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The Annual HCGM's WSU Future

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  • Can't really make too many assumptions. What did we expect, him and Marshall to be skipping and holding hands as they climb on a plane together? The big question to me is why is the AD coming here? Shouldn't Gregg be going to Alabama if he is truly interested?
    β€œLet your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
    -Sun Tzu, The Art of War


    • Originally posted by Dan View Post
      If you ask a big chunk of fans on this board, they aren't interested in 4 and 5 star guys. They like recruiting 0-3 stars and hope they pan out.
      I'll take 4 and 5 star guys that fit our culture any day of the week.
      "In God we trust, all others must bring data." - W. Edwards Deming


      • Originally posted by Shocker Mama View Post
        That's what I thought --doesn't look like a guy who just closed a big sale.
        Would guess the trip was to make the formal offer, without much expectation that it would be accepted on the spot. Any subsequent flights from Alabama to Wichita should be seen as very bad news.


        • Worse would be a flight from Wichita to Alabama. That'd mean Gregg and possibly family checking out the offer
          I just want to stand on land...

          If I had a gun with two bullets and was in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden, and a Creighton fan, I think I'd shoot the Creighton fan twice.


          • Originally posted by kochHead View Post
            Can't really make too many assumptions. What did we expect, him and Marshall to be skipping and holding hands as they climb on a plane together? The big question to me is why is the AD coming here? Shouldn't Gregg be going to Alabama if he is truly interested?
            Its common for AD's to go recruit the coach they want when they arent putting themselves out there. For instance, Hurley went to DePaul because he wants out of Buffalo. Marshall is happy and probably thinking if they want him come to him.

            Marshall will take the night with his family to consider the offer. Even if he knows he won't be accepting he will play it like he is struggling to decide to show respect.


            • Originally posted by Shoxtastic View Post
              Would guess the trip was to make the formal offer, without much expectation that it would be accepted on the spot. Any subsequent flights from Alabama to Wichita should be seen as very bad news.
              Perhaps Chuck wouldn't let him take his private jet to Tuscaloosa and said, "if you are going to Bama, you're going to fly coach."
              Livin the dream


              • Originally posted by tgcshock View Post
                Well we certainly saw some 4 and 5 star guys playing for KU that we wouldn't be interested in!
                ok, and they are the only one's we we would look at? Imagine what Marshall could do with a guy that came in with 25% more skill than the guys we currently recruit. I don't imagine he would bring any anyone that he didn't think he could work with.


                • Originally posted by SHOXMVC View Post
                  Or maybe you peeked over the deep end and fell in.

                  Hurley, and I think one other poster, cited $100 per ticket increase would raise somewhere around 1M, which would be the number. I simply said it isn't my and other season ticket holders task to TOTALLY fund the project. I stand behind that. When you and others read the word TOTALLY, it should elicit thinking I'm in for less than TOTALLY, meaning less than 100%. Hopefully this clears up my non-fandom attitude.
                  SASO is up $65 this year already in the lowest donation seat possible. SASO goes towards the players scholarships. If they raised ticket prices $100 it washes out to $165 and each seat is a different SASO range.


                  • Originally posted by fansince80s View Post
                    SASO is up $65 this year already in the lowest donation seat possible. SASO goes towards the players scholarships. If they raised ticket prices $100 it washes out to $165 and each seat is a different SASO range.
                    Btw SASO in the cheap seats is $390 a pair this year, in 2004 they were $100.


                    • Now that Battle is taking his a$$ back, ADES needs to step in with Chuck, Devlin, & Co. and talk real meat and potatoes


                      • Originally posted by LandStander View Post
                        Worse would be a flight from Wichita to Alabama. That'd mean Gregg and possibly family checking out the offer
                        Yes, but my guess is Bama would send the company plane to get the family and bring them to Tuscaloosa. So one coming to Wichita from there likely has Battle and a suitcase of cash on it and returns to Bama with our coach and his family on it with a press conference pending later that day.


                        • If anyone wants to hear some good media coverage and missed Sports Daily with Bruce today you can download the podcast through iTunes Podcasts apps, search "sports daily". That's what I'm listening to tonight instead of the clueless national media.


                          • Originally posted by Dan View Post
                            ok, and they are the only one's we we would look at? Imagine what Marshall could do with a guy that came in with 25% more skill than the guys we currently recruit. I don't imagine he would bring any anyone that he didn't think he could work with.
                            I'm not one of the people that has suggested we shouldn't try to get 4 or 5 star guys. But it may very well be that we haven't seen one in large part because Marshall hasn't found one yet that would buy into the work ethic, the team focus, and the defense at the level he demands. It's not that they don't exist. By all accounts Kevin Durant was nothing but a high BB IQ and team first guy in his one year at Texas. One the other hand, there are probably 50 Oubre's for every 1 Durant. If we have to play with the Cottons and Bakers of the world for the foreseeable future, I am certainly not panicked about that. If we can get a 5 star that will give us the effort and team play Marshall demands, by all means. But once again we were in the Sweet Sixteen and a lot of teams with bigger name players were not. I can live with that.
                            The fact that man is master of his actions is due to his being able to deliberate about them.-- Thomas Aquinas


                            • I think that Marshall showed Battle the respect of a long meeting today. They discussed a lot of stuff. A large dollar value was thrown out and Marshall humbly refused. Just simply not the right fit for what he is looking for. His fit right now is with Wichita State.


                              • Originally posted by ShockBlue View Post
                                I think that Marshall showed Battle the respect of a long meeting today. They discussed a lot of stuff. A large dollar value was thrown out and Marshall humbly refused. Just simply not the right fit for what he is looking for. His fit right now is with Wichita State.
                                Hope your right
                                I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.

