wanted a job that had an opportunity for success. Wichita offered that to him. Keep in mind he had offers from College of Charleston and South Florida while he was here in addition to interviews at Tennessee and NC State where he "pulled his name out". Obviously money talks and some kind of crazy offer money-wise might be tough to pass up, but this man is driven more by winning than money. I think if Texas comes calling, he is gone. My best is, unless Alabama offers to make him a top 5 paid coach, he won't go there.
                                As for not making a decision immediately, this I not uncommon for Gregg. He "slept" on the offer from Wichita before making a decision and contemplated staying at Winthrop after we offered a 400,000 a year contract and to name the court after him. He knew he could stay here and maybe make a Sweet 16 eventually, but Final Four was out of the question.
                                I wish you guys the best of luck and you have many fans in Rock Hill, SC.

